Old Rediff Predictions
I lost most of my records of published predictions but ome which could be rescued are being reproduced here. Those days I got correct horoscopes of politicians and reasonably truthful feedback from them which was gave me a very high percentage of successful predictions. These days I am out of touch and mostly avoid politicians.
February 9, 1998
Aftermath Lewinsky
“No one predicted such a disaster for President Clinton,” a familiar, brazen-faced critic of astrology remarked churlishly.
I lost my temper and silenced him, showing what I had said, taught and written about Bill Clinton since 1993. Of immediate interest are the two which appeared in Rediff On The NeT.
Read the following under ‘Back to Future’ in 1996: “Let me quote from my book Ups and Downs in Career. While astrologers, both in India and the USA, stuck to Karka (Cancer) as the ascendant of President Clinton, I argued that it had to be Kanya after verifying some wellknown events of his life.”
Let me quote from the last paragraph of this piece. “At the time of the next election, Clinton will be in Jupiter-Venus; this is a period of visible weakness in his luck.”
By this, I meant the following: Venus, representing women, cannot keep him safe from sex scandals which can now become damaging. Jupiter, representing land in his horoscope as the
fourth lord, has already embarrassed him.
On July 10, 1996 in another prediction under the sub-heading Clinton and the judiciary I said, ‘’Dramatic political developments include an upset in Indian politics and another in the US. August and September are very difficult months for President Clinton. I have repeatedly predicted he will either not be able to win the
election, or if he does he will not last the full term.
His Jupiter-Venus period clearly points out that land, sex scandals can cause him considerable problems.”
In the Karka Sankranti (July-September, 1997) issue of the Journal of Astrology, I shared part of my research on astrological combinations for the fall of mighty men in power.
In Clinton’s case some of the points apply exactly. From the corridor of power, he strayed into paths of pleasure and now finds himself, astrologically, on the lava of a volcano which will consume him.
I was explaining how amorous affairs are seen in a horoscope according to Hindu astrology to a class in the USA. I said in India, particularly in the Manu Smriti, sex, like meat-eating, is treated as man’s natural instinct. It is not sublime or ridiculous. It is why we have no negative saying for love in Indian languages.
“And in English?” asked an American student.
“You fall in love,’’ I said, remembering Adam’s human reaction in the Garden of Eden.
Yes, that’s what is happening to Clinton.
Historically, it is now his fifth ‘fall’, excluding, of course, the unrecorded ones.
The first one was with Hillary, in a library. That was his best fall.
The second is known to us was a horticultural fall, with Gennifer Flowers.
The third, a routine temptation of the flesh with Paula Jones.
The fourth was with Kathleen Willey.
And the fifth, the most disastrous one, was with a woman whose upper row of teeth is the most impressive part of her physiognomy. She is Monica Lewinsky.
While the news was making world headlines came an American woman to India. I taught her astrology and I respect her. She is on a visit to India to take a dip in the Ganga at Hardwar during
the Kumbh Mela. I was then working on Clinton’s horoscope.
In America, she explained to me, the highly paid men in media had to keep alive the issue to fill the television channels. The newspapers wanted sensation to boost up their circulation. So
new coinages have come about: Monicagate, Sexgate, Naughtygate and Bimbogate. And note the typical headline: ‘The brain say no but the groin say go.’
I agreed with her because in November 1993 I had made a prediction at San Rafel as the chief guest of the American Council of Vedic Astrology: that during the world football championships of June 1994, a violent incident in sports will cause strong reaction and would be watched by billions. That was the O J Simpson case, so widely and disgustingly covered that in the two tours of 1994 and 1995 I felt completely
Whenever I switched on the television, I saw OJ, OJ and OJ, and nothing but OJ. It was a prediction I had made, true — but I was appalled by the sickening publicity given to the case.
I was shown the horoscope of Jonas Salk, the man of poliomyletis fame. A great man, whom I equated with the Mahatma. I privately predicted he would not survive 1995. I was to have met him twice. I was told that he would criticise astrology.
But I said that I wanted to pay my respects to that great man. A great scientist who could have become a trillonaire if he had decided to patent his invention, he had made an unparalleled sacrifice like the great Alexander Fleming.
These are the real Mahatmas of the West.
Jonas Salk with his Tula lagna, however, was in a dangerous sadhe-saati. I missed meeting him. I was in the USA when he died in June 1995. I sobbed in my bathroom. To be so near to him in San Diego and again in New York and not to meet
Then came the worst shock of my life. OJ, OJ, OJ — open any newspaper or television channel it was always OJ, OJ and OJ. Only. No mention of the Mahatma Jonas Salk whom India
had honoured. That was a stab to my heart.
“Why should the sex scandals of a president be sensational news in a permissive society?” I asked my American friend.
“People expect men in power to be non-permissive,” she answered, “In the case of Lewinsky, the greater issue is the subversion of the judicial process.”
I told her that in India we have a long row of politicians appearing in courts of law to save their careers. Some of them have to save themselves from the python of hawala and some from the scams of a wide variety. Indian newspapers do not discuss their sex scandals, though some of them had a ‘much more impressive record’ than Clinton.
India is the land of the Vedas and the Kamasutra of magnificent temples of devotion and Khajuraho with voluptuous Venuses in the frozen beauty of stones.
In Clinton’s horoscope, Jupiter is the 7th lord of sea. His Jupiter-Venus period will be over in March 1998. His lagna being Kanya, like that of ex-prime minister P V Narasimha Rao, the sub-period of the sun now beginning is the period of retirement.
“If he steps down, will he be impeached?” my friend wanted to know.
“If he retires in favour of the vice-president, he may not be impeached because the purpose of impeachment is to remove him. His enemies will have scored a victory.
In any case, the president can see the end of his career now through voluntary stepping down or impeachment.
He cannot, as I predicted, complete his second term.
The prediction was made much before his reelection,” I said.
“What will Clinton do now?” she asked me.
It will be the bad luck of Saddam, who will curse Lewinsky, because the USA’s horoscope shows how it is going to involve the world in a war frenzy — a prediction I have already made thrice between October and December 1997.
In a contentious television debate on astrology recorded on December 7, 1997 and telecast on January 15 and 17, 1998. I could not have traced the cause of it to a sex scandal.
But now that seems certain. It reminds me about a news item I read recently: ‘Strange are the ways of men’
Remember the old joke about what happens when a Frenchman catches his woman in bed with someone else? He shoots the woman. Whereas an Italian shoots the man. When this horror happens to a German, he shoots himself.
Needless to say, when an Englishmen walks in and sees the little woman in bed with another man, he stands and watches.
To this now add: what happens when an American president is caught in an act of extra marital affair? He wages a war.
History, of course, will never record the fact that Lewinsky was the cause of a war in 1998.
Of course, Lewinsky will sell her story to some paper and become a millionaire. May I request American astrologers to collect her horoscope and examine her fantastic dhana-yogas and the threat of all types which must be present in her horoscope? And examine finally the promise of a celebrity
It is now, and now only, that Lewinsky’s horoscope should interest us. Because, the hot news is going to be the cause of a war now.
This prediction of mine will get fulfilled in an odd way. Then there will be more grave digging, as they are doing with John F Kennedy.
Three of America’s famous presidents — Franklin D Roosevelt, John F Kennedy and Clinton — have a difficult 8th house in their horoscope. All had their love affairs. Roosevelt’s life-long affair with Lucy Page Mercer is nearly forgotten. All these famous lovers are Democrats.
Jupiter is affecting Clinton’s 10th house, showing a guru-like act. And American history will remember him as the guru who taught the moral lesson to his countrymen that love, in reality, is a fall. From the White House.
Crystal Ball
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (300120)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (193321)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (192071)