Will the Democrats chose Her or will they choose Him to be their Presidential candidate for the 4th November American Elections of 2008? Both HER and HIM are going to create history. HER- Hillary Clinton would be the first Lady President and HIM-Barack Obama would be the first Colored President. Let us forecast the result of Democratic convention to be held in June/August where they will nominate their Presidential candidate.
(a) Is HE/SHE Lucky ? : In any election it is better to be lucky than competitive.
(b) The Lagna Nakshatra Lord : The lord of Lagna Nakshatra has a relation with the Karma-Sthan. “Karmas” tend to succeed during the Dasha/Antardasha of the Lagna Nakshatra Lord.
(c) The Sun : The American President is the most powerful person in the world. Sun would be
crucial in deciding the election for this office.
(d) The “Simhasan” : 4th house is the “Simhasan”. The stronger it is, the better are the chances of sitting on the throne.
(e) The Jaimini Rajyogas : One needs “Rajyogas” to be the President. Jaimini Rajyogas are an unfailing indicator. Remember, they fructify in conformity with their strength in the Navamsha.
(f) The Dashas : Examine Vimshhotri and Chara dasha for potency in the fulfillment of the efforts to gain power.
Test the dashas on the 10/11 theory- “those planets that have strong 10th house (28+ points) give results conformhouse is “singhasan” and 9th house is luck. This mutual aspect augurs well for“luck”. Supporting the persons bid for the throne. Obama’s lagna lord and Rashish is Venus. This Venus is within 9th house. The person is lucky.
Saturn the two luck providing lords conjuct in 2nd house from lagna. Lucky and Wealthy Lady. The lagna lord of the lucky lady is retrograde in fifth house conjunct with fifth lord (Venus) aspected by 11th lord Mars from 2nd house. Dhanyoga is visible, would it luckily translate into Rajyogas?
HE is luckier being closer to “Prarbdh” making ninth house, the lady is closer to her “Poorva Punyas” indicated by her fifth house connections.
(b) The lagna Naksahtra Lord : The Jupiter for Him and Rahu for Her. Jupiter in His case aspects 10th house and 10th lord, Moon. Rahu in Her case aspects Jupiter, her 10th Lord in 6th house. Obama is in Jupiters’s maha dasha and Hilary has Rahu’s antar dasha. Both are on the threshold of writing history.
Note and interesting sidelight. Jupiter is debilitated in His case and Rahu is exalted in Hers. Jupiter is with his dispositor getting a “Rajyogas karak Neecha Bhanga” in 4th house of Simhasan. Both Jupiter and his dispositor and, yog karak Saturn are in Sun’s nakshatra –Presidency is faintly visible. Rahu on the other hand is exalted, is in Sun’s Nakshatra and is the antar dasha lord in Sun’s maha dasha. She is also close to the Presidency but Obama is closer. [Rahu as lagna nakshatra lord in 12th house has given her much publicized and notorious bedroom. Her 7th lord (Jupiter) with Ketu in 6th house has promoted this discomfiture].
(c) The Sun : Obama has a digbali Sun in his 10th house with 9th lord Mercury- a potent Rajyoga. In stark and telling contrast, Hillary has a debilitated Sun in 5th house with 5th lord (Venus). She is encashing her “poorva punyas” while he is making his “prarabdh”. He is ahead.
(d) The Simhasan 4th house:-
HE : 4th lord Saturn in 4th house- this house is strong. 4th lord Saturn is retrograde, another source of strength. Jupiter, the 6th lord is conjunct with 4th lord- injects competition with a will to fight. Sun, the 11th lord aspecting from 10th house where Sun is digbali enhances the chances of getting the simhasan. Mercury is the ninth lord and its aspect on fourth lord makes the person lucky. We know Saturn is the ninth lord from Moon and Sun is the fourth lord from moon. Strong chances for annexing the throne.
SHE : 4th lord Mercury is in 5th house, kendra lord in trine –Raj yoga results. Aspect of Mars (ninth lord from Moon) makes her lucky in competitions. Mars is 6th lord from ascendant. Her claim to “throne” is weaker than Obama’s claim.
(e) The Jaimini Rajyogas:- these Rajyogas are formed by interaction of Atma Karak (AK), Amatya karak (AMK), Putra karak (PK), Dara karak (DK) and the 5th lord. Their result conform to the strength in Navamsha.
Let us go directly to the Navamshas.
SHE : Sagittarius, a dual sign rises in her Navamsha lagna also. She has Sun (PK) in lagna, Saturn (AK) in the 4th house, Mercury (AmK) in 7th house and Jupiter in 10th house. Three raj yoga karaks in kendras here also. She is a worthy opponent. In comparing the two cases, 7th house (pad prapti) is a bit of a give away. He has 3 planets including AK/AmK- the Sun and Mars, a very potent and strong combination in the 7th house aspected by Moon, Jupiter, Mercury from 10th and 4th house. In Her case comparatively, Mercury, that too retrograde as AmK is in the 7th house. It has the aspect of three other planets including two Rajyoga karakas. Her retrograde Mercury is the 7th lord. This is in the Navamsha. Has she already enjoyed the pad by virtue of her husband being the President? Equal fight Obama has a slight advantage.
(f) The Dasha :
Vimshottari dasha - Jupiter/ Venus till 11th July 2008 Jupiter/ Sun 11th July 08 to 29 April 2009 Jupiter, the maha dasha lord, is the 6th lord from the ascendant. Venus the antar dasha lord, is the 6th lord from the Moon. Benefics as 6th lord tend to be too soft in hard competitions. But these two “Gurus”, not very amicable to one another, are also burdened by 8th lordship-Venus is 8th lord from Lagna and Jupiter is the 8th lord from the Moon. Despite the fact that the dasha of lagna lord is career promoting and Venus is lagna lord and Jupiter is lagna nakhshatra lord; their 8th house connection infuses “unexpectedness” in the issue. Jupiter/ Venus is on till 11th June- a Democratic Convention beyond 11 July should see Obama surge and get the Presidential nomination. Jupiter/ Sun would ensure it. Sun is 11th lord in 10th house digbali and conjunct 9th lord Mercury producing a potent raj yoga which aspects the 4th house of singhasana where
yog karka Saturn is nestling with maha dasha lord and 6th lord Jupiter.
Chara Dasha - Here again for this 4th August 1961 born Obama, 4th July to 4th August 2008 period of Leo/Leo is crucial. Leo is 11th house rashi aspected by DK Saturn and PK Jupiter from Capricorn- the 4th house chara rashi. AK, Mars is placed in Leo. Leo also aspects the 7th house, the house of Pada-Prapti. May be he will squeak through.
Vimshottari dasha -Sun/Rahu- 30th January 2008 to 3rd December 2008 Sun is her 3rd lord of efforts in 5th house which further strengthens her efforts as it is the “bhavat bhavam” house of the 3rd. Sun from Moon is 6th lord – will give strength to compete but is in the 8th house from Moon- there is “vipreet raj yoga” which may cause her down fall in close competition. The 8th house can and does cause surprises. Rahu is her Nakshtra lagna lord in 12th house. It is transiting in Aquarius her 9th house . So far so good. On 5th May 2008, Rahu would enter Capricorn, the lady’s eighth house. Sun had activated her 8th house from Moon and Rahu on 5th May 08 activates her 8th house from the ascendant. This lady is looking to be a looser.
Chara dasha -Virgo/Libra 26th October 2007 to 25th September 2008 Virgo/Scorpio 25th September 2008 to 25th August 2009 Virgo is the dasha of 4th house rashi. It has the aspect of Moon- the DK is from 10th house. Her dara- Bill Clinton is the power, promoting and leading her to this singhasana in the 4th house becomes evident. Libra is a power packed rashi. Does not appear to match the Obama strength.
The10/11 test : the principle is that a planet during it dasha/antar dasha gives results in accordance with the strength shown by SAV points in the 10th house. The quantum of betterment/achievements is indicated by the differential of points between the 10th and 11th houses. This K.N.Rao’s research of 1995 has been dealt with in detail in my book “Professions -inclinations, fructifications and career profile”.
Planet 10th house 11th house
Jupiter 30 34
Sun 28 34
In Jupiter/Sun Obama is on a strong wicket. Venus has 33 in 10th house but over 28 in the 11th house. So till July this 11th house it is touch and go.
HER Sun/Rahu
Planet 10th house 11th house
Su 24 41
Ra 25 32
The lady is no pushover. Sun is debilitated lord of 3rd house- it has given good result by bringing her this far in being the most powerful person in the world but would it overcome Obama’s strength in July/August 2008 ? Advantage - Her
(g) The Varanasi Dreshkona : Karmaphala is the gift of this K.N.Rao taught this variation of the
Hillary – 11th lord Sun in this ascendant is debilitated, some weakness in sustenance of efforts- the lagna lord is in the third house. 10th house is aspected by Moon, the 10th lord from a 4th house (throne) where Jupiter and Ketu are also placed. Jupiter has an exchange with Saturn the 4th lord. This 6/4 exchange weakens competitiveness as Jupiter benefic is the 6th lord. To win one needs the ruthlessness of malefic. Obama is strong.
Conclusion:- I have attempted to examine a current issue from a different point by view and by less used techniques. The travel has been very informative and pleasant- one hopes that one would reach the predicted destination and come July/August a coloured person would be competing for this Presidentship of U.S.A.
I would like to conclude by quoting Valmiki Ramayana- Kishikindha kand, Sarg12/32 where Ram tells Sugriva
These two are also very similar but one of them has to be picked up. Sugreev was differentiated by giving him a garland and 4th March 2008 may provide us a differentiating garland for the winner.
Read the following to know that Col Gour is clearly hinting at Obama being a stronger candidate than Hillary. But he was told by Shri K.N.Rao when he was venturing to write this article that no one had confirmed the birth details of Obama or Hillary. We continue to grope in the dark as always with the horoscopes of celebrities, politicians etc.
Supporting the persons bid for the throne. Obama's lagna lord and Rashish is Venus. This Venus is within 9th house. The person is lucky.
HE is luckier being closer to "Prarbdh" making ninth house, the lady is closer to her "Poorva Punyas" indicated by her fifth house connections.
( Venus is lagna lord and Jupiter is lagna nakhshatra lord; their 8th house connection infuses "unexpectedness" in the issue. Jupiter/ Venus is on till 11th June- a Democratic Convention beyond 11 July should see Obama surge and get the Presidential nomination. Jupiter/ Sun would ensure it. Sun is 11th lord in 10th house digbali and conjunct 9th lord Mercury producing a potent raj yoga which aspects the 4th house of singhasana where
This lady is looking to be a looser.
In Jupiter/Sun Obama is on a strong wicket. Venus has 33 in 10th house but over 28 in the 11th house. So till July this 11th house it is touch and go.
2 March 2008, 7:39 AM
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (300116)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (193320)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (192070)