In advancing teenage, our generation which could read English well and was brought up on Coleridge, Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats and Byron, have stored in our minds with the memories of the communal orgies of 1946-47, the dawn of independence on the night of 14/15 August 1947. We, the children of freedom fighters, had kept awake till midnight when came the sonorous voice of Omkarnath Thakur heralding Indian Independence with Vande Mataram.
And we had looked at each other as though quoting Wordsworth.
''Bliss was it in that dawn to be alive, But to be young was very Heaven!''
William Wordsworth
On the eve of the Independence Day of 2011 on 15 August in India what we are seeing being televised is this: From Rediff.com
I had held Hazare guilty of corruption: Sawant August 14, 2011, Justice (Retd) P B Sawant, whose probe found that an amount of Rs. 2.2 lakhs was diverted from Anna Hazare’s trust for his birthday celebrations, on Sunday said this action amounted to "corruption." "An amount of Rs. 2.2 lakh was utilized from this Trust for his own felicitation. That is proved and Mr. Hazare has not denied. Now you can't use money of the Trust for your own purpose. That amounts to corruption. That's the only act of corruption that was proved, nothing more than that," Samant, a retired Supreme Court judge told TV channels.
“However, STAR News exposes Manish Tiwari's lie and found that Sukhtankar Committee appointed by Maharashtra government had given clean chit to Anna Hazare after Justice Sawant's report.” with IANS inputs http://www.newsbullet.in/india/34-more/15341- congress-hits-out-at-anna-hazare-says-he-is- involved-in-corruption
Beneath this attack on Anna Hazare, says Zee News, is the massive attempt by Congress leaders to dig out a report buried six years ago and level a flimsy charge which is an act pusillanimity and most stinkingly offensive to defend the indefensible.
This now is the level of political polemics. Such degenerated and demoralized response to changes of massive corruption by the Jan Lokpal team of Anna Hazare! Was it the dream of Mahatma Gandhi of a free India or to be more precise of our teenage generation of 1947?
On the eve of 16 August 2011 they are accusing, an active Gandhian of corruption, stifling a Gandhian agitation, creating an emergency likes terror without imposing?
Is it bliss in this dawn to be alive?
What is happening in Pakistan?
The modern generation which got its history wrong particularly in discussing the horoscope of Pakistan should know that Pakistan was formed a day earlier.
“Independence of Pakistan was officially announced on Thursday, August 14, 1947 at 12:00 a.m (midnight). but the ceremony itself took place half an hour early on the actual day. This day is celebrated 1 day earlier in comparison to India even though independence was granted by the British Raj to both countries at midnight on 15 August 1947.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Independence_Day_%28Pakistan%29
And this generation has to be told that the independence day of Pakistan is 14 August as Daily Times reported.
Daily Times, Sunday, August 14, 2011
Nation celebrates 64th Independence Day today
ISLAMABAD: The nation will observe its 64th Independence Day today (Sunday) with great fervor and simplicity. The day will begin with special prayers in mosques for unity, solidarity and prosperity of the country.
Let me quote from my earlier piece.
“In 1988 when Wyatt wrote it, Indian independence was already forty one years old, Pakistan got broken up and Bangladesh had been created. Pakistan had suffered or enjoyed, whatever one may say, enough military dictatorships. The astrological reason was:
1) Pakistan chose her independence twenty hours before India with Mesha lagna with Moon in Mithuna involved with a bad exchange with Mercury, a khala yoga.
2) Jinnah got sworn in Kanya lagna with Mars the eighth lord for this purpose in the tenth house aspecting the lagna and fourth house. After a military adventure in Kashmir, Jinnah, a sick man died and the subsequent history has been a toss-up between a democracy under the grip of the army or the army rule.
Years later when I met some of my childhood friends, Afaq, Zamil, Mustafa etc, when they visited India , traced us out and revived the old memories we shared our frustration. They talked of discrimination by Punjabi Muslims, even Sindhi Muslims and massive corruption and we of nepotism and corruption. This is what they had not dreamed of and this is what we had not dreamed of. But we are destined to live with it--our muquaddar (fate) as they said.
I also remember what an Ahmadiya of Pakistan told me, in bitterest tones, in 1990. Common to both countries is that while we have made a mockery of our democracy by allowing a dynasty to dominate, in Pakistan the army has annihilated democracy.
What is happening in Pakistan on its independence day?
Pakistan, On I-Day, blasts, accidents kill 39 in Pak, Indo-Asian News Service, Islamabad, August 14, 201.
A deadly Independence Day in Pakistan, 14/08 18:13 CET
Attack - Bomb blast - Pakistan - Terrorism Independence Day celebrations with bomb, gun and rocket attacks leaving at least 18 people dead.
An explosion at a roadside hotel killed 14 civilians. More victims are feared trapped under the rubble in Dera Allah Yar in Baluchistan in the south- west. A journalist was shot dead by gunmen on a motorbike in the same region. And at least three paramilitary soldiers were killed in a rocket attack at Miran Shah in Pakistan’s northwestern tribal belt. Baluchistan is a restive province where both separatists and Islamist militants have been operating. Several suspects have reportedly been arrested. Copyright © 2011 Euronews
2011 August to August 2010 for Pakistan
Prepare details, divisional horoscopes and the different levels of dashas for Pakistan from the horoscope given.
1) At one stage the nation will hover on the brink of total bankruptcy but receive massive foreign aid to rescue itself.
2) One of its states will revolt and try to break away. Sinister seeds of secession which led to the creation of Pakistan will haunt it as in 1947, as in 1971.
3) Pakistan army active behind the facade of democracy will come to the forefront more and more and if necessary capture power once again.
4) Students of Pakistan in foreign countries will be in news not merely for wrong reasons but also for some achievements.
5). Pakistan’s war like postures, border skirmishes will create tense situations in Indo Pak relations.
6) Violent change of government is looming.
Compare the enigmas of India and Pakistan
Let the younger generation know something about Jinnah.
“The great South Asian intellectual Eqbal Ahmed once described Jinnah as an enigma of modern history. His aristocratic English lifestyle, Victorian manners, and secular outlook rendered him a most unlikely leader of India’s Muslims. Yet, he led them to separate statehood, creating history, and in Saad R. Khairi’s apt phrase, “altering geography”. And he is the father of fundamentalist Islamic Pakistan.
Jinnah was secular at one time: Former RSS chief
NDTV Correspondent, Tuesday August 25, 2009, New Delhi
As the Jinnah controversy continues to haunt the BJP and the Sangh Parivar, there is more from the saffron quarters. Former RSS chief K S Sudarshan, on being asked whether Jinnah was secular, said Jinnah had many facets and at one time was totally committed to the nation.
"Jinnah had many facets. If you read history then you will come to know that Jinnah was with Lok Manya Tilak and was totally dedicated to the nation. And when Gandhi started the Khilafat movement, with the idea that currently we are opposing the British and if Muslims join in then their support will help gain independence. But at that time Jinnah opposed it saying that if the Caliph in Turkey has been dethroned what India has got to do with it. That time nobody listened to him, which saddened him. So he quit the Congress and left for England and only returned in 1927," said Sudarshan.”
Jinnah’s ancestors
His grandfather was Poonja Gokuldas Meghji, a Hindu Bhatia Rajput from Paneli village in Gondal state in Kathiawar. Jinnah’s ancestors were Hindu Rajput that converted to Islam. Jinnah’s family belonged to the Ismaili Khoja branch of Shi’a Islam, though Jinnah may have converted to Twelver Shi’a Islam.
Gandhiji was a Gujarati Bania. The father of Pakistan was a Gujarati Rajput and of India a Gujarati Bania. The Hindu Gandhi created Khilafat movement and the Muslim Jinnah opposed it.
The first prime minister of Pakistan, Liquat Ali Khan was not orthodox and was assassinated. The first prime minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, described himself as “the last European” and died of.......
And India is a democracy half stifled by the dominance of a dynasty. Pakistan started as a democracy but is dominated by the army. Why?
See Mars in the third house of Pakistan’s horoscope aspecting the sixth, ninth and most important, the tenth house.
Do you see why Pakistan is such a dangerous neighbor of India?
So go home my friend and tell your children that both India and Pakistan celebrate their days of independence in the month of August and that India is dominated by feral politicians and Pakistan in the iron grip of feral army.
(15 Aug 2011)
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (300124)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (193322)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (192072)