Why have there been already so many scandals when the Hindu New Year has begun only from 22 March 2012 ---was the question of someone doing astrology but not much of mundane astrology ? Such a huge downpour of scandals? Yes, he was right. It is so striking. That will be the story of the whole New Year which will include bank and sex scandals also. Even judicial personalities and religious leaders will not escape its impact this year.
In an article in the Star Teller in May 2005 concluded thus:
“The periods of Ketu-Moon and Ketu-Mercury (2011) may end his tenure.
Ketu-Moon period may aggravate his health problems. This can be a period of invalidation,
which can prove fatal. 2009 will be a critical period for him. (Written on 20
April 2005)
In the middle of February 2013, when the Ketu-Mercury period
of over and began the mahadasha of Venus this announcement came and stunned many
but not those who know astrology.
This article and another one had created some furor and
a reader had showed unpleasant reaction not knowing enough astrology, though she
pretended to be an astrologer, and there was more acerbity in her tone than any
sound logic.
The hypocrisy of the Roman Catholic Church has been a constant
subject of exposure in many news- papers of UK and USA where questions have been
asked about forced celibacy of the clergy ” will ratchet up the usual talk
about lies, double lives and hypocrisy in the church, and rightly so. The church’s
leaders preach a purity that its own clerics can’t maintain. They cast stones, and
are so very far from blameless.” New York Times - The Wages of Celibacy by FRANK BRUNI February
25, 2013)
In the natal chart of Pope Benedict XVI, Mars and Rahu are in the 5th
house in close conjunction, which speak about his very aggressive mind. Mercury
dasha brought him very Close to the late Pope John Paul II and he became an authoritative
interpreter of the credo of Roman Catholicism.
When it is being said that the world should move towards liberalization and globalization, the election of Ratzinger as the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church on 19 April 2005, is being seen as a setback. He is seventy eight years now. Born on 16 April 1927 to an anti-Nazi police officer, he is reported to have had an elder brother, who is also in the same religious career as he has been in. His birth time was not known till Rodden came out with 4:15 AM, which I have corrected to 4:12 AM, on the basis of some known events of his life.
· Aspect of Mercury on Moon in Virgo shows his love for music. But
it is the association of the 6th and the 5th lords, which shows his
aggressive mind.
· Venus in Taurus aspected by Saturn is not desirable as far as
prosperity is concerned, which is understandable in the case of a person who
has taken to a religious life of renunciation.
· The date of his ordination, 29 June 1951 is a crucial factor.
Jupiter was in Pisces aspecting the
10th house and Saturn was in Virgo, also aspecting the 10th house.
But transit Saturn’s presence in the 8th house showed a change in career and
the beginning of a new one. In Vimshottari system, it was the period of
Rahu-Moon-Mars, all the three being aspected by the 9th lord Jupiter in the Vimsamsa
chart. Mars and Rahu were in the 9th house itself.
· In the natal chart, Mars and Rahu are in the 5th house in the
closest conjunction of degrees, which speak about his very aggressive mind.
Unverified facts
From what I have adopted here, some facts need verification
· He should have two elder siblings, one brother and one sister,
though in the reports there is mention of only one elder brother.
· The married life of his parents should have been good with his
mother having some musical ability.
· His father should have clashed with authorities and should have
come into some serious trouble.
· Sometime after 1985, particularly after 1990, in the
Mercury-Ketu period he should have had some serious health problem. Here Mercury in the 2nd house as
the 8th lord and Ketu aspected by Mars could not have been good for
his health at all.
- It is sometime during the middle of the Jupiter dasha, that he,
originally a liberal, turned that rigid, uncompromising conservative. Jupiter
is known for restoring tradition, dogma, conservatism and idealism.
(The Vimshottari dasha sequences - Moon ending on 19 Nov 1928, Mars ending on 19 Nov 1935, Rahu
ending on 19 Nov 1953, Jupiter on 19 Nov 1969, Saturn ending on 19 Nov 1988, Mercury
ending on 19 Nov 2005, Ketu ending on 19 Nov 2012)
He became Pope in the antardasha of Saturn (Vargottam in the tenth house) and
the mahadasha of Mercury. His dashas of Mars and Rahu were predominantly spent
in Nazi Germany and he, willingly or unwillingly, got identified with it. It
looks like an indelible blot on his career.
From Moon
These events of his life can be seen from his birth Moon in Virgo
also. In the childhood, in the dasha of Mars, his father expressed anti-Nazi
opinions and later in Rahu dasha he had to serve under the Nazis. He was even
detained by American forces. It was in the period of Jupiter in the 6th house,
aspecting the 10th house that he got involved in severe arguments
and became anti-secular and anti-liberal. The climax was reached in the period
of Jupiter-Venus.
Jupiter in the 6th seems to have increased his enemies.
In the dasha of Saturn, (the Vargottam 5th and 6th lord in the 3rd
house), as an ultra-conservative, anti-abortion, anti- condom and anti-women opinions
were expressed by him full blast.
Mercury dasha brought him very close to the late Pope John Paul II and he
became an authoritative interpreter of the credo of Roman Catholicism.
In 1981, John Paul appointed Ratzinger as the Prefect of the Congregation of
the Doctrine of the Faith, one of the Vatican’s most important posts.
From Saturn-Rahu period onwards, he continued his task. He went to the extreme
of not understanding other great religions. Within the Christian community
itself, he seemed to be against all varieties of Protestantism.
In a declaration in 2000, Ratzinger claimed that salvation could come only
through Catholicism. He got identified with the narrowest view of Roman Catholicism,
which seemed to be the Christian answer to the Wahhabism Islam of Saudi Arabia.
But the fundamentalist Ratzinger in the role of a Pope will not leave a legacy
with a stamp of real moral authority. It will be the narrow fundamentalism he
is known for. He may tone down some of his known aggressive conservatism,
because of the aspect of Jupiter on his 5th house containing Mars and Rahu.
Fears have been expressed about his rigid conservatism; but astrologically,
from the beginning of the mahadasha of Ketu (from Nov.2005) aspected by Mars,
especially during the period of Ketu-Moon (October 2007), he may be very active
in doing what are being feared. Moon is posited in the 8th house aspected by
The periods of Ketu-Moon and Ketu-Mercury
(2011) may end his tenure. Ketu-Moon period may aggravate his
health problems. This can be a period of invalidation, which can prove fatal. 2009
will be a critical period for him.
In the first decade of the twenty first century, religious fundamentalisms,
particularly Wahhabism of Saudi Arabia, the fundamentalisms of George Bush, the
President of the U.S. and now Pope Benedict XVI have made the world a place of
religious clashes taking us back to the middle age of crusades.
(Written on 20 April 2005)
An Inglorious End awaited him.
"When you hear any layman speak ill of the Christian faith,
defend it not with words but with the sword, which you should thrust into their
belly as far as it will go". Pope Gregory IX (1227-1241) instructions to his clergy; Chronicles of the Crusade,
G. de Villehardouin, p. 148
The resignation of the Pope, the legacy he leaves behind with the turmoil
created by the Vatileaks, the unsolved problems, the corruption, the sex
scandals, the power struggle, the financial bungling’s will show in retrospect
that he was a failure as an administrator. His inability to take strong decisions
to control the complaints against many sex crimes of the clergy in itself is a
verdict of his being a failure and his brief seven year turbulent period as one of an endless story of failures and disgrace. He was a double
failure as an administrator and as a strong moral force. It was foreseeable
astrologically along with a period of bad health and predicted.
The First Prediction
I had also written “The
periods of Ketu-Moon and Ketu-Mercury (2011) may end his tenure. Ketu-Moon
period may aggravate his health problems. This can be a period of invalidation, which can prove fatal. 2009
will be a critical period for him.”
As soon as the Ketu
mahadasha was over, he decided to quit. Both his lagna and Mercury are in Mrityubhaga and his Moon, the sixth lord in
the eighth house. From Moon antardasha in Ketu Mahadasha to Mercury antardasha,
his health seems to have deteriorated as reported from time to time as
summarized in Appendix one
The second prediction was
“But the fundamentalist Ratzinger in the role of a Pope will not
leave a legacy with a stamp of real moral authority.”
In 2005 when I saw the horoscope of this Pope I noticed that his Amatyakarak,
Moon was in the eighth house from his lagna and aspected by debilitated Mercury
the Gnatikaraka in Meena. Then the aspects of Mars and Rahu on it was not going
to give him any glory. It is pointing clearly, agony, infamy, no notable
From 14 April 2012 to 15 April 2013 it is the dasha of Vrisha and Dhanu from
where the afflicted Amatyakarak falls in the tenth house and Dhanu, the
rashi of rise and fall true to its nature precipitated his fall, in
circumstances which gives him no glory. In the appendix 2 some reactions and newspaper
reports show that he will be remembered as a failure, a Pope who retired with a
bad record, a story of ignominy.
(28 February 2013)
APPENDIX 1 - Health of Pope
Benedict 'suffering from degenerative joint disease'
November 11, 2011--Nov 11: Pope Benedict XVI is suffering from arthrosis, a
degenerative disease of the joints, British media reports said, quoting Vatican
insiders. The condition, which is related to his age, has made it increasingly
difficult for the 84-year-old Pontiff to walk -- in fact, it even prompted him
to request the use of a wheeled platform devised for his predecessor, Pope John
Paul II. Andrea Tornielli, an Italian journalist with 'La Stampa' newspaper,
has said that the Bavarian-born Pontiff has been diagnosed as having the
degenerative disease caused by erosion of cartilage in joints over time,
increasing friction and thus losing the capability to absorb shock. The
arthrosis has affected his knees, hips and ankles, Tornielli, who's considered
one of the best connected and most authoritative Vatican observers, was quoted
as saying. Pope Benedict has often been seen dragging his right leg as he walks
and publicly used a white cane during World Youth Day celebra- tions in Madrid
in August. And, according to Tornielli, the Pope uses the walking stick even
when moving around the papal apartments, the Daily Mail newspaper said.
However, Father Ian Ker, an Oxford priest and author, said it was unlikely that
the Pope would quit simply because of problems with joints. "Arthrosis
won't make any difference and at his age it is hardly surprising," Father
Ker said. Meanwhile, the Vatican has brushed aside the reports of arthrosis,
saying for his age the Pope is in good health. "He is currently studying
the possibility of going to Mexico and Cuba in the Spring, which I think is
rather more important. His state of health is fine and he is able to carry out
his duties," Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesperson, told.
APPENDIX 2 - Reaction to his Quitting
Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), an organization of 12,000 members
worldwide, claim Benedict is personally responsible for widespread abuse within
the church because he chose to protect its reputation over the safety of
children. US lawyers who are currently suing the pontiff and other high-ranking
Holy See officials for systematically concealing sexual crimes around the world
said his resignation may lead to more interna- tional prosecutions.
David Clohessy, executive director of SNAP, condemned the pope's "terrible record" on child sex abuse and said he hoped he would “finally show some courageous leadership on the abuse crisis” in his remaining days.
Clohessy told the Guardian: “Before he became Pope his predecessor put him in charge of the abuse crisis. He has read thousands of pages of reports of the abuse cases from across the world. He knows more about clergy sex crimes and cover- ups than anyone else in the church yet he has done precious little to protect children.”
everyone agreed. “He was a disaster. It’s good for everyone that he resigned,”
said Peter McNamara, 61, an Australian of Irish descent who said he had come to
the square “to witness history”.
While it seems that Benedict XVI’s health was one
reason for his resignation, rumors are rife in the international media that a
secret 300-page ‘Vatileaks dossier’ commissioned by the Pope himself, reveals
the existence of a shadowy ‘network of gay senior prelates in the Vatican’
(‘The Guardian’) and the associated information is so ‘explosive’ that it ultimately
led to Benedict XVI deciding to call it a day. Whatever the truth, it is
undeniable that he was the central living figure in the most horrific and
widespread scandal to hit the Vatican since it established its 588-year-long
murderous Inquisition in 1232 (1232-1820). www.vatileaks.com/
Pope Benedict XVI should be remembered for his sins
one is more implicated in covering up the Vatican’s institutionalization of
priesthood sex crimes than Pope Benedict XVI, the man who was elected to the
chair of St. Peter with a reputation of being the Vatican’s ‘Rottweiler’ and a
supposed hardened administrator who was to punish dissenters within the
Catholic Church. It should also be remembered that he remains the subject of a
‘crimes against humanity’ claim before the International Criminal Court in The
Hague, and for him, seclusion in a Vatican mini-palace provides a way to evade
responsibility for his central role in protecting priests who raped hundreds of
thousands of children around the world.
the church’s liberal elements, rather than being the answer to that crisis,
Benedict’s election represented the problem: an out-of-step conservative
European academic. Many wondered if he would be a mere caretaker, filling the
post after the long papacy of the beloved John Paul until a younger, more
dynamic heir could be elevated.
In 2006, less than two years into his papacy, Benedict stirred ire across the Muslim world, referring in a long, scholarly address to a conversation on the truths of Christianity and Islam that took place between a 14th-century Byzantine Christian emperor, Manuel II Paleologus, and a Persian scholar.
“The emperor comes to speak about the issue of jihad, holy war,” the pope said. “He said, I quote, ‘Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.’”
While making clear that he was quoting someone else, Benedict did not say whether he agreed or not. He also briefly discussed the Islamic concept of jihad, which he defined as “holy war,” and said that violence in the name of religion is contrary to God’s nature and to reason.
one disclosure, news emerged that in 1985, when Benedict was Cardinal
Ratzinger, he signed a letter putting off efforts to defrock a convicted
child-molesting priest. He cited the priest's relative youth but also the good
of the church.
Pope John Paul II’s secret instructions
November, 1981, as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Pope John Paul II appointed him
to the position of prefect of the ‘Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’
(CDF), a notorious Vatican department previously called the ‘Supreme Sacred
Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition’. Later, John Paul II put
Ratzinger in charge of concealing thousands of charges of child rape and
torture by Catholic priests that were streaming in from victims around the
world. With a staff of 45 to assist him, Cardinal Ratzinger oversaw and con-
trolled every single case of clerical sex abuse at the Vatican from 2001 until
he became Pope in 2005. In that same year (2005), the ‘London Observer’
reported that Cardinal Ratzinger ordered the Catholic clergy not to pass any
damaging information about pedophile priests to the press or law enforcement
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (299764)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (192884)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (191736)