Musharraf has made up his mind to return to Pakistan. I think he should not do that. At the moment he is running Vrischika-Mithuna period. Eighth from Vrischika is the Atmakaraka and that is also the Karakamsha. Both are in six eighth position. If during this period he returns to Pakistan, fear exists of his being arrested or killed.
an article of mine written more than a month ago, published in the Journal of Astrology
and displayed on http://www.saptarishisastrology.com/l in Hind for more than a
month now, I had come to this conclusion.”)
The horoscope of Musharraf had given, like that of the Indian prime minister Manmohan Singh, lot of trouble and created confusion for astrologers.
Manmohan Singh’s right horoscope continues to elude us but we have settled on the correct horoscope of Musharraf after reducing by one year the given date of birth which is 11 August 1942. Originally, given as 11 August 1943, I decided to reduce it by one year to 1942 with Vrischika lagna giving me in the tenth house Mercury, Rahu and Mars to justify his military career. Then getting some well-known and undisputable facts of his life I proceeded to use both Vimshottari dasha and Jaimini’s Chara Dasha to fix the second navamsha of Vrischika. Then I made two successful predictions on this basis.
In the article referred to above, it was discussed through Chara dasha and the warning sounded.
The latest news from Pakistan about Musharraf is:
Guardian home
Pakistan's former president Musharraf flees court after arrest order Former
military dictator Pervez Musharraf escapes to luxury villa in Islamabad after
judges reject bail extension request (
Jon Boone in Islamabad, guardian.co.uk,
Thursday 18 April 2013)
The problem this horoscope had created was whether Venus at twenty nine degrees and fifty four minutes should be in Mithuna or shift to Karka which would happen if I gave him last navamsha of Vrischika.
In verifying, among other events, his date of marriage (28 December 1968) I found that Venus had to remain as Atmakaraka and also Karakamsha in Mithuna for his marriage to take place when it did.
I had made verification of other events and from time to time made correct prediction about him.
It was to highlight a problem in Jaimini in the ascertainment of Karakas that I had to use his horoscope and the news of his decision to return to Pakistan being topical had referred to it in the last paragraph of the article.
Today (18 April 2013) while the normal Ramnavami pooja is going on, we saw the television channel flashing the news about his trouble with the Pakistan judiciary.
To recount the day’s events briefly:
1) Musharraf appeared in a court in the hearing of his bail petition.
2) The case was about Musharraf’s action in 2007 of getting top judged arrested.
3) The court cancelled his bail application and ordered his arrest.
4) But surrounded by his own bodyguards Pervez Musharraf pushed past police outside the high court in Islamabad shortly after judges refused to extend bail granted last month to the former president.
(5) Despite the order to arrest him, Musharraf marched towards his armoured vehicle and none stopped him.
(6) He rushed to his home in Chak Shahzad suburb of Islamabad
(7) It creates a standoff between him and the government which must decide to obey or disregard the order of the court to arrest him.
(8) There was also a report that the interior ministry of Pakistan was holding an emergency meeting whether to arrest him or not.
(9) Indian television channels reported (8/21 pm of 18 April) that the police force had reached his house to arrest him.
(10) A statement of Musharraf “Musharraf hints at tensions between state pillars DAWN.COM “is almost pointing towards a confrontation the army and the civilian administration in Pakistan now )8/38 pm 18 April 2013)
According to Vimshottari dasha Rahu Jupiter Jupiter ends on 23 April 2013 and then begins the antardasha of Saturn.
(11) Then came the news “http://www.thenewstribe.ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad High Court on Thursday took notice of Pervez Musharraf’s flee from after the arrest ordersand ordered the capital’s Inspector General of Police appear before it on Friday.
Later, Justice Shaukat Siddiqui, the IHC judge,
released the detail judgment, comprising six pages. In the detailed judgment,
the court said that confinement of judges came under terrorism crimes.The court
further said that Musharraf’s run off and the act of his guards was itself a
different crime.
Chara Dasha
Vrischika 10-08-2009 to 2018
In Vimshottari it is Rahu Jupiter which ends on 23 May 2015
Unhelpful Dashas
is running the Rahu Jupiter dasha in Vimshottari and Jupiter is in the eighth
house and Chara dasha it is the mahadasha of Vrischika and antardasha of
Mithuna which is unhelpful.
cases Musharraf faces are many:
“A lower court had previously issued arrest warrant for Musharraf as he failed
to appear before the court despite several orders. He faces other legal cases,
including treason charges for imposing emergency rule, the 2007 assassination
of former premier Benazir Bhutto and the killing of Baloch leader Nawab Akbar
Bugti in 2006.”
Looking at the cases Musharraf faces and the dasha
simultaneously it is clear it is not merely the end of everything for him but
it is going to be nothing less than house arrest now for him as Rahu, Jupiter
and Saturn aspect the fourth house and Rahu conjoined with Mars also the sixth
lord of punishment, Jupiter in the eighth house of confinement and disgrace and
Saturn seventh house in the birth horoscope is aspected by Mars in some
relevant vargas spelling trouble for him, particularly the chaturthamsha and
But the danger to his life is unabated still.
(18 April 2013)
Subsequent to my writing the above piece today (19 April 2013) the report is:
[Pakistan Today] Friday, 19 Apr 2013 12:49 pm
Musharraf surrenders, farmhouse declared sub-jail
ISLAMABAD - The farmhouse residence of General (R) Pervez Musharraf was declared a sub-jail on Friday for 48 hours after the former military ruler surrendered himself to the authorities 24 hours after his bail was cancelled in the judges’ detention case. The order was issued after Musharraf appeared in the court of judicial magistrate Raja Abbas Shah in Islamabad before departing for his farmhouse on the capital’s outskirts, a sub-jail at present. The order added clause 780-A pertaining to terrorism in the list of charges against Musharraf. During the hearing, petitioner’s counsel, Advocate Mohammad Bilal Mughal, requested the court for a 15-day-long physical remand of the former president, whereas Musharraf’s lawyer, Qamar Afzal, asked for a judicial remand for his client. The court observed that the list of charges against Musharraf in the judges’ detention case entailed terrorism clauses which were why bail could not be granted to the retired general without him surrendering to authorities. Moreover, police told the court that Musharraf’s life was in danger which was why his farmhouse residence needed to be declared a sub-Jail. Musharraf will now appear before a special anti-terrorist court on April 21.
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (300136)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (193329)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (192084)