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Fortunate or unfortunate events always happen on our planet Earth. In the year 2020, the whole world has been badly affected by the pandemic caused by the virus COVID-19. This pandemic attracted the attention of most of the people to Mundane astrology. 
A question arises here, that, which planetary position gives the indication of good or bad events. We find our answers in Samhita texts.
Economy of USA is the largest economy in the world. Whenever we see any negative news triggered from the U.S. markets, it could largely affect the global markets, especially in the short term. In the era of globalization, the crash of any market can have a global impact. Whenever the American Stock Exchange falls, it badly affects the whole world. read more...
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Forty million dollar Bill: Earning power of an ex-leader

When President Clinton stopped being the world's most powerful man, he became something much more lucrative: the world's most sought-after public speaker.

An awful lot of the speeches he delivers are not for money. Of last year's 352 appearances only 20 per cent were for personal gain, the majority being given for no fee or in exchange for a contribution to the charitable foundation he has established to engage in such causes as Aids prevention and urban renewal. The William J Clinton foundation has reportedly received $60m this way.

When he does appear for money, his bank account is boosted by hundreds of thousands of dollars at a time. The New York-based investment bank Goldman Sachs ­ whose employees are major contributors to the campaign of his wife, Senator Hillary Clinton ­ has paid the former president $650,000 for four speeches in recent years. Meanwhile, Citigroup paid him $250,000 for a single speech in France in 2004. And Clinton is not scrambling to find work; he makes hundreds of speeches, but receives thousands of requests.”

In my first trip to USA in 1993, I had fixed the lagna of Bill Clinton the president of USA then as Kanya lagna first navamsha, 00 057. In a subsequent tour of 1994, I had predicted his getting involved in land and sex scandals. Later, I went wrong when during the impeachment, I saw a total disaster. He escaped.

But others who fixed different lagna, or Kanya but different navamsha, have not seen the fact that his is a posthumous birth and that he is the only child from his mother though he has half brother, it is said.

When I read the news item of his making millions ever after his heart operation, I decided to have another look at his horoscope.

In the present mahadasha of Saturn which began from 2003, he has been earning millions in dollars through speeches !!

Saturn is in the eleventh house with Mercury, the lagna and the tenth lord and he is the most sought after speaker and is paid fabulously. Earlier Ronald Reagan, Bush senior and Jimmy Carter too had made money through speeches in their post retirement lives. That is now an American tradition.

No one in India can imagine Atal Behari Vajpai making money in such manner though as an orator in Hindi, he is a big crown puller even now at this age of eighty two.

In Jaimini’s Chara dasha, it is now the dasha of Mithuna from where the amatyakaraka, Venus aspects the tenth house and Jupiter is in the fifth house. When, if not now will be earn ?

But Mithuna dasha will be over in 2007. He should think of a real retirement now.

And then remember this Saturn is in mrityubhaga and the antardasha Ketu is to come soon.

Is the meaning clear ?

( 25 February 2007 )

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