In my youth when I voted, the symbol of the Congress party of India was two bullocks with plough. I saw it transformed into a hand later. Will it become a finger ? Not in jest, but with serious astrological discussion someone posed this question.
When my article of January 2013 predicting gloomy future for the Congress party appeared, a very senior Congress party minister in UPA government lost his temper with a middle aged astrologer, a government officer, working under him and showing him my article in the Journal ofAstrology in which it was reproduced, had asked him crudely, “what is this nonsense.....?”
Vimshottari dasha ending - Moon 10 Nov 1895, Mars 10 Nov 1902, Rahu 10 Nov 1920, Jup 10 Nov 1936, Sat 10 Nov 1955, Mer 10 Nov, Died on 12 Nov 1969 in Mercury/Jupiter/Rahu
In Navamsha, Benefic Venus in the tenth house aspected by Jupiter and Moon had to transform this party into a national party of national appeal with the idealism brought into it by Mahatma Gandhi. In Dasamsha, in the mahadasha of Rahu and the antardasha of Venus the sixth lord in the tenth house exchanging places with the tenth lord Saturn this party changed from a politically acquiescing one to patriotic party demanding serious attention to the increasing poverty of Indian with the British never satisfied with their looting of the country as had never happened ever before.
Let me remind that I had written and pre- dicted as early as January 2013 when no poll surveys could colour my views, analysis as had happened in 2004 when I went wrong because before writing that many poll surveys may have influenced me subconsciously. In January 2013, I decided to make my prediction much in advance, as it happens , it was seventeen months in advance.
I did not have the horoscope of Narendra Modi which I got later from a friend and had a glance at it. Vrischika lagna, vargottama, appealed to me for faultless verification of some known events of the life of Modi, the streaks of an autocrat with a doubly sound gajkesari yoga from the lagna and the Moon giving to him admirable idealism. Then an unpleasant streak in his psychological make up, which I am not discussing, too becomes clearest in the case of Vrischika lagna.
Congress Old horoscope: There are six planets in kendras including Rahu and Ketu. Mercury and Saturn are in Mrityubhaga. Died sometime in 1984 in Venus Mercury with its death unannounced and the date of its cremation remaining a mystery. In Navamsha, Mercury here is under double affliction by both Saturn and Mars. In Dasamsha, Mercury as the second lord in the third aspected by Mars and Saturn in the twelfth house, fight had got out of this party under relentless master strokes of Indira Gandhi.
As it is, without the horoscope of Modi I had predicted the victory of BJP (NDA) is the point notable here. After the dismal performance of the Congress party in the general elections of 2014 with it ending up with the worst ever performance with only 44 seats in the Lok Sabha what is its future is an inevitable question that arises and needs answering now. More so as the figures of seats won in some general elections by this party show. Seats won by the Congress party in different elections.
1951(364 ), 1957(371) 1962(361), 1967(283), 1971 (352), 1977(153), 1980 (351), 1984(415), 1989 (197), 1991(244), 1996(140), 1998 (141), 1999(114), 2004(145), 2009(206), 2014(44).
Then there are stories of revolt within the party now.
TheTimes of India
Crisis in Congress, mutinies everywhere
TNN | Jun 3, 2014, 03.40 AM IST
NEW DELHI: Congress appeared to be cracking up under state mutinies following the Lok Sabha debacle, with firebrand minister Narayan Rane raising a banner of revolt against Maharashtra chief minister Prithviraj Chavan and former Union minister Kumari Selja attacking Haryana CM Bhupinder Hooda for his leadership of the party in the state.
Rahul Gandhi a backbencher in Lok Sabha PTI | Jun 4, 2014, 02.00 PM IST
NEW DELHI:After his reluctance to head Con- gress in the Lok Sabha, Rahul Gandhi was on Wednesday seen sitting in one of the rear benches of the opposition. He was seen seated in the ninth row along with party olleaguesAsrar-ul Haq and Shashi Tharoor. Those occupying the front benches on the opposition side included leader of Congress in the House Mallikarjun Kharge, Sonia Gandhi, M Veerappa Moily and K H Muniyappa.
TheTimes of India
For a sliding Congress, no sign of 'achhe din'
TNN | Dec 24, 2014
NEW DELHI: Jharkhand and Jammu & Kashmir continued the downward spiral of Congress, raising questions if the party's bad times would abate anytime soon. After the rout in Maharashtra and Haryana barely a couple of months ago, Congress was reduced to the fourth position in J&K while it continued to grapple for relevance in Jharkhand. Only a success in forming a coalition government in Jammu and Kashmir would save the day for the principal opposition which did manage to avoid humiliation with a double-figure tally in that state........While expectations were low in the fresh round of elections, there was a mild cheer at having retained relevance in J&K — though the party's tally dropped from 17 seats to 12. Party sources said the decision to snap ties with National Conference, ally for six years, had been vindicated.
1885 Party
Therefore in the first part look at the dying Congress Party. It was founded in 1885 and it died its death on 12 Nov 1969 in Mercury Jupiter Rahu when it split and gave birth as its successors to two parties one led by the old guard Nijaligappa , S.K.Patil and others called Congress (O) O for Organization and others and the other by Indira Gandhi which called her party Congress (R), R for Real. But as the prime minister of India, Indira Gandhi had the power to scuttle, stifle and choke the rival party to death slowly and surely with deft moves and the support of the Communist Party of India instructed by the USSR to support it which was known to many.Indira’s minority government survived through the support of communists who took full advantage of it and strengthened their own position in West Bengal where they captured power and remained in power for full thirty years.
1)This needs a deeper analysis first of it prominent features and then the clearest visible fatalities which the astrologers advising Indira Gandhi who relied on astrology never told her about.
2) The lagna and Ketu in the lagna and Rahu and Moon in the seventh house in close degrees is its fear phobia from which the party party keeps suffering. It also explains its well known pseudo secularism as it does in the horoscope of Independent India where too Rahu is in the lagna like also the Indian Republican horoscope. This combination explains, after the party was formed, two of its attempts both not in the interests of the nation. The first was the amendment of the Indian Constitution during the time of Rajiv Gandhi to over the judgement of the Supreme Court in the Shah Bano case and later in the Sonia Gandhi controlled period the attempt unsuccessfully to get passed the Prevention Of Communal And Targeted Violence (Access To Justice And Reparation) Bill Of 2013 all anti Hindu measures. The recent news item of the Congress Party wanting to know if it had anti Hindu image need no better historical proofs as from the days of Nehru when not a Common Civil Code Bill but Hindu Code Bill was passed to the days of the dominance of Sonia it has a continual record of anti Hindu acts of pseudo secular nature..
3) Mars debilitated aspects the eighth house along with Saturn which the astrologers seem to have over- looked leaving this fatal point to become its dreadful history.
4)Apparently Venus and Sun in the tenth house are promising but as the sixth and eighth lords aspecting the tenth lord was to prove the factor for its present part annihilation leading to some unknown and dreadful future.
5) Mars aspects the eighth house in the birth horoscope, in the navamsha, in dreskona, in the dasha- mansha and dwadashamsha. Indira Gandhi was shot dead in the Mars mahadasha and Rahu antardasha.
6) Then see the condition of Moon Rahu in so many horoscopes, showing its phobias, fears and trag- edies being in the seventh house. Rajiv Gandhi was shot dead just after the mahadasha of Rahu in the seventh house began. Saturn transitting in the eighth house in Tula once in 1984 led to the assassination of Indira Gandhi causing a cataclysmic upheaval and later in 2014 reduced this party to its most pitiable and miserable position.
What then is the future of this party?
See the future dashas.
Jupiter mahadasha will run upto 2025. The downfall of this party began from the antardasha of Saturn and it experiences its seismic shocks in the antardasha of Mercury.
There is no hope of any recovery in the next antar- dasha of Ketu. Two big elections are due then except two states of Bihar and UP where regional parties now united both against the BJP and the Congress party will make it uneasy for both parties. If there is any chance of any national party making its presence felt in these elections it will be only the BJP. The demoralized Congress party have yet to decide whether to dump the Nehru dynasty now and reorganize the party for its own survival.
The antardasha it will get next is that of Venus, the third and the eighth lord. That is clearly the time of the disintegration of the party which may finally decide to discard the dynasty for its own survival.At the end of the year 2014, the revolution- ary tones I had predicted in January 2013 has manifested fully with the BJP emerging stronger even in Jharkhand and Jammu and Kashmir and the Congress confined only to five major states Uttarak- hand, Uttaranchal in the north, Orissa in the east and Kerala and Karnataka in the south. In Jupiter Venus dasha, the Congress will have to shed its anti Hindu image, vestiges of its Nehruvian approach and the dole economics of Sonia Gandhi to appeal to the young voters brought up in the economic liberalism of post 1991 India ushered in by P.V.Narasimha Rao.
As it happens, so far if there have been some successes in some elections the credit was given to Rahul Gandhi and for its failures the blame was apportioned to party workers. In the Venus antardasha two likely events are , Sonia Gandhi, now old and ill, will be totally inactive if she survives her much talked about illness in hush hush silence. Rahul Gandhi has no charisma, he is not a vote catcher and he cannot defend the sordid record of limitless corruption of his party, his brother in law, Robert Vadhra but being still its vice president, and virtually the effective number one in the party will find it difficult to stifle opposition to himself now. The downtrodden are rushed is what he has to remember. If this party ever develops anything like inner party democracy, it will be only the antardasha of Venus following strong and open revolt and even split. Whatever remains of the party after the Venus antardasha, will get some fighting ability in the Sun antardasha which will coincide with India facing a difficult war on its borders in 2020.
The question then is whether both in 2016 when the central government of Narendra Modi will face some serious difficulties and in 2020 when the nation faces some war, will this party see some symptoms of revival.
The drawable inference is that there seems no hope of this party experiencing some resurgence before 2020. Lovers of democracy will always want a two party system, both strong national parties with all India presence to have a needed equilibrium in Indianpolitics. Narendra Modi’s Congress mukta (Congress free) in India will disturb this equilibrium unless a conglomerate of regional parties like Lalu’s Mulayam’s others form a front which has always been fragile, short lived and got dissolved sooner than feared in the past.
To understand it, how strong will the BJP be in the coming after its spectacular gains in 2014 needs astrological analysis.
(4 January 2015)
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (300120)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (193321)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (192071)