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In my last article (written on 18 Aug 2020) I discussed the research of my revered Guruji Shri K.N. Rao Sir that when Venus transits Mithun rashi with 19 benefic points in ashtakvarga, where there are zero points in BAV of Moon, it hurts the sentiment of the country, the nation has to face a time of trouble and grief. Venus was till in Mithun when our former President Pranab Mukherjee breathed his last. I had written in my article “Venus in Mithun Again” –  read more...
Our esteemed Guruji Shri K.N. Rao Sir explained to us that it is imperative to keep the background in mind when we make a prediction. Donald Trump is the President of USA right now. If he starts a war with China in late September or October, there is no way that Americans will change their President in those circumstances. 

It has happened before in the history of USA. First it was Woodrow Wilson who became the 28th President of USA on 4 March 1913, his term had to complete in four years but the first World War (28 Jul 1914 - 11 Nov 1918) had started, so he continued as the President. It was no occasion to change the President. When World War II (1 Sep 1939 - 2 Sep 1945) started, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was running his second term as President; but because of the war he continued as the President till his death in 12 April 1945. He is the only President to have continued into the fourth term as the President of USA. After him the rule came to limit the number of terms of the President to two. Well, at present, if war happens, which can not be ruled out, Trump is likely to continue. But, assuming that war does not happen we are analysing as to who shall win the post of President. 
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In examining this horoscope, it must be seen that this is a horoscope in which there is so much struggle involved in attaining the high position of the prime minister and it does not appear strong enough for him to retain this post too long. May be, the Labour Party itself may not do so well in the next general elections after three terms under Tony Blair. ( 8 SEPT 2006)

English translation of an article in Dainik Bhaskar, a Hindi newspaper.

After my sickness in 2000, I lost interest in astrological predictions, in individual and mundane areas. When some journalist friends insisted on my giving prediction on mundane events, I gave them, hesitatingly both for the Star Teller and the mass circulated  Hindi Bhaskar. Fortunately I got the correct horoscope of Gordon Brown on which I made many successful predictions. One of them has been quoted here.

My predictions about UK politics did not go wrong as I got correct horoscopes but in the case of India in the case of both Manmohan Singh and Sonia Gandhi I slipped and ;ater apologized for my failed predictions which other astrologers are not known to do.

When Kush Singh wrote to me expressing his desire to write on UK elections, I encouraged him and he wrote out the piece which contains his accurate predictions. Kush comes from a political family (his father was also in Bihar cabinet once and is still active in politics). He himself went to England for studies and also, later for business which gave him deep interest in the politics of England

More amusing for us was to watch the dirt and bargaining of politicians of different parties, just like India, but on a much smaller scale preceding the coalition. Will it be CC (Cameron and Clegg) or BC (Brown and Clegg) was difficult to decide in the absence of the birth details of Clegg. The dirt in the manourvres and tactics preceding the final decision showed that human nature is the same everywhere. In the mother of democracies, as UK is described by some, the sordidness of it all was like a familiar scene for us Indians experiencing the dirty politics for decades.

In India first in 1967 we had many coalitions in different states known as SVD governments of India which collapsed soon. Then in 1977 the Janata Government headed by Morarji and later from 1989 till today we have not had a single party government except PV. Narasimha Rao’s which was a minority government surviving difficult times and completing five year term. The adroitness with which PV. Narasimha Rao his government gave him the status of a Chanakya in Indian politics.

The best predictions about elections anywhere can be given if psephology and astrology are combined which will never happen as we have seen in the case of monsoon prediction in India. In 1987 late Hardeo Sharma predicted in March in Vishwa Vijay Panchanga about the drought while the IMD had forecast a normal monsoon. In 2002 I had written in the mass circulated Bhaskar, a Hindi newspaper about the coming drought three months in advance and in late July, the Agriculture Minister Ajit Singh told the nation about the drought. The IMD does not have to its credit a single correct forecast about drought since it was created sometime in 1875. Yet the meteorologist will not combine the extra terrestrial phenomena which astrologers use.

But in India we have many brilliant poll forecasts of our psephologists. Prannoy Roy of the NDTV stands out like a giant in the world if you consider the gigantic proportions of Indian democracy with all its complexities. The best of western psephologists could not have evolved a better technique and model than Prannoy Roy has done for India.

But there is a difference between psephology and astrology. The astrologer predicts on the basis of scantiest data, two or four horoscopes and not the mass data of voters’s response collected by a large team employed by psephologists costing enormous amount.

Every prediction I made about British elections or US predictions has come out correct because I got correct horoscopes of the important or most important political contestants.In the case of India, I had excellent record of publicly made predictions from 1990 to 2001 of India and many which I have made privately from 1972 onwards. When I retired and threw off the shackles of government service conduct rules I was freer to write openly. But after my illness I did not and could not collect correct horoscopes and my predictions made only general mundane data reduced the percentage of correct predictions.

If astrologers had done some honest new research on elections with correct horoscopes, astrology would have come to occupy a very prestigious position among sciences. But that will never happen in India because our leaders cheat us, give us wrong horoscopes and mislead us.

How sometimes an astrological prediction appears like a miracle can be seen in many instances. My favourite one is that of a Congress leader of Madhya Pradesh. The poll survey was that the BJP would win but when the mother of this leader had asked me, I told her very confidently that her son had run into such a good period he would become a minister if his party got majority. In any case, he would win his election. . Surprisingly the poll surveys, pre-poll and even exit polls went wrong that year, the Congress party won majority of seats and this leader did become a minister.

If sound astrologers can get one hundred correct horoscopes of the main contending of political parties, they can easily predict the outcome with nearly hundred percent accuracy. That will never happen. Therefore, we helplessly fall back upon two or three horoscopes and predict as Kush Singh has done in the case of 2010 election of UK without the horoscopes of the Tory or Labour Party which are not available.

But then the fear of a hung parliament could not have been seen as the third important horoscope of Clegg and his Liberal Party was not available at all.

But then remember that this election in Britain has come with Jupiter and Saturn opposing each other from Kanya and Meena which is denoting some major changes, with revolutionary tones which has been described by a British paper as accidental revolution. What that will be seen during the course of the year all over the world. Some notable and historical, even historic changes is what can be expected to happen.

The possible changes with tings of revolution in UK can be anticipated if one scrutinisies the agreement between the ory and the Liberal parties.

In any case, my congratulations to Kush Singh for his excellent prediction.

( 14 May 2010)

Keywords: UK Elections, Psephology, KN Rao, Jounal of Astrology, Clegg, Cameron

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