(In the year 2001,the International Year of Women, we decided to bring out a book, FAMOUS WOMEN with twenty one astroportraits of famous women drawn and discussed by twenty one women astrologers. The portrait of Hillary Clinton who has staged a spectacular come back on 5 March 2008 in the fight for
Democratic nominations where she was trailing for many weeks now was drawn by Shalini Dhasmana.
Hillary's hopes are alive for the fight. Will she become the president---or will she be the Democratic candidate chosen in the year 2008? To examine it we need undisputed horoscopes of both Hillary and Obama which we do not have, though Col Gour has given a scintillating analysis on the basis of the horoscopes available to us in India.
Shalini had no doubt about the horoscope of Hillary with Mithuna lagna which she had verified thoroughly. Here is part of her analysis reproduced from the book and an addition in the context of US election with her views and predictions. The prediction is at two stages: whether she stands the chance of getting Democratic nomination and if yes, whether she would win and become the first woman president of USA. Here is her analysis for stage one.)
The horoscope of Hillary used by US astrologers is being used here. Its correctness can be verified quickly thus:

'Clintons got married on 11/10/1975 in Mercury/Jupiter when Jupiter was transiting in Meena in the tenth house aspecting and blessing the natal 7th lord and Saturn was transiting in Gemini aspecting and giving his clearance to the 7th house. Since Jupiter is also the 10th lord, her active public life continued. 
Their daughter Chelsea was born on 1980 in Ketu/Venus. Hillary's 5th house has two female planets. Mahadashanath Ketu is with Jupiter in the rashi, and is aspecting the 5th lord in navamsha and 5th house in Saptamsha. Venus is in the 5th house in rashi. Jupiter had aspected Hillary's 5th house in retrogression and Saturn had aspected it in direct motion within nine months of Chelsea's birth.' (From the book Famous Women).
Venus-Jupiter period -Also remember that in 1998, when her husband Bill Clinton was involved in the Monica Lewinsky episode and was being impeached, the dasha running in Hillary's horoscope was Venus-Jupiter, a difficult period according to a research of Shri K.N.Rao. in which there can be grief, bereavement etc. to the loved ones.
This much verification satisfies us regarding the authenticity of her horoscope. Before moving ahead let us understand some features of the horoscope.
1. There is a regular kendra-trikona rajayoga in her fifth house.
2. In addition to this, there are less noticed yogas in the horoscope. According to Parashara, if the lords of third and sixth or eighth houses are debilitated (or it has also been observed that if debilitated planets are placed there) these planets become rajayogakaraka.
In Hilary Clinton's horoscope, her third lord, Sun, is at his deepest debilitation and her sixth lord, Mars, is debilitated in her second house forming two rajayogas under the exception of Parashara. Her tenth lord, Jupiter aspects the tenth house in the rashi chart and is in the tenth house in her navamsha and aspects the tenth house in the dashamansha.
Sun Mahadasha
During this election of 2008, the mahadasha of Sun is operating. The first question is whether she can become the Democratic candidate in the year 2008. Secondly, can this Sun catapult her into the White House again, this time as the first ever woman US president.
Prediction about Chandersekhar
I would like to refer to the famous prediction of Shri K.N.Rao. regarding the former Indian Prime Minister, Chandrasekhar. In his book, Chandrasekhar, Hiralal Choubey states that Shri.K.N.Rao, had corrected the horoscope of Chandrasekhar from Mithuna to Mesha and predicted that he would become the prime minister of India in November 1990. That came out out correct. ( Chandrasekhar's birth details. 17 April 1927 6.51 AM Ballia (UP), India.
Here Mercury the third and sixth lord is debilitated in the twelfth house and it was the mahadasha running then. The antardasha was of Moon vargottama in the seventh house. We are observing a similar pattern here in Hillary Clinton's horoscope. Mahadasha lord Sun is producing a rajayoga under the exception of Parashara showing her capacity to fight back.
Strong Simha in Sarvastaka
The third house, Simha, is the strongest in the Sarvastaka with 41 points. There is no doubt that there is lot fight left in her. Saturn is transitting in Simha which is the third house from the lagna and sixth house from Moon.There is so much fighting spirit left in her and Saturn is the planet of democracy.
She was trailing behind Obama. Now, to use a cricketing phrase, while Obama was scoring in ones and twos, Hillary with two mighty sixers seems to be catching up though it is being said that she is still behind Obama in the game of the numbers of delegates etc.
The coming antardasha of Jupiter The future antardasha of Jupiter, the tenth lord shows an optimistic hue to this fight. Jupiter, as the tenth lord, promises a position of dignity. What can that be ? In the context of the present Obama-Hillary duel, can it mean a compromise in favour of Hillary becoming the candidate for the post of the president and Obama as her vice president or vice versa?
McCain's horoscope circulating (29 August 1936 9 am Cocalico, Lancaster , USA)
is a doubtful horoscope, not authenticated by anyone. Yet, if it is the correct horoscope, he does not seem to be Presidential material.
As mentioned in my astro-portrait in the Famous Women, Hillary Clinton seems to be poised to take over the reins and even the reign as a Chakravarti Rani---a powerful queen. The International Year of Women in 2001 was celebrated by us twenty one women astrologers by writing about twenty one famous women.It is coming again now on 8 March 2008 and I hope that Hillary does enjoy the
needed slice of luck.
(K.N.Rao has clarified it thus. Shalini is not saying that Hillary Clinton is winning. Read it carefully, She first says that is there fighting spirit left in her.)
1.There is so much fighting spirit left in her and Saturn is the planet of democracy.Then she says that the coming antardasha of Jupiter may see her in a postion of importance it can be that of the president or vice president if both she and Obama fight with that understanding.
2 The coming antardasha of Jupiter The future antardasha of Jupiter, the tenth lord shows an optimistic hue to this fight. Jupiter, as the tenth lord, promises a position of dignity. What can that be ? In the context of the present Obama-Hillary duel, can it mean a compromise in favour of Hillary becoming the candidate for the post of the president and Obama as her vice president or vice versa?
The Shalini is hoping that Hillary enjoys some luck because she is aware that she is still behind Obama in the game of the numbers of delegates etc.
3.and I hope that Hillary does enjoy theneeded slice of luck.