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Guruji respected Rao Sahib has desired my comments on Ram Janam Bhumi that whether PM Sh. Modi will get fame in Ayodhya Case whose case will start for hearing in Supreme court daily from 6th Aug 2019 and my answer is as under. mehr lesen...mehr lesen...
What is happening between USA and Iran is not a World war but it may develop into a major war and may be later into a World war. What we must always remember is that after the end of second World war in 1945, there have been at least three regional wars every ten years; mostly Asian and African countries have been involved whereas USA and Russia have made lots of profit by selling arms and ammunition.  mehr lesen...mehr lesen...
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Who are the people cheated, exploited and misled by astrologers indulging in gimmicks?

Mostly parents who want their children to succeed at any cost. They are prepared to pay the price for it and there are astrologers all over the world, particularly India, offering their services, at a huge prices, by selling their remedies. These astrologers do not issue any warranty card after they have sold their services.

The loving but fooled parents do not know that the laws of karma are inexorable and that if in any case the so called remedy has worked, what has actually happened is that the dasha or antardasha has changed. The explanation is so simple. See it yourself if you know astrology.

Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2007 15:08

From: "R <r@online.net>


To: knrao@mail.com

Dear Mr. Rao

I need to consult you

However I am not an astrologer but have deep belief and interest.

As my daughter has Manglic Kundali and also has a Kaal Serp Yog, I have made matching of horoscopeas a prime requirement. I am trying to find suitable boy for her since year 2000.

Education: Doctor of Osteopathic D.O. has specialized in Endocrinology Profession: Last

August joined a group of doctors as Endocrinologist.

Mula Nakshatra vidhi was done few days after she was borne and before I saw her face.

All other vidhi's were done in December of 2000. And many more people have performed few rituals which I do not remember.

From: v. k. <v_in@mail.com>

To: knrao@mail.com

Subject: help

Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2007 18:44:23 IST

shri rao ji


i am regular reader of your magazine and website both.

Earlier i also get help from you. My son is doing Chartered accountant for last 13 yrs and able to clear inter only. He is married and a son with him. He is not able to clear the exam .should he do something else .
Could you suggest any remedy for that .
I have consult some astrologers also in last 13 yrs but things have not changed as you rightly said there is no escape for karma effect one has to bear the brunt of the karmic effect.


( 24 February 2007 )

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