The more you delve into astrology and look at the
dashas available, the easier it gets to understand every aspect of a horoscope.
Generally, astrologers all over the world follow Nakshatra dashas. Among them
the Vimshottari dasha reigns as the king. All Nakshatra dashas have one thing
in common, the degree of Moon.
As a result what happens mostly, is that the Lagna is
known but Lagna degrees are suspect and the Vargas are not changing. Can
predictions be made?
It is to tackle this problem that Mr. Rao felt Jaimini
Chara dasha should be researched into and has done with seven karakas. Shown
convincingly the use of karakas which no one has ever done.
Let’s illustrate with an example.
The person is running the dasha of Rahu-Saturn from
8-8-2011 and in Chara dasha Virgo-Cancer from 22-5-2012. From Virgo the 11th
house is aspected by PK, Amk and AK and from Cancer the 10th house by them.
What can you predict about his son?
this with Horoscope 2
It is the dasha of Ketu-Ketu from 19-11-2012 in
Vimshottari. Ketu is in the fifth house. In Chara dasha it is Virgo from 2008
and presently the antardasha is of Pisces The 10th house from Virgo has PK
which is eighth from AK. Both the
dasha/antar dasha rashi have the
aspect of PK . Here also the person is
pushing her son but with difficulty. In
both the horoscopes children are being pushed. At a glance can you find out
from any other method?
But this method also has risks of its own. People with
identical horoscopes cannot have the same prediction; therefore you have to go
to the finer aspect that is also taken care both in Parashari and Jaimini.
There are divisional horoscopes. Parashara has given 55 dashas and Jaimini 44,
many conditional. How many have been lost we do not know.
Chara Dasha became synonymous with a delightfully
stimulating and sharpening predictive experience for me. In our institute we often quote the great
musicologist V.M.Bhatkande who used to say at the end of five year music course
during the convocation that what was taught for five years was NAYAKI. Students
should develop their own GAYAKI after that
In Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan the students are taught for
two years in Alankar and Acharya and thereafter in research classes, they are
expected to use the techniques they learn to develop their own style of
predicting. The substance remains the
same but style, GAYAKI different though from the same school and under the same
For this reason
perhaps the reader may find my approach a little different. No one can claim to
have mastered any aspect of astrology. We all are students and learners. We
should keep the process of elimination and addition on.
a Divine Super science
There are 55 dashas of Parashara and 44 in Jaimini that
are known to us. Both Maharishi Parashara and Rishi Jaimini perhaps were super
humans for they mastered these many dashas when we can at best, with the help
of computer software’s use only 3-4 of them. The amazing power to predict, experienced by many through Chara dasha and
its applicability on a very high
percentage of horoscopes strengthens the
belief that these Rishis were blessed with divya
drishti (supernormal powers).This also strengthens the belief that the
these Rishis were just the medium selected by the Almighty for this knowledge to be revealed to us. Our
classical text does not mention anywhere that these aphorisms were created or
composed. They are said to have been revealed.
Chara dasha has
become a tool of invaluable utility for present day astrologers. Its pioneering
principles have baffled many. The replicability of these principles and their
extensive use across the globe, reminds, time and again of the landmark
achievement of Mr. Rao. He writes in his book that it was a painstaking labor
of over twenty five years. He mentally
calculates the dasha which he feels is the best way to discover its finer
In the year 1994 I learnt Chara dasha in the Acharya class at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
about the time of publication of the first edition of the book Predicting through Jaimini Chara dasha in
1993.In the 1995-97 research class under his guidance we applied Chara dasha on
many horoscopes and presented several case studies in seminars. During this
period I wrote astro-sketches on Ram Kishan Dalmia and Dr Rajendra Prasad.
Dasha’s definite edge over Vimshottari dasha in authenticating and rectifying a
Most of us at Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan have this dasha
built in our system. Many of us calculate it in our mind and some through handy
computers. The innovative model that we follow for arriving at correct
predictions begins with verification of the birth data of a horoscope, by
matching bio-facts with Chara dasha. In view of the limited time available with
present day astrologers it was difficult to detect a wrong Ascendant by
adopting the traditional methodology as only a sketchy picture from the
universal Vimshottari dasha and transits could be got in a squeezed time frame In contrast, Chara dasha instantly flashes
some specific events to confirm the Ascendant.
A word of caution is necessary here. The speed comes
with risks. One tends to become judgmental and is likely to forget that the
success rate of predictions is in the vicinity of only seventy percent with
standalone Chara Dasha. It can be improved if the findings from Chara dasha are
integrated with the findings from Vimshottari dasha. Both dashas should narrate
the same story.
My approach to a horoscope analysis underwent a change
after I experienced the power of Chara dasha. Feedback from many also shows
that the Chara dasha determines the life events pretty accurately. I have been
giving readings for Journalofastrology.com since the year 2009. Most of what I
am sharing is observed from application of Chara dasha for predictions on
horoscopes from the website clients and from my family, friends and students.
The sample size from 2009 would be over 2000 horoscopes.
the Desh Kaal Patra
Try to know the person. More the better. This would
help in choosing the focus -standard, psychological, or spiritual. Standard the
most common covers education career, marriage, health and property.
of Promise
---Mark the Chara karakas. Mark the Aroodh (pada lagna)
UP (upa-pada ) KL (Karakamsha lagna) U.Pada (Upa Pada) N.Lagna(navamsha lagna)
MB (Mrityu Bhag)
---Read the horoscopes from Lagna, Aroodh Lagna, Karakamsha
Lagna, Navamsha Lagna and the Atmakaraka.
Any karaka in 6, 8, 12from these five important Lagnas would be weak.
Note the repetitions.
---Generally any karaka afflicted by Rahu, Ketu or Gnatikaraka
will also be weak. It has to be kept in the mind that Rahu and Ketu are quick
absorbers and act as a catalyst. At times they give big jumps and windfalls.
Even sometime Gnatikaraka is positive for it denotes a relation. Help from a
relation or a loan is also seen coming from this karaka.
---Lastly see the horoscopic promise from the Swamsha
to refine predictions. The yogas should be seen in the navamsha also. See the
mutual relationship of Atmakaraka and Amatyakarak both in the birth chart and
the navamsha, the Putrakaraka and Matrikarka for position and dignity.
---This assessment should be kept at the back of the
mind while presuming as Lagna the Rashi, whose dasha is on. Life does not
remain static, Chara dasha beautifully indicates the phases of life and point
which aspect of life is likely to change. In which area a person can afford to
take risks and in which caution is advised.
---Do not forget that the other rashis with their
attributes and influences also aspect the dasha rashi.
the karakas
---Intermingle the natural karakas and seven Chara
---Sun as the fixed karaka for father and atma could
also be the Chara Gnatikaraka in a horoscope.
---Similarly Putrakaraka indicates dignity, education
and children but could be Venus, the natural karaka for spouse. If the Putrakaraka
is free from association or gaze of Gnatikaraka, Rahu or Ketu the education
should or would be good.
---Any karaka getting into the 8th from rashi dasha
could be a change or a problem. Any karaka seen in the 10th house from the
rashi dasha would remain the focus during that period.
---Transits should be applied liberally both in the
birth chart and the navamsha.
the Strength of the Rashis
---The number of planets or their aspects on rashis
determines the activity, both good and bad depending upon the influences. Planets
provide energy. The phase would be more eventful in relative terms if there are
more planets or aspects on a rashi.
---Sagittarius and Leo have been found natural eventful
---See all the houses from every MD/AD - The main-
periods and sub-periods show the changes. People are eager to know about the
changes in store. Through Jaimini Chara dasha they can be easily predicted.
The sensational finer points of Jaimini Chara dasha from
its developer Mr.K.N.Rao in Mumbai on the 29th and 30th of March had a mesmerizing
impact on the audience. All those who have been following Mr.Rao's books and
articles were thrilled. Some received the missing links they were struggling
for years. It was indeed a bonanza difficult to absorb. The much sought-after
knowledge sank into the system gradually. For many enthusiasts it was a dream
come true. Mr.K.N.Rao served those who could not join Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in
Delhi in one go. All perhaps would be asking for more.
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (300141)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (193331)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (192084)