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From the horoscope of the Congress Party now it appears again that it will make an attempt to get passed some sort of a washed down Lokepal bill more as a political gimmick, a game politicians are well known to indulge in. Like the Sharda Act banning child marriages during British times, like the anti-dowry act and anti-corruption measures passed by the government, it will adorn the vast list of the statute book without becoming effective, even if the UPA succeeds in getting it passed. It will become a talking point, the awesome piece of garrulity which the English news channels in India are now known for. read more...

The judgement of the Supreme Court of India is a big jolt to the Congress led UPA government and the present Home Minister, Chidambaram who has now to face a case for what he is said to have done as Finance Minister earlier, may witness , if a horoscope of his circulating (16 Sept 1945 with Vrisha lagna) and the pratyantara dasha of Moon in the eighth house is correct, may be the beginning of the end of his political career now. The Congress party should prepare to face more difficult, if tragic, events in the coming months.

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Saturn in the seventh house of Pakistan’s horoscope and Jupiter in the lagna in transit now clearly show, particularly in the mahadasha of Venus, the seventh lord, a very significant change in the top level administrative set up of Pakistan, affecting President Zardari and even the possible change in its foreign policy. That can be seen in detail later.  (SIGNIFICANCE OF THE TRANSIT OF SATURN - II 18 November 2011)

My first statistical astrological article was on double transit of Saturn Jupiter, many years ago.  I later did it in mundane astrology which, combined with other factors, (I have yet to reveal) gave me amazing results. I slackened further probe into it after my sickness and some students have been doing it but in a rather lackadaisical way.  I cannot blame them because like most of the people of modern generation they have poor background of political, international relations and law and historical and historic events which have shocked, amused and created agony for many people all over the world.

I had emphasized the importance of the present Saturn Jupiter opposition in the context of Pakistan mainly because of its present dasha of Venus, the seventh lord and Saturn-Jupiter axis being Tula and Mesha. Something historic had to happen and it is happening which is being witnessed by the world particularly India which is interested in seeing a strong democratic Pakistan emerge out of the present tangle. The Supreme Court of Pakistan has served a notice of contempt of court on prime minister, Yusuf Raza Gilani, the longest serving prime minister of Pakistan  today (16 January-2012) and has asked him to appear before it on 19 January.

My research on the importance of the sixty year cycle, meaning the ages from fifty nine to sixty one years when transiting Saturn and Jupiter are on the birth Jupiter and Saturn which many Hindus celebrate as shasti poorti or completion of sixty years of age, becomes important for many reasons in the context of the present historic juncture   of Pakistan.

2007: sixty year cycle                  
In 2007, when Pakistan completed, like India sixty years of its formation, Benazir Bhutto’s death generated a wave of sympathy in favor of the PPP, the party of Bhutto’s and the husband of  slain Benazir, Asif Ali Zardari, always referred to as a very corrupt politician,  as “Mr. Ten Percent” became the president of Pakistan.

Dictator Pervez Musharraf, about whom I made many successful predictions, had to quit and run away from Pakistan to escape punishment, or even assassination attempts.

Then I tried vainly to search the horoscopes of some of the prominent Pakistanis involved in the present constitutional crisis in Pakistan, in the dramatic clash between the judiciary and executive, not the over familiar clash between the army and the executive remembering the thirty two years of ignominious army rule in Pakistan in the well-known army coups (1958, 1977 and 1999).

The years of birth of some important dramatis personae involved in the present drama, as given in different websites on the internet, is all that is available to me and I have no choice except to rely on it.

Let us see them one by one:

Asif Ali Zardari (21 July 1953)  is in his fifty eighth year and on this basis of his birth  Moon in Vrischika now gripped by transiting Rahu, in a sadhe saati and possibly in the enigmatic dasha of Venus-Saturn and possibly Dhanu lagna, seems to be on his way out before May 2012.

Yusuf Raza Gilani (9 June 1952) is gripped in the cycle of sixty years and possibly with Makara lagna, Moon in Dhanu and in the dasha of Jupiter Saturn, may face greatest crisis of his career now before 27 January 2012. He may be punished for contempt of court (touhine adalat) for which he has to appear before the Pakistani Supreme Court on 19 January 2012.2

Iftiquar Chaudhary Chief Justice (12 December 1948) The hero or the villain, the author of the present constitutional crisis of Pakistan who was victimized by Pervez Musharraf had a dramatic sixtieth year in his life when he was deposed by Pervez Musharraf (some Pakistan call him “pervert” Musharraf) and later reinstated after the present prime minister Gilani persuaded Zardari to take this momentous decision.

If we give him Meena lagna, he is passing through Rahu-Mars period with Mars in the tenth house and the aspects of transiting Jupiter and Saturn on his tenth house, gives him that death or glory moment when he can create judicial glory or ignominy in the history of Pakistan.

And now this chief justice, Chowdhury is proceeding against his benefactors.

Imran Khan (5 Oct 1952 at 11/55 Lahore according to a horoscope of his circulating) with Dhanu lagna is in his fifty ninth year and in full grip of the Saturn Jupiter, shasti poorti phenomenon. According to the horoscope circulating he is passing through Rahu Moon period. His birth horoscope and the dashamansha shows that he fully involved in the present “conspiracy” and one can believe that he is the puppet of ISI and the army being promoted as the future prime minister in an army controlled democracy as the army itself headed by General Kayani is not interested to stage an army coup at this critical juncture of Pakistan’s history. A de jure democratically Prime Minister controlled by the de facto ruler, the army under Kayani is clearly unfolding at this critical juncture in Pakistan’s history.

Imran, described as “PPP”, player first, then a playboy and now a politician has been playing his cards adroitly and is looking to a great political future for himself.

If his horoscopic details are confirmed and verified, some predictions can be made at a future date.

January 19. 2012 is the day when Prime Minister Gilani has been asked by the Pakistani Supreme Court to appear before it answer the charge of contempt court.

I do not remember if a prime minister of any democratic country has ever been asked to appear before a court for contempt of court.

On such occasions, one wishes one had the correct and authentic horoscopes of the dramatis personae involved in a historic drama.

Moon in Vrischika, conjoining Rahu on 19 Jan 2012 aspected by Mars and in the eighth house of Pakistan is an indication not of glory but ignominy.

Can a sitting prime minister be deposed through a judicial pronouncement? Legally and constitutionally the answer is yes in a democracy. And with the army supporting the judiciary (one suspects that it is a conspiracy between the army and judiciary in Pakistan against the executive), we can expect a shock.

Constitutionally, the president enjoys immunity and if Zardari is forced out of office, it will be an extra constitutional or violent incident. After he demits the office, these cases of corruption and his Swiss bank accounts will chase him till death.

The prime minister, Gilani can be ejected out of his office or may resign as rumors in the television channels indicate (17 hours) when I am completing this piece.

But then ask a question. Pakistan specializing in army coup can give to world a new coup called judicial coup.

(16 January 2012)

Keywords: KN Rao, Journal of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Iran, Israel, Nuclear Iran, US Economy, Pakistan, Memogate, Jyotish, Indian Astrology, Hindu Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Kundli, Horoscopes, Saturn, Jupiter, Zardari, Imran Khan, ISI, Nawaz Sharif, Kayani

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