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Why did not the Supreme Court issue a contempt notice for full two years and woke up only in January 2012? Is it not suspicious? Has the court woken up suddenly or has the army goaded it to act now? Questions after questions arising out of the contempt proceedings show an unfair judiciary and remind me of what a Pakistani woman told me-- the feudal lords of Punjab in the army and judiciary vs. Sindhi politicians in power!!


India needs to be careful. Our friendship with Iran needs to be nurtured. India has a big Shia population in UP and AP - 'Shia is a protective shield against ultra-Sunni terrorism. Iran gives to India the land route to Afghanistan. Iran is a strong factor in giving us energy security. We need to walk on tight rope between Iran and Israel.

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Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. has finally taken his oath as US President, as some of us at Institute of Astrology, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan had correctly predicted in the first week of Sep 2020 “DONAL TRUMP VS JOE BIDEN (PART I, II, III)” https:// article.php?article_id=588 

Joe Biden is the 46th President of USA. At 78 years of age, he is the oldest President to take office. He is the 2nd Catholic President after John F. Kennedy. His running mate Kamla Harris has made history, by becoming the first lady to become Vice President of USA. 

Oath Horoscope of Joe Biden Journal of Astrology
How well will Joe Biden be able to rule, build and integrate USA, for this purpose, we use the swearing in chart. Mesha lagna chart comes up as the swearing is always scheduled for midday on 20th of January. This year the President took oath a few minutes before 12 noon, it was 11:48:34 US time. We can see Mars in lagna in own rashi, conjunct with Moon and forming Chandra Mangal yoga. For Mesha lagna, Mars has the lordship of the 8H too. Ketu in 8H is clearly showing the intrigues. We can never forget that 8H is also the house of surprises, house of change. There is concentration of planets in 10H; conjunction of 5L Sun, 9L Jupiter and 10L Saturn could have been tremendous but there is so much weakness. Saturn and Sun placed there clearly showing the opposition and obstacles lined up, Mercury as 3L cum 6L shows the opposition from colleagues and neighbors. The whole World got the glimpse of the same. 

Marine One landed at The White House and twice impeached former President Donald Trump finally left the White House after so much melodrama. A 21 gun salute given at the base, a speech delivered and the family flew to Mara-Lago in Florida. Donald Trump decided to skip the swearing-in ceremony of his successor. He did not refer to Biden by name in his final speech either, offered his wishes to ‘new administration’. The only convention he followed was, leaving a note for the next President. Normally the inauguration day is a day of celebrations, a jubilant day of pomp and cheer. This year, the celebrations were much subdued.
The Covid challenge is obviously there but more than that it was the concern for security. There were 25,000 troops to guide the inauguration ceremony. The siege of Capitol Hill by Pro-Trump protestors just a fortnight before, on 6 Jan 2021 when Congress was announcing Joe Biden as the President-elect, was too fresh in everyone’s mind. Republican Donald Trump supporters had climbed from all sides and barged into the Parliament session, the security had not been able to control these men, 5 people died and many were injured. People were reminded of the coup of 1898 in Wilmington, when the white supremacists in Wilmington, North Carolina decided to wipe away the ‘Red Shirts’. It was the conspiracy of white Southern Democrats who led a mob of 2000 white men to overthrow the legitimately elected local fusion government. They created complete ruckus, expelled opposition leaders, destroyed the property and businesses of Black citizens, including the only Black newspaper in the city, killed approximately 60 to 300 people.
The anxiety over security was obvious, Capitol Hill was in complete chaos 15 days back and on the steps of the same Capitol Hill, Joe Biden had to take his oath. Two hundred thousand flags were put up there symbolic of the people who could not come there. Capitol Hill thronged with more security than visitors. Congress men were the ones who attended. All living former Presidents, except Jimmy Carter who is 96 years old and could not make it, decided to attend the inauguration ceremony of President Biden and show their solidarity. Mike Pence was not seen at Trump’s departure, but he chose to attend the inauguration ceremony of Joe Biden. A look at the chart at that time makes it very clear. Sun and Saturn together shows the tension at the government level. Jupiter in the 10H is debilitated, all wisdom goes for a toss. Conjunct along with is Mercury, which as 3L and 6L brought in lots of antagonism from subordinates. Saturn and Jupiter conjunctions are a time of big change, a clear change is already showing in USA. For USA, Saturn and Jupiter are the 6 & 8 lords too, so a dangerous turn can not be overruled. Well, an interesting point astrologically is the unexpected snowfall for a little while in the beginning of the ceremony. 

The four planet conjunction in Makar is actually in the 6H of USA bringing about so much tension in the country. Even before the oath had to be administered, there was some shouting of slogans from outside, which was silenced. Joe Biden was administered the oath of office by Chief Justice of USA John Roberts and Biden used his family’s 127 year old bible to take the pledge. 

Now, what does the future show. 

In the oath chart, 4H of simhasan (seat) is jointly aspected by 6L Mercury, 8L Mars and 12L Jupiter. Aspect of Sun and Saturn is also there. This 4H of internal affairs is very disturbed. 

In navamsha, Lagna lord Mars debilitates giving it a clear weakness. Moreover, it gets placed in the 12H of retirement. There is exalted Moon in 10H which looks good at first glance but Moon is the 12L in 10H, aspected by 6L Saturn from 8H. Lagna lord Sun of navamsha is in 8H with Saturn showing the strain. The 10L Venus is aspected by both Mars and Jupiter showing the frenzy it could be exposed to. 

The above combinations do not indicate a smooth or peaceful term for the President. The chart shows unprecedented events may hinder the completion of term by President Biden. 

21 Jan 2021

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