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The Meteorology division had earlier said that the monsoon would be arriving in June, then they had said it would arrive on the 8th of July, but there is no sign of the monsoon still. Meteorology division it at best a weather reporter not a weather forecaster. It should be remembered that the Indian Meteorological Department can not give any forecast long enough to be of use to the agriculturists of the country. And India being an agri-economy largely, weather forecasts are all the more important. The Hindu astrological method of predicting rainfall is a scientific method spread over a period of at least 6 months observation, stage by stage. read more...

Esteemed Guruji Shri K. N. Rao, who is now 90 years old, says he doesn’t remember a single time when Afghanistan got such wide publicity in Indian media as it is getting now. The reason is obvious, the TV channels are running 24/7 now and Afghanistan is actually running through a real crisis. Being on the Frontier of India, next to Kashmir, India is much concerned about the developments there.

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Those two fortnights of 1977
Those days in 1977, I used to work deeply
on mundane astrology unlike these days when I have lost interest and do not prepare enough data.

The two fortnights referred to in 1977 in
the horoscopes given below both India and Pakistan were to undergo radical changes.

India had its first non-Congress government in
the Janata Government after the March elections and Pakistan had a more radical change when Zial-ul-Haq became a military dictator and immediately came out with his policy of Islamization of Pakistan with USA encouraging it fully to fight the Soviet troops in Afghanistan.

See the influence of Mars on the tenth house and the tenth lord in the chart of 14 June 1977 and Mars is in the tenth house both in the birth chart and the navamsha in chart of 1 July 1977

The rise of Talibanism and of
Osama bin Laden can be traced to this period. The army-mullah combination, the favourite combination of Pakistan politics was in full bloom from this period till September 2001 when USA found its own policy it had encouraged for twenty four years becoming a menace for it and the world.

But it was too

What you sow you have to reap--be in an
individual karma or collective karma.

Zia was popular with a policy which
appealed to masses and mullahs and had a
mass base and approval.

Now the same USA expects Musharraf to undo all that and lose the popular support of masses and mullah. Musharraf has to lose the mullah base, the mass base, the religiousfundamentalst base to please Americans and displease majority of illiterate and semi-illiterate Pakistanis. He has to displease the educated Pakistanis who want freedoms and a dose of secularism after acting against the judiciary and gagging the media.

He is rudderless depending
on the slender loyalty of the army only. He is the most pitiable head of a state. It is why the change of dasha in the horoscope of Pakistan is a landmark to be watched.

How safe then is Musharraf himself ?

an emergency when the press is gagged rumours that spread fast do lot of damage and create panic. No wonder, we will have spate of rumours and fears now from Pakistan.

After Jupiter moves into Dhanu on 24
November 2007, some of the curbs on the media may be relaxed. This emergency itself may be lifted soon because an inconvenient judiciary has been got rid of by Musharraf.

But none of
these combinations will prevent the terrorists becoming more menacing.

Musharraf knows that India and USA will want him to remain in power and be powerful. It would have been helpful if we had his horoscope to predict with confidence.

But then
remember that we have entered the predicted dangerous period of 2007-2008. But when the press is suppressed, rumours become wild.

"No coup against me"

11/5/2007 2:50:05 PM
IN CONTROL: Musharraf has rubbished aside the reports that he has been placed under house arrest

US fears Pak's N-bomb may fall in
wrong hands (PTI)
Today's rumour becomes tomorrow's history. Taliban is a US-Pakistan manufactured produce. Caliban is only a Shakesperean character.

( 5 November 2007)

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