In the month of May 1991 Rajiv Gandhi was killed.
In the month of May 2009 the man behind the killing of Rajiv Gandhi , Prabhakaran was killed and in the month of May 2009 Rajiv Gandhi’s son, Rahul Gandhi whom the opposition leaders of India had dismissed as an ineffective leader incapable of reviving the Congress party, firmly established himself as the most important leader of the Congress party after bringing about a remarkable transformation in its fortunes .
According to the electronic media of India which plays the sychophant to the Nehru dynasty Rahul Gandhi won for this party a remarkable victory and credit or discredit is not being to Chiranjeevi in Andhra Pradesh and Vijay Kant in Tamilnadu for playing the spoiler which has given benefit to the Congress party and UPA.
The nation is now witnessing the rise of the Nehru dynasty and the iconic images of the fourth generation of the Nehru dynasty.
As the dasha of Venus is coming to its end in the Indian independence horoscope, the Indian voter has rejected casteist and religious considerations in the election of 2009 and sounded the death knell of the Mandal politics unleashed by that dangerous opportunist late V.P.Singh. Whether it is true or not that seems to be assessment of many.
Dynastic democracies
The history of democracies of south east Asia must lead the political scientists into evolving a new concept in political science and describe democrasies in this region of the world as "dynastic democracies". The most important and great "achievers" among them have been the member of the Nehru dynasty of India whether one likes it not .
These developments in Indian politics are happening when some other significant developments are taking place.
The most important now is the annihilation of terrorists in these areas, LTTE in Sri Lanka and Talibans in Pakistan. In the India we are witnessing the defeat, capitulation and kowtowing of the Mandalite products of the Venus mahadasha of the Indian horoscope which is now coming to an end.
The big transformation the mahadasha of Sun promises is visible.
Look at the plight of these Mandal products whom we have suffered for two decades: Ram Bilas Paswan who has lost his own elections and his party has not won a single seat in the elections and is ludicrously offering his "support to the government": Lalu Yadav with only two seats is saying "yes, a mistake has been committed", and is now offering an unconditional support to the Congress led government and waiting with trepidation to be favoured with a berth in the central cabinet.
The Socialist Party of Mulayam has no socalism left in it, it being a Yadav and Muslim combination with many Bollywood actors and actresses brought in it along with capitalists. It has some life left in it with twenty three members of parliament but its absence from the cabinet gives no chance to Amar Singh to blow hot and cold against every one in Indian politics as though he has always taken a great moral stand. His horoscope, as a student pointed out in my class room discussion, shows the end of the road for him in many ways. He is now offering "unconditional" support to the Congress led government. His earlier bark is now reduced to cacaphanous sycophancy because he knows that the CBI case of his boss, Mulayam Singh, can destroy him, his party and his future.
Two of the leaders of the Mandal era who are surviving with some strength are Mayawati in UP with her bark not having vanished but is afraid of her Taj corridor case ruining her for ever. The only one surviving member of Mandalite era with a beautiful image is Nitish Kumar Chief Minister of Bihar. A product of casteist politics himself, he had the vision to take to economic progress of Bihar as his aim and has achieved much already. Perhaps he should not be identified with Mandaliite aggression and opportunism like Lalu Prasad Yadav.
Why is the Sun dasha promising it and Venus dasha was so enigmatic ? Look at the position of Venus, first in the navamsha, then dashamansha and then in Thrimsamsha and then of Sun in the same vargas of the Indian Independence horoscope.
But pause here and think seriously if Rahul Gandhi will stay long in Indian politics. On the basis of his horoscope circulating, such a promise is not visible. Yet, he has become an inspiration, an iconic leader with a charisma and a promise of becoming a reformer of Indian politics getting drowned in the mire of casteist, religious and communist chaos.
Of course in the promise, the media, particularly the electronic media is once again talking of Nehru dynasty forgetting the great figure of Mahatma Gandhi and other leaders of the days of independence era whose sacrifices were much greater but their families did not become iconic. That is the irony of Indian history.
Yet, in the nation where we believe in rebirth, the spiritual merit of previous lives, we must accept that the Nehru dysasty’s children seem to be kings and emperors of mediaeval ages reborn in one family to dominate Indian poitics for some decades till the concept of democracy changes from dynastic democracies to real western type democracies. Till then we must see only the sycophants in the durbar of Rahul and his mother Sonia Gandhi rise in politics-- that is the reality and truth of Indian politics.
It is because Indian democracy will never be an imitation of western democracies but will have a distinct and prominent original character of its own. The first democracy and republic of the world was Indian, the forgotten Lichchavi republics. It is India who taught to the world the lessons of democracy first. It is the great lessons of the Gita which must be combined with this belief in democracy and that is wherever you see a special manifestation of divine grace, as you see in the Nehru dynasty, accept it, let it be added, even in a democracy and accept the concept of dynastic democracy.
The time to do that has arrived in the history of India now.
In the dashamansha of the Indian Independence horoscope, Jupiter aspects Sun in the tenth house showing royal dignity in Indian democracy and that is the dominance of the iconic figures of the Nehru dynasty.
And in transit in the month of May 2009 Jupiter in Kumbha and Saturn in Simha are showing that the present transformation awaiting a greater transformation, whatever that may be in, in 2010 when Jupiter in Meena and Saturn in Kanya will signal some other change. It will have its origin. possibly, through some tragic incident in USA and it will have world wide repurcussions.
The present Saturn Jupiter opposition involving Kumbha and Simha have annihilated Indian communists as never happened in the last thirty two years.
It is only an astrologer who can see this transformation and predict it. In my predictions about the outcome of Indian elections of 2009, I had not mentioned it but have discussed it in my class room often. The world is changing fast now, with economic disaster in the shape of recession reducing job seeking young men to utter despair, with fast changing political scene reducing the Lalu Prasad Yadavs of Indian politics into political skeletons, with Sri
Lanka breathing freely in the post LTTE annihilation era. Jayalalitha, the tormentor of Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati licking dust after the poor performance of AIDMK in the general elections of 2009 a punishment that God must give to the tormentor of a saint and, Maya of UP fearing for her life and political survival.
The leaders of the BJP, flattered by an astrologers of Delhi who predicted boastfully that NDA would form the government but not L.K.Advani as the prime minister but someone else (it is rumoured that he had assured Bhairon Singh Shekhawat that he should be prepared to don the mantle of the prime minister of India) did their best to defeat themselves through ugliest rivalries which we know of.
Yes, the national politics has changed and is changing. The only credible opposition left for Congress is the NDA led by BJP the only other national party. That is the healthiest trend in Indian politics two national politics battling it out to capture power with regional parties of the Mandal era sinking into the limbos of history. That is what the Sun mahadasha promises among many other things but the danger from terrorism will force the nation to tighten its security more than ever before.
But India must always be prepared for tricky American behaviour like keeping, as the report goes, the dead Osama alive to justify its occupation of Afghanistan, talking of thirty years of inconsistent policy towards Pakistan yet giving it fabulous sums as aid without imposing the condition of not sending terrorists into India, creating the monster called the Taliban with the cooperation of ISI and now pretending to destroy it. In international politics to court USA is a disaster and not to court it is a greater disaster.
Yes, these two Saturn Jupiter oppositions will transform the world but the world in no way will become a better place.
(21 May 2009)
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (300217)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (193396)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (192227)