Let me first produce what I wrote in 1997 in the Journal of Astrology
How Hindu Astrologers Saved the Nation - “The stories of the dependence of Indian politicians on astrological predictions were suppressed during the time of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who consulted astrologers privately, but condemned astrology publicly. I have discussed it in my book, the Nehru Dynasty.
In my book, Astrological Journey through History, Mystery and Horoscopes, there is a reference again as to how the Indian politicians had decided to take the midnight of 14th and 15th August, 1947 for the Independence of India. It is discussed in my sketch of Hardeo Sharma Trivedi thus: “In 1947, when the English rulers had decided to grant independence to India on 15th August, Hardeoji and Suryanarain Vyas of Ujjain had told Babu Rajendra Prasad, who later became the first President of India, that astrologically it was not auspicious. When they came to know that the choice of any hour on that day was all the English rulers were prepared to concede, Hardeo insisted that it should be at midnight for three reasons:
---By that time the Moon would have entered Pushya Nakshatra, known as a Maha nakshatra in Bengal and, the most favorable nakshatra for a Muhurta.
---It should be at midnight, roundabout the Abhijeet Muhurta, which was calculated thus: sun-rise on August 15 was at 5-33-31 A.M. Sun-set was at 6. 57.31 P.M. Counted from sunset, the time for the next sunrise would be after 10 hours and 36 minutes, half of which was 5 hours and 18 minutes. If 5 hours and 18 minutes were added to the sunset time we would reach 12 hours and 15 minutes midnight. Twenty four minutes before or after 12.15 midnight would be the Abhijeet Muhurta. That would be the only best time available.
---The third important factor was that by that time the lagna rising would be Vrishabha, a fixed sign, which is always favored for foundations of buildings or, stable independence.
It has been recorded by Sir Woodrow Wyatt that the time of Indian Independence was chosen on astrological considerations but, within the twenty four hours given. The astrologers who advised the government were Hardeoji and Suryanarain Vyas. Yet, until now no Indian astrologer would even mention these names.
Sir Woodrow Wyatt wrote in May 1988 an article on the central page of the Times, London, “Who Does Not Consult Stars”, and defended Ronald Reagan, the US President, for consulting astrologers. There he revealed that Indian astrologers had chosen the time of Indian Independence and that the subsequent history of India was somewhat more successful than Pakistan’s, which got dismembered. (From the Journal of Astrology July-September issue of 1997)
In 1988 when Wyatt wrote it, Indian independence was already forty one years old, Pakistan got broken up and Bangladesh had been created. Pakistan had suffered or enjoyed, whatever one may say, enough military dictatorships. The astrological reason was:
1) Pakistan chose her independence twenty hours before India with Mesha lagna with Moon in Mithuna involved with a bad exchange with Mercury, a khala yoga.
2) Jinnah got sworn in in Kanya lagna with Mars the eighth lord for this purpose in the tenth house aspecting the lagna and fourth house. After a military adventure in Kashmir, Jinnah, a sick man died and the subsequent history has been a toss-up between a democracy under the grip of the army or the army rule.
India avoided that fate and has functioned as a democracy except the brief period of National Emergency from June 1975 to Jan 1977.
It needed a depth of knowledge of classical Muhurta and mundane astrology to know what form of government a nation will have. There have been critics, particularly in the eighties of the last century who did not understand the finer nuances of Muhurta and mundane astrology to appreciate the time chosen by Suryanarain Vyas and Hardeoji, both class mates in Ujjaain and trained in the Varahmihira school of classical astrology.
Here I must mention that a son of Sri Suryanarain Vyas told me once that the Muhurta for independence was chosen by his father and Hardeoji had nothing to do with it. But the version I had heard from many people and also Hardeo who was always modest and not boastful, that he and Suryanarainji had worked on it together though the chosen time was conveyed to Babu Rajendra Prasad by Suryanarain alone.
Those who argued that the lagna should have been Mesha or Kanya betrayed their total lack of knowledge of history also. And they claim to do mundane astrology ignoring the fate Pakistan suffered by choosing Mesha and Kanya lagnas.
Now work on the Mesha lagna horoscope of Pakistan and see why it suffered dismemberment in Saturn-Venus period.
No Muhurta can be perfect and blemish less. In the Indian Independence horoscope, Rahu is close to the lagna and Saturn Venus are too close for the morality of our countrymen. I have commented on it many times in discussing and predicting about the Venus dasha of India. Then a crowded third house shows a very difficult neighboring countries including the notorious rogue state called Pakistan which India’s Home Minister, P. Chidambaram speaks of often.
Some of our notable achievements
Briefly the result of this choice has been:
1) India is one of the five big spending nations of the world.
2) India is one of the top five purchasing nations of the world.
3) After China, India is one of the risen economic giants of the world and economists talk of BRIC nations as economic powers of the world, Brazil, Russia, India and China.
4) Through green revolutions India has become self-sufficient though the population has grown to 120 crores or even more. This is a very spectacular achievement, if we remember that in British India which included the territory of Pakistan and Bangladesh and a population of around thirty five crores, we had famines and starvation deaths.
5) Though nothing is very ideal in our caste ridden and communally torn society, India is still a thriving democracy and the largest one in the world.
Interestingly, India is helping Europe in the present economic distress.
The Times of India - India to give $2bn to fund bailouts in Europe - TNN | Aug 3, 2011 --NEW DELHI: India is set to fund bailouts in financially-stricken Europe, marking a dramatic role reversal from 20 years ago when it went knocking on the doors of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to avert a balance of payments crisis. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/ India-to-give-2bn-to-fund-bailouts-in-Europe/ articleshow/9463341.cms
Then, relevant for the year 2011 or the sixty fourth year of Indian independence are first some facts. Our notable failings: hard facts
- According to data provided by the Swiss Bankers Association, (but not confirmed by Swiss authorities), India has more black money than rest of the world combined ($1456 billion).
- In July 2008 The Washington Post reported that nearly a fourth of the 540 Indian Parliament members faced criminal charges including human trafficking, immigration rackets, embezzlement, rape and even murder”.
- A 2005 study done by Transparency International in India found that more than 50% of the people had firsthand experience of paying bribe or peddling influence to get a job done in a public office.
- No hope among masses: Two-thirds of Indian respondents in the Global Corruption Barometer 2007 labeled its effort to fight corruption as “ineffective”.
- Not a single case of judicial corruption has been put on trial in India.
- There are no sectors in India which doesn’t have major corruption scandals.
-Add to it a population of nearly forty percent which is still below poverty line which is more than what was the population of undivided India in 1947.
The Sixty Fourth Year
1. Mars in Mithuna aspecting the twenty second dreshkona and in turn aspected by Saturn is not a factor to be overlooked. In turn, Saturn is aspected by Saturn. The sinister implications need not be elaborated. The other details including divisional horoscopes prepared have not been given in this article but they may be prepared.
The dasha of Sun Rahu is creating chaos. The horoscope of the Congress party was referred to and a prediction made was: (INDIA'S INEFFECTUAL FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION 13 June 2011, 8:09 PM)-The Congress Party - “The full vehemence of Saturn in the sixth house will become fully visible in this sub period of Saturn. It is clearly a year of chaotic thinking and some unimaginable tragedy for the party.” The illness of Sonia Gandhi, the attack on the Congress party and the chief minister of Delhi Sheila Dikshit and particularly the discussion of the report of the CAG has sensationalized Indian politics creating chaos in Congress party.
A comment in Telegraph of Kolkata is worth quoting here.
Horror show on TRP Street SANJAY K. JHA - Khurshid on Monday. (PTI) - New Delhi, Aug. 8: The Centre today took the extraordinary step of advising media to be “responsible” and not to “demonize” a different point of view, reflecting an assessment that the prevailing sense of drift was severely affecting legislative and administrative processes. Three senior cabinet ministers — Salman Khurshid (law), Kapil Sibal (telecom) and Ambika Soni (information and broadcasting) — appealed to the media to put things in perspective instead of sensationalizing every issue without cross-checking facts. Soni talked of “self-regulation” and measures to extricate the electronic media from the “TRP horror” that often led to sensationalizing. http://www.telegraphindia.com/1110809/jsp/frontpage/story_14356971.jsp
Against this background what is appearing in the 64th year (from August to August 2011 to 2012) as visible in the horoscope of the Independence horoscope used, are.
1) The confusion will prevail and will lead to big change in the central government. It may be violent and bizarre even like a sick Sonia Gandhi asking Manmohan Singh to step down in favour of her son. It can happen time, particularly after January 2012. Sandhya Jain has commented on it. http://www.vijayvaani.com/FrmPublicDisplayArticle.aspx?id=1909
2) For the very first time prime minister Manmohan Singh appears to have a tarnished image not as a corrupt man but as a lotus leaf floating over a cesspool of corruption he knew of and connived at, to safeguard his own position. The change will be change in his own position is what can be seen and predicted though his horoscope of 26 September is doubtful. How he survived July 2004 is getting exposed now through the revival of cash for vote’s scandal now.
3) The money of Indians in foreign countries will continue to be a hot subject of debate and part of it will be unearthed. But the Congress Party in power can always counter attack as even P.M. Manmohan Singh has said: Opposition has too many skeletons in its cupboard: PM - IANS India Private Limited By Indo Asian News Service | IANS – Sun, Jul 31, 2011 - New Delhi, July 31 (IANS) On the eve of parliament's monsoon session, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Sunday sought to take the wind out of sails of the opposition on the 2G spectrum allocation row, saying it had 'too many skeletons in its cupboard' and that it should not 'pre-judge' a matter that is subjudice. 'We are not afraid of discussing the issue of corruption. The opposition also has too many skeletons in its cupboard. We are not afraid of discussing any issue in parliament,' Manmohan Singh, who came to parliament house to attend an all-party meeting convened by Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar, told reporters on the sidelines of the event.” I had always written on 13 June ”Or, it brings to light the money of others, other than Congressmen, to score a vital point against the Opposition.”
4) On the brighter side, some underground wealth will be discovered.
5) Throughout the stay of Rahu-Ketu in Vrischika-Vrishabha, the fear of terrorism and even communal violence will take a sinister shape.
6) For a party in power nothing is indefensible and Congress Party will continue to justify and defend anything from 2G scam to CWG. But see the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha television channels and ask yourself if unruly schools boys are better behaved.
7) Add to it all, the repercussions of the Anna Hazare’s agitation being re-launched from August.
The year will be remembered for painful and violent incidents shaking the nation. A nd the period Sun-Jupiter is a period of national mourning.
(10 August 2011)
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (300143)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (193331)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (192087)