Thus spake Chavez
Venezuelan president hit back with this: "Don't be shameless, Mr Blair.
Don't be immoral, Mr Blair. You are one of those who have no morals. You are
not one who has the right to criticize anyone about the rules of the
international community. You are an
imperialist pawn who attempts to curry favour with Danger Bush-Hitler, the
number one mass murderer and assassin there is on the planet. Go straight to hell, Mr Blair."
...BUSH .Chavez
infamously referred to US President George W. Bush as the devil in a 2006
address tothe UN: "And the Devil came here yesterday. Yesterday the Devil
came here. Right here. [crosses himself] And it smells of sulphur still today.
Yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, from this rostrum, the president of the United
States, the gentleman to whom I refer as the Devil, came here, talking as if he
owned the world. Truly. As the owner of the world."
TO HIM Long after successive presidents of the United States
have disappeared into the obscurity of their presidential archives, the memory
of Hugo Chávez will survive in Latin America, along with that of Simón Bolívar
and Che Guevara, as an influential leader who promised much but was cut down in
his prime.
Richard Gott (New Statesman).
The best
tribute that has been paid to Hugo Chavez appeared in the Independent newspaper
of UK where George Galloway wrote a brief article on him with the following
headline Tuesday 5 March 2013 Hugo Chavez's death is a body blow for the poor
and oppressed throughout Latin America ...and he said “”He rallied an army of
not slaves, but those despised by the oligarchy as hewers of wood and drawers
of the oil which previously made only the rich richer. Under Chavez' revolution
the oil wealth was distributed in ever rising wages and above all in ambitious
social engineering.
He built
the fifth largest student body in the world, creating scores of new
universities. More than 90% of Venezuelans ate three meals a day for the first
time in the country's history. Quality social housing for the masses became the
norm with the pledge that by the end of the presidential term, now cut short,
all Venezuelans would live in a dignified house.”””
This tribute impelled me to search the horoscope of Hugo Chavez and it is given by Rodden but with DD rating. Yet I decided to use it testing some known events of this great man’s life through Jaimini Chara dasha mainly and Vimshottari dasha also. I have adopted 3:58 am instead of 4 am as given by Rodden. It is based on a correct chaturvimshamsha.
I have not rectified
the birth time which I may do later after I get more accurate dates and check them.
Presuming the time given here to be approximate but the lagna, Mithuna not
changing for some ostensible astrological reasons one can proceed to see the
events of this most provocative person of the last decade.
It is known
that his strong anti capitalist and anti US opinions had given him a reputation
for being the possessor of the most acerbic tongue among the world
personalities. Aspects of Saturn from Tula and of Mars from Dhanu on the second
house makes the Mithuna lagna, whatever its degrees, acceptable. Apart from
what has been quoted in the beginning of this article, here are some more:
1) “Remember, little girl, I’m like the thorn
tree that flowers on the plain. I waft my scent to passers-by and prick he who
shakes me. Don’t mess with me, Condoleezza. Don’t mess with me, girl.” —
Chávez, to then U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, in 2006.
2) “Capitalism is the way of the
devil and exploitation. If you really want to look at things through the eyes
of Jesus Christ — who I think was the first socialist — only socialism can
really create a genuine society.” — Chávez, on Christ’s economic views, in
3) “Bombing the brave Libyan people
to save them? What a brilliant strategy by the mad empire. Where are the
international rights? This is like the caveman era.” — Chávez, in 2011, on the
NATO bombing campaign in Libya.
Two fold verification is being done here through two dashas to see if Mithuna lagna of Chavez is correct and works.
Dasha ending: Jupiter 03 Aug 1968, Saturn 03 Aug 1987, Mercury 03 Aug 2004, Ketu 03 Aug 2011, Died in Venus-Venus-Rahu (in the seventh house) 6 March 2013
AK Venus, AmK Mercury, BK Moon, MK Jupiter, PK Sun, GK Saturn, DK Mars
Vimshottari Dasha
1) The
mahadasha of Saturn began in 1968 and in Saturn Mercury his career in the army
in 1971 began. This is further confirmed by the aspect of Mars on the tenth
house and the tenth lord Jupiter.
2) He made an attempt through a failed coup to capture power in 1992 in Mercury Venus dasha which is clear in the dashamansha where Venus exalted as the sixth lord receives the aspects of both Saturn and Mars. It was on 4 February 1992 in the pratyantara dasha of Rahu in the eighth house of the dashamansha. It had to fail. The transit of that day, with Saturn in Makara aspecting the tenth house and Mars in Dhanu also aspecting the tenth house shows the attempted coup and also its failure.
a) The
dates of both of his marriage are not given anywhere but in 1977 it was the
dasha of Saturn, antardasha of Venus and the pratyantara dasha of Jupiter the
seventh lord.
b) The
second marriage was in 1997 in Mercury Rahu and the pratyantara dasha of either
Rahu in the seventh house or Jupiter the seventh lord.
5) Death
came in Venus-Venus and Rahu in the seventh house. The dasha of Venus is the
fifth dasha, a maraka for a medium longevity horoscope.
6) Cancer
In a brilliant unpublished re- search of Dr. S.B.Goel on cancer some parameters
are given which I will not reveal here till the research is published. They
apply hundred percent to this horoscope with Mithuna lagna with Jupiter, Mercury,
Moon and Ketu each at 21 degrees aspected by Mars with Rahu in the seventh
therefore can be concluded that the Mithuna lagna of Chavez is correct but the
time of birth can be rectified after more verification of events. At this
moment working on 3:58 with lagna’s degrees as 18o20' appears to be
Chara Dasha
there is a horoscope where lagna is not in doubt but its degrees can change if
the birth time is altered, Chara dasha helps in the verification of events
fast. That is being shown here.
1954 to 1966 - not much is known about this period.
Vrisha 1966
to 1969 - again nothing is known. Mesha 1969 to 1977 In the antardasha of
Simha from
where there is Mars in the fifth house he was selected for the army for
training. Mars in the fifth house is that military training here.
Meena Mesha
in 1977 with Darakaraka navamsha in Mesha was the period of his first marriage.
Dhanu dasha
(1991 to 1997) it was, true to the nature of Dhanu and additionally with Mars
and Rahu in it, he made one rash attempt to stage a coup and failed. He was
arrested and released through a pardon in 1994. He was arrested in Dhanu Tula
where there is Gnatikaraka Saturn denoting punishment.
It was in
Dhanu-Dhanu with Darakaraka in it that he got married for the second time in
Vrischika dasha (1997 to 2004) In the antardasha of Simha with Amatyakarak
Mercury falling in the eleventh house he won the election and began the great
glorious career he is remembered for.
In the Tula
dasha (2004 to 2014) with Gnatikaraka, Saturn in it, he had to fall sick apart
many enemies, particularly powerful USA, conspiring against him. In
Tula-Kanya-Dhanu with Darakaraka in (January 2013) denoting death, his health
deteriorated and now everything was over for him and death loomed before him.
In the next pratyantara dasha of Makara from where Atmakaraka
Venus is in
the eighth house, he died.
lagna, whether it is seen from the Vimshottari dasha or Chara dasha is working
well in the case of Chavez.
preference for Mithuna lagna with Jupiter, Mercury, Moon and Ketu in it is for
another special reason. If there are so many planets in the lagna with the
lagna and the tenth lord together, such a person builds up institutions and
leaves the imprint of his personality on whatever he does and is remembered
after his death. Chavez destroyed the arrogance of white men and the dominance
of USA in south America along with his guru Castro. As a Venezuelan put it.
“Benjamín José Astudillo, 50, whose family runs a small restaurant on the
beach, near a stretch of sand once reserved for guests of the Sheraton, said
Mr. Chávez wanted the beach to be for Venezuelans, not “the gringos.” He added,
“The gringos aren’t going to come here anymore.” Gringos is used contemptuously
for Americans.
remember Chavismo is a word which Venezuela
will remember as the everlasting contribution of this great man, much derided
by Americans, for reduction of poverty and excellent medical and educational
facilities he made available to his countrymen. He was the messiah of the poor
because he was born in a poor family and knew, having suffered, the pangs of
poverty and hunger. I reacted to his death with the feeling that if in India we
had among our leaders even a quarter of Chavez good deal could have been done
for the largest number of poor people of India.
(7 March
Appendix 1
From the Hindu (6 March 2013) NOBLE
Mr. Chávez
removed corrupt military officers and started a national reform program.
Venezuela, according to the United States Department of Energy and a former CIA
oil expert, has the world’s largest oil reserves at 1.36 trillion barrels, and
the new president promptly nationalized the main oil company, Petróleos de
Venezuela (PDVSA), putting the profits into very effective social programs.
Carles Mutaner, Joan Benach, and Maria Paez Victor note in CounterPunch that
between 2000 and 2010 social spending increased by 61 per cent or $772 billion;
the country has the region’s lowest level of inequality, with a reduction in
its Gini coefficient of 54 per cent. Poverty is down from 71 per cent in 1996
to 21 now, and extreme poverty is down from 40 per cent to 7.3. The programs,
or Misiones, have reached 20 million people, and 2.1 million have received
senior citizens’ pensions, a sevenfold increase under Mr. Chávez.
NOTE: The figures given in the Manchester
Guardian show the impressive and effective progress of Venezuela in the Chavez
era of fourteen years. http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2012/oct/04/venezuela-hugo-chavez-election-data
Appendix 2
The facts
speak for themselves: the percent- age of households in poverty fell from 55%
in 1995 to 26.4% in 2009. When Chávez was sworn into office unemployment was
15%, in June 2009 it was 7.8%. Compare that to current unemployment figures in
Europe. In that period Chávez won 56% of the vote in 1998, 60% in 2000,
survived a coup d'état in 2002, got over 7m votes in 2006 and secured 54.4% of
the vote last October. He was a rare thing, almost incomprehensible to those in
the US and Europe who continue to see the world through the Manichean prism of
the cold war: an avowed Marxist who was also an avowed demo- crat. To those who
think the expression of the masses should have limited or no place in the
serious business of politics all the talking and goings on in Chávez's meetings
were anathema, proof that he was both fake and a populist. But to the people
who tuned in and participated en masse, it was politics and true democracy not
only for the sophisticated, the propertied or the lettered.
The Guardian home
Hugo Chávez kept his promise to the people of Venezuela Oscar Guardiola-Rivera
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 5 March 2013
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (299389)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (192642)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (191304)