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'In the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. But in the keen-eyed world of cricket, a fellow with just one good eye-and-a-bit has to settle for something less than the perfection he once sought. Lucky me, despite this, to have been able to play the game all over the world in the company of giants.' Pataudi  about himself.


I was taken straight to what was like an ashram with a temple. There in a room slightly spacious with carpets spread all over the floor in the middle sat Yogiji on an asana with his disciples, I presume , around and also some visitors. I was introduced to him and he called me straight to him and made to sit near him for many hours. He was talking in Gujarati, not Hindi, but easy for me to understand. His face, radiant, his smile so broad and never leaving him, his protruding teeth, slightly shriveled body, upper part of the body totally uncovered is what I vaguely recollect now, after four decades.

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Come winter, come rain, or let the sun scorch the earth, Kejriwal will always manage to be in news. He , the chief minister of a half state of Delhi, gets more publicity than any other chief minister of India or even cabinet minister of the central government. Now he carries the taint of the suicide of the farmer Gajendra and yet he is in news, first for continuing with his speech after the suicide and now with his apologies. That gives him an opportunity to be in news twice. And now confronting the central government about the inquiry into this incident he will continue to be in news for many weeks. He will end up as in India’s history as thebmost agitating chief minister, and, of a half state of Delhi.

The real AAP is now visible after the rift with Prashant Bhushan and Yogendra Yadav , their expulsion and the opportunist Kejriwal concealing his political ambitons when he mounted on the stage of Anna Hazare gets exposed in clearest way. The “idealists” party is getting portrayed as one of rank opportunists.

Which then is the real horoscope of this party? Dhanu lagna horoscope appeals now. In the next elections, general and of Delhi it will be passing through the mahadasha of Venus and antardasha of Jupiter and getting battered is what is clear . Arvind will be counting his failures as the chief minister if he survives till then and president’s rule is not imposed on Delhi.

Those who were prematurely concluding that in AAP a real anti corruption party was rising forgot the disillusionment following the death of the great Jai Prakash Narayan. I had watched his great movement in Patna between 1972-75 when I was posted there and later, watched the rise of Mandalite parties with more corrupt politicians controlling them and capturing power by exploiting casteist and Hindu Muslim conflicts. Remember the MY (Muslims and Yadavs) ormula of Lalu Yadav and Mulayam Singh. JP’s great anti corruption movement died a tragic death thereafter.

This over publicized pygmy political party called AAP has started disastrously. If it can save itself from greater disgrace in the coming antardasha of Moon only then its future will be considered. This readings is based on the Dhanu lagna horoscope which appears to be correct now.

The Congress party
The Congress party is now changing its tactics for the next elections. It will have to face a mourning. It will be changing its tactics in the
Jupiter Venus period without shedding its pseudo secular pretensions. It has been heralded already by the much publicized Haj of Rahul Gandhi to Kedarnath. It will become a pattern to woo Hindu votes which it lost to the BJP. The Indian electorate has been told that Rahul Gandhi is a Shiva Bhakta who had the darshan on the opening day of Kedarnath shrine as the first among other pilgrims. Those who derided him as Raul Vinci with an Italian passport will be asked to revise their opinion about him. But they will still say that he was not dressed as a pilgrim.

TNN | Apr 24, 2015, 01.08 PM
I experienced 'fire-like' energy in Kedarnath: Rahul Gandhi
TNN | Apr 24, 2015, 01.08 PM IS
"Usually when I go to a temple, I don't wish for anything. That is my habit. I went to the temple and did not ask anything. But when I went inside, I experienced some fire-like energy," he said.

Now Rahul will say that he is fired up to recapture Hindu vote banks for the party. What will it do to get back its lost Muslim bank, lost to post JP, pro Mandal parties of Mulayam Singh and others ? It was rumoured in the fifties of the last century that Jawaharlal Nehru had opposed President Rajendra Prasad’s pilgrimage to Somnath while he himself wanted to go to Haj. Will Rahul too make a futile attempt to go to Mecca, visit it without doing a Haj, not allowed for non Muslims?

In Rahul Gandhi’s horoscope, it is the time for pilgrimages in the dasha of Mars, in the ninth house antardasha of Saturn aspecting the ninth house and the pratyantara dasha of Sun in the ninth house itself.

How is Sonia, his mother, keen since 2005 to get passed the dangerous “Communal Violence Bill’ to terrorize Hindus in their own land, reacting ? Confused, not knowing what next move to plan and endlessly drinking Italian coffee ?

In power with its own majority for the first time, and nothing to show as any achievement except Narendra Modi’s bombastic speeches cliche ridden, packed with memory tablet and homilies, is it well prepared to fact tragic predicaments during the time when Rahu moves into Simha and gets aspected by Saturn?

In the national horoscope, Saturn in Vrischika changes the contours of Indian politics. In 1957, the era of Nehru’s decline had begun till China shattered his dreams and reputation in the 1962 war. Kashmir had become an integral part of India and Rajendra Prasad had become the only Indian elected as president for a second time inspite of Nehru’s known unwillingness.

In 1987 Rajiv Gandhi suffered through Bofors scandal--which was nothing new as Indira Gandhi had made foreign arms deal a big source of income for her party as the following article makes it clear.

Tuesday, 18 February 2014 - The Pioneer
Foreign hands fill the Congress’s coffersTuesday, 18 February 2014 | A Surya Prakash
While we still do not know if there are any VVIP passengers on the Agusta Westland gravy train, there’s certainly evidence to show that the Congress has taken the ‘foreign route' to raise funds since the 1980s Allegations of bribery and commissions in arms deals and such other huge international contracts surface as a matter of routine whenever the Congress is in power at the Centre.

The latest scandal pertains to kickbacks in the Rs 3,700 crore deal with the Anglo-Italian firm AgustaWestland to buy 12 VVIP helicopters for the Indian Air force...but we certainly have substantial evidence to show that the Congress has taken the ‘foreign route’ to raise funds since the return of Indira Gandhi as Prime Minister in 1980.

BG Deshmukh, who was Cabinet Secretary when Rajiv Gandhi was Prime Minister, provides us valuable insights into the way the Nehru-Gandhis relied more on foreign sources, both for party funds and their own security. In his book A Cabinet Secretary Looks Back, Deshmukh talks of the Bofors payoffs scandal and says that its genesis could be traced to the practice initiated by Indira Gandhi to collect funds for the Congress.”

Saturn is there again and Rahu is to transit into Simha. Wait for difficult 2016 and explosive scandals and changes of unexpected and even tragic

( 24 April 2015)

Keywords: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Horoscope, Jyotish, Hindu Astrology, Indian Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Saturn, Venus, Rahu, Ketu, Mercury, Rashi, Navamsha, Congress Party, BJP, Rahul Gandhi, AAP

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