I have explained why I had to do a research on Chara Dasha to fix lagnas in cases where the birth date was known but not the birth time. It has been the glory and agony of my astrological career because I took risks, predicted and succeeded when God showered his grace on me and failed me when I became overconfident and, perhaps, arrogant, those human frailities which affect us, we the humans.
read more...Note: Shri A.K.Gour uses a different horoscope of Iran.
Iran, the home of one of the oldest civilizations, has given great personalities like Rumi, Sheikh Saadi, Hafiz and Omar Khayyam. It was Omar Khayyam who in his "Rubaiyat" penned the famous line "The moving finger writes and having writ move moves on…" It is the writing of this moving finger that one is trying to read.
Three explosions, one each in Georgia, New Delhi and Bangkok set the alarm bells ringing. Israel was quick to claim that Iran has, with the assistance of terror outfits under its patronage, carried out these explosions. Iran flatly denied the charge.
The explosion in New Delhi was carried out in the high security area of Race Course Road barely 200 meters away from PM's residence. An Israel embassy car was the target. A "limpet" bomb, that can be attached to any surface magnetically was used. It was effective and both persons travelling in the car were injured. The driver suffered minor injuries and the lady diplomat suffered moderate injuries needing hospitalization for three-four days.
"Limpet" bombs hitherto used by the navy are a new addition to the terrorists sophisticated arsenal. Interestingly this type of bomb was used by Israel to eliminate Iranian nuclear scientists a few months back.
Iran's hand in the New Delhi explosion needs to be looked at in the light of following points:
a) India imports sizable quantity of oil (12 to 13%) and on Iran's request pays for it in gold.
b) India exports large quantity of food grains particularly rice to Iran.
c) USA and EU have imposed sanctions to strangle Iran economically. India and China have not joined these efforts. USA will be very happy to see India-Iran relations breaking down.
In view of the above it is highly unlikely that Iran would organize a terrorist act in New Delhi. Iran, on 15th Feb 2012 unveiled its nuclear capability when its president inserted indigenously produced 20% enriched uranium fuel in the nuclear reactor. 20 to 30% enriched uranium is used in reactors for peaceful purposes. Uranium like iron and coal is mined. In its natural form uranium has two isotopes -U238 and U235. U238 constituted 99.3% of naturally occurring uranium. It is U235 that is fissile. Even this U235 is enriched on centrifuges. Iran has the capability to enrich U235 to 20-30%. For making a nuclear bomb the enrichment of 90% and above is needed. Iran can do it at will at a time considered suitable by it.
Israel contends that once Iran gets indigenous nuclear capability it will be in a position to spread terrorism secure under the nuclear umbrella. Mutual destruction is the most viable deterrent to war. This contention of Israel is correct. We have practically suffered, Pakistan's terrorist acts increased manifold after its nuclear capability achieved in 1998.
With this background lets us try to read the writings of the "moving finger". The foundation charts of Iran and Israel along with the solar ingress chart of Meena Sakranti and the Chaitra Shukla Pratipada chart of 22 March 2012 are being used for this reading.
Iran is a theocratic state with Shia Islam as its religion. Tenth lord Mars is in the 9th house with Sun explains the theocratic state having Ayatollah as the Supreme Commander. Mars in 9th house with 3rd and 12th lord Mercury and aspecting both 3rd and 12th house indicates wars with the neighbors (3rd house) and supporting terrorist outside the country (12th house).
The placement of 9th lord (Jupiter) who is also the 6th lord in the ascendant and its aspect on Mars the yogakaraka confirms it and also gives its religious sanctity. Iran fought an 8 year war with neighboring Iraq from 1980 to 1988 in the dasha of Moon and Mars.
Examine the navamsha. Moon is the 6th lord in 3rd house. Mars is in the 6th house aspecting 12th house. This is an exchange between 3rd and 6 lord and it is in conformity with KN Rao's research assessing the war mongering tendencies of a nation, which flow from Mars influencing 3, 6, 7 and 12th house or their lords.
Iran now runs Jupiter/Jupiter/Sa till end of June 2012. Jupiter is 6th lord in the ascendant. Iran is ready for any challenge. Jupiter is 9th lord exalted in the ascendant in 8th Lord Saturn’s constellation. Saturn's pratyantara is now on religiously ordained (9th lord exalted in the ascendant) terrorist activities (6L Jupiter in ascendant in 7L Sat's constellation).
Solar Ingress
The solar ingress chart examined with the foundation chart we notice the dasha planets Jupiter and Saturn in 4/10 axis. These are 6 and 8 lords of the foundation chart. 4th house is masses and 10 house is authority.
Saturn is exalted in 4th house. The respectable high profile people may face prosecution at the hands of religious fundamentalist.
Chaitra Shukla Pratipada 22 March 2012 Iran
Virgo is rising at 6 degree 57 minutes. The ascendant is in papa kartari of 6th lord Sat and 8L Mars. Ve and Ju are placed in 8th house - bloodshed by civil unrest, terrorist activities is likely. With 3 planets in 7th house the year of war like conditions is on the cards.
Israel was born in strife. It fought for its survival in 1948. In 1956 in collaborates with France and UK it fought the Suez war and captured large areas of Sinai desert. In 1967 it fought in 6 day war and secured its borders wresting Golan Heights from Syria. In 1972 it fought the Yom Kippur war. This constant warfare is a gift of Mars to Israel.
Mars in 12th house aspects 3, 6 and 7th houses highlighting its war mongering tendencies. Jupiter/Venus opposition along 4/10 axis makes it a nation of fiercely loyal population and concerned government. Israel released over 80 Palestinian terrorist in exchange of one single Israeli soldier.
Israel can look after itself. Lagna lord is in the 9th with Sun. It can and it has defeated all its opponents both singly and collectively. The nation is hurt by terrorist activities. This year’s solar ingress chart places Jupiter/Venus in the 8th house. Bloodshed by terrorist activities is on cards.
In the Chaitra Shukla Pratipada chart the ascendant has yogakaraka Mars aspecting the 4th house - the nation (ascendant) and its masses (4th houses) are well protected. Mars aspects 8th house and 7th house also.
Aggression and war gifted by 7th house are not ruled out. 7th lord in 3rd house would indicate an altercation with a neighbor, 3 planets in its 8th house testify to Israel's secret activities.
An Iran-Israel war is unlikely. Skirmishes and terrorist activities are on cards.
India needs to be careful. Our friendship with Iran needs to be nurtured. India has a big Shia population in UP and AP - 'Shia is a protective shield against ultra-Sunni terrorism. Iran gives to India the land route to Afghanistan. Iran is a strong factor in giving us energy security. We need to walk on tight rope between Iran and Israel.
(18 February 2012)
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (300092)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (193159)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (192043)