Here is the full article (written on 20 May 2007) which appeared in the Star Teller. Some more predictions are being given here.
I had warned in 2004 about the dreaded year 2007 and from August onwards for eighteen months the entire world situation has to be watched.
As I write this (20 May 2007) after the
explosion of a bomb near the Mecca masjid in Hyderabad, it is the Sikh trouble in Punjab between Akalis and the follower of the Dera Saccha Sauda taking the familiar tone of polito-religious violent tones. More about these can be written later.The Israel situation is as usual the hotspot. The new French president represents a challenge to Muslim fundamentalists. Attention must turn to the rise of Talibanism in Afghanistan which US and other countries are unable to control.
But the worst seems to be Pakistan where Musharraf is in neck deep trouble, fighting to save further division of Pakistan and the rise of fundamentalists.
A woman journalist had given me a horoscope of Musharraf some years ago and I found it wrong after two years when someone told me that the horoscopic details were wrong by one year and the lagna was Vrischika. Since I have not verified it, I have to examine the future of Musharraf on the basis of the horoscope of Pakistan and the Hindu New Year horoscope of Pakistan which has the same lagna as India.
Vimshottari dasha
First look at the foundation horoscope of Pakistan which is now passing through Ketu Mercury period from 25 Dec 2006 to 22 Dec 2007. Mercury is in mrityubhaga besides being third and the sixth lord.
In dashamansha Mercury is in the eighth house with Jupiter in the dashamansha aspected by Sun, Moon and Saturn. It is an indication of the fall of government which should mean fall of Musharraf or his removal through assassination which cannot be confirmed in the absence of his verified horoscope.
Dasha chiddra (Change of Dasha)
But historically the end of the mahadasha of Ketu and the commencement of Venus mahadasha will bring about a significant change in the administration of Pakistan including a change of government.
Chara dasha
In Jaimini’s Chara dasha, Kanya dasha will begin from 13 August 2007 with Mars and Moon in the tenth house . That is an indication of uncontrolled violence and of the change of government which means that Musharraf will be in serious trouble with the Pakistan army so far with Musharraf . At the moment, the conflict in Pakistan is being portrayed as a battle between the army which is with Musharraf and the judiciary but what turn events will take later is to be seen and watched. Can it mean the army also turning against him ?
Hindu New Year
The Hindu New Year horoscope of Pakistan is the same as that of India but the navamsha is different and that is what should be seen. As in the case of India so too here the mutual opposition of Mars and Saturn along the fourth and the tenth house is a bad indication. The violence taking place in both cases with terrorists of all hues and kinds spreading violence is well explained. Then the ninth lord Jupiter going into the eighth house is bad for religious and judicial matters both for India and Pakistan. The entire year is therefore bad for both countries. In the navamsha of the Hindu New Year horoscope of Pakistan there is clear indication of trouble to the judiciary as the ninth with Rahu is aspected by Saturn and the ninth lord is in the twelfth house.
A news item clarifiies it . Published: April 25, 2007
“The Supreme Judicial Council, the five judges conducting an inquiry into misconduct allegations against Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry, the chief justice suspended by President Pervez Musharraf last month, again put off a hearing on the case, this time until Monday.”
This is the most undemocratic act by the head of the state reminding us of Idi Amin of Uganda who had ordered a chief justice to be stripped naked and made to march on foot to the presidential palace.
Idid Amin had styled himself as "His Excellency President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hadji Doctor Idi Amin, VC[3], DSO, MC, Lord of All the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea, and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular". All dictators have some streak of Idi Amin in themselves and Musharraf showed it after the advent of the New Hindu Year 2007.
Musharraf has not done that but has made Pakistan’s judiciary impotent in one stroke. He has two losing battles to fight now, the secular battle against the lovers of a strong judiciary and religious battle against the fundamentalists.
And he will lose both or lose his own life. June-July are the two months in which there will be violent attempt to kill a prominent member of the judiciary, a terrorist leader and ofcourse Musharraf will have to save himself. From the middle of August the entire world situation will begin to show a big conflagaration.
But there is no clear indication of USA letting down Musharraf. Then if Musharraf is to go out of power how will that be ? It should clearly mean a successful assassination.
( 20 May 2007)
Musharraf blames militancy, judiciary for emergency
November 03, 2007 22:18 IST
Last Updated: November 03, 2007 22:38 IST
Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf [Images] on Saturday sought to put the blame for the imposition of emergency in the country upon the rising Islamic militancy and 'interference' by judiciary.
I had written:
First prediction
1. First look at the foundation horoscope of Pakistan which is now passing through Ketu Mercury period from 25 Dec 2006 to 22 Dec 2007. Mercury is inmrityubhaga besides being third and the sixth lord. This clear means that the trouble will not be over till the end of this year. The more ominous feature is increase in terrorist activities and the failure of the government of Musharraf. I had also written
Second prediction
2. Then the ninth lord Jupiter goinginto the eighth house is bad for religious and judicial matters both for India and Pakistan. The entire year is therefore bad for both countries. No wonder, Musharraf has blamed the judiciary also to justify his act of imposing emergency. But in the absence of Musharraf’s horoscope, what can be seen in the foundation horoscope of Pakistan is that the oneset of the dasha of Venus, or even before, there will be greater bloodshed in Pakistan and Musharraf’s life is itself not safe as the dasha chiddra is showing.
Third prediction was
Musharraf has not done that but has made Pakistan’s judiciary impotent in one stroke. He has two losing battles to fight now, the secular battle against the lovers of a strong judiciary and religious battle against the fundamentalists. And he will lose both or lose his own life. June-July are the two months in which there will be violent attempt to kill a prominent member of the judiciary, a terrorist leader and ofcourse Musharraf will have to save himself. I will repeat it here though I am handicapped here as I do not have the horoscope of Musharraf. It will not be surprising if emergency is converted into martial law which is nothing new in the history of Pakistan.
( 3 November 2007)
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (300143)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (193331)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (192087)