Two years spent learning astrology in Jyotish Alankar and Jyotish Acharya is like exploring a long shore-line of the ocean of astrology. We make students who join us stop at select points on the shore of this vast ocean of astrology, only a part of it can be experienced in a life time. It is not possible to technically equip students with all the methods that lead to correct predictions. Only the tested and highly replicable ones are therefore taught.
On successful completion of this intense two year course, the student is able to identify his aptitude and decide his future in astrology. He is able to assess his strength and weakness and can give predictions for himself. At this stage we encourage students to start with predicting for people known to them.
The research program is designed in such a way so that, after picking from the available choices, the student is able to conduct research both at the individual level and in a group.
The Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan can claim to be a global leader in terms of both quantity and quality of astrological research. We have six groups pursuing research. With Mr. K.N.Rao to guide us, the research activity is well structured and organized.
With a scientific and statistical approach, the Institute could demonstrate that Kaal Sarpa dosha, Sade Sati and many such common prescriptive approaches were exploitative and many beliefs and practices that had attached the name of astrology to extort money from the gullible were baseless. These were being used as tools by self-styled, unscrupulous astrologers for selfish gains. The Institute stood up in defense whenever astrology was attacked. Having provided the inspiration to introduce astrology as a course in universities, we alone defended it in the Supreme Court of India. In response to a petition filed by scientists who wanted the Government to discontinue teaching of astrology in universities in 2004, Mr. K.N.Rao spoke at length in the Supreme Court as defendant. The Supreme Court eventually decided in favor of teaching of astrology in universities.
Our fundamental approach to research is based on utilization of the work already done in the field. Here what matters is the strength of the Institution and its astrologers. Since astrology is an ancient science and perhaps the oldest and most discussed, its learning is scattered wide across the world. Here also we need committed manpower to put it together.
Though today we have the internet to aid us, the dependable input in research comes from self-tested replicability of discovered principles.
Understanding today's socio economic milieu is important for modifying the results of earlier researches. A systematic investigation into existing or new knowledge, reaffirms the results of previous work, solves new or existing problems, and develops new theories. An astrological research project is essentially an expansion of the earlier work in the field for example the research on foreign connections which is based years of research of Mr. K.N. Rao and Mr. M.S. Mehta book Planets and Travel Abroad first published in 1996.
SCHEDULE (Tentative)
25th October, 2012 (Thursday)
9:30 TO 10:30 A.M. Registration
10:30 a.m. Inauguration in the auditorium
11:30 a.m. Class on Profession
i) All aspects of career
ii) The rises and falls in career
26th October, 2012 Friday:
Class on Prashna
27th October 2012 Saturday
Class on Prashna and Kota Chakra by Mr.K.K. Joshi
28th October, 2012 Sunday
Class of Mr. K.N. Rao (The advance and basic class will be combined)
i) Fundamentals of Chart analysis
ii) Introduction to new researches
iii) Case studies by research students.
29th October, 2012 Monday
Transit with Focus on ups and down in career
30th October, 2012 Tuesday
Class of Mr. K.N. Rao (Combined Advance and Basic)
i) Use of dashas and Transits in analysis - a fundamental approach
ii) Case studies by Research Groups.
31st October, 2012 Wednesday
Jaimini Astrology, Simultaneous use of Chara and Sthir Karkas
1 November, 2012 Thursday
Home and Property
Rectification of Horoscope
2nd November, 2012 Friday
Marriage and Relationships
i) Researches in compatibility assessments.
ii) Timing of challenging marital periods
iii) Divorce and patch-up
3rd November, 2012 Saturday
Medical Astrology
Focus on Cancer and Heart ailments.
4th November, 2012 Sunday
Class of Mr.K.N. Rao
Sunday Case Studies by Research Group
5th November, Monday
1st Session Varshphala
2nd Session Class on some interesting astronomical concepts
6th November, 2012 Tuesday
Class on Pataki Rishta Chakra
7th November, 2012 Wednesday
Sharp Predictions from researched Yogini dasha
8th November 2012 Thursday
i) Importance of 9th House/ Lord in a horoscope
ii) Classical yogas and their modern meanings
9th November, 2012 Friday
Class on Mental Inclinations
i) Aptitude Determination
ii) Determining suitable educational stream.
iii) Timing periods of spiritual upliftment
iv) Timing periods of loss of focus and depression (arishta)
v) Eighth House Matters and Mystical experiences.
10th November, 2012 Saturday
i) Electional Astrology (Muhurta)
Valedictory Function
SCHEDULE (Basic Class)
25th October, 2012 (Thursday)
9:30 TO 10:30 A.M. Registration
10:30 a.m. Inauguration
11:30 a.m. Class on Basics of Astrology
CAR Techniques CAR=Concentration-Analysis - Retention:
Approaching Astrological charts
26th October, 2012 Friday:
CAR Techniques CAR=Concentration-Analysis - Retention:
Approaching Astrological charts
27th October 2012 Saturday
1st Session Class on some interesting astronomical concepts
2nd Session Vimshottari dasha and interpretation
28th October, 2012 Sunday
Class of Mr. K.N. Rao (The advance and basic class will be combined)
i) Fundamentals of Chart analysis
ii) Introduction to new researches
iii) Case studies by research students.
29th October, 2012 Monday
Vimshottari dasha and interpretation
30th October, 2012 Tuesday
Class of Mr. K.N. Rao (Combined Advance and Basic)
Use of dashas and Transits in analysis - a fundamental approach
Case studies by Research Groups.
31st October, 2012 Wednesday
Class on Mental Inclinations
i) Aptitude Determination
ii) Determining suitable educational stream.
iii) Timing periods of spiritual upliftment
iv) Timing periods of loss of focus and depression (arishta)
v) Eighth House Matters and Mystical experiences.
1st November, 2012 Thursday
Career: Fundamentals of career determination
i) Career making periods
ii) Ups and Downs in career.
iii) The role of the 11th house.
iv) The role of the 5th house
2nd November, 2012 Friday
Marriage and Relationships
i) Fundamentals incompatibility assessments.
ii) Tracing the best time for marriage/relationships
iii) Timing of challenging marital periods
iv) Divorce and patch-ups
3rd November, 2012 Saturday
i) Medical Astrology
ii) Focus on Cancer and Heart ailments.
4th November Sunday
i) Basic Parameters
ii) Determination of Timing of Birth of Children.
iii) Childlessness
iv) Adoption
v) Case Studies
5th November, 2012 Monday
i) Introduction to Yogini dasha
ii) Sharp Predictions from researched Yogini dasha
6th November 2012 Tuesday
i) Importance of 9th House/ Lord in a horoscope
ii) Classical yogas and their modern meanings
7th November, Wednesday
1st Session Ashtakvarga
2nd Session Varshphala
8th November, 2012 Thursday
Mundane Astrology
9th November, 2012 Friday
i) Foreign Connections
ii) Introduction of Researched Parameters.
10th November, 2012, Saturday
Electional Astrology (Muhurta)
Valedictory Function
i) We have planned in such a way so that Mr. K.N. Rao takes 4 to 5 classes and is present to guide all the classes
ii) Vegetarian Lunch without onion and garlic will be served.
Course Fees
US$ 500/- for the full program will be charged. The participant can join for eight days or even less with a payment of US$350/-
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (300133)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (193329)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (192083)