Once you have verified the facts about siblings and education you can proceed to verify other facts and see if they fit into the pattern of Vimshottari dasha and my version of Chara dasha in which I use karakas (incidentally, in Jaimini astrology no one used karakas ever till I did a research and produced it and therefore those who talk of charakarak substitution are deceiving first themselves and then the students of Jaimini astrology and inventing a fiction which has no basis in any book and commentary of Jaimini .
Long back when I was in Mumbai, I think around 1996, I had sent my thumb prints to "Agastya Nadi" but they could not find my Nadi leaf after revealing my mother's name and date of birth also. Few years back I tried the same in Delhi with same nadi & it repeated. In 2001 I had sent the thumb print of mine with my friend who is very close to owner of "Shiva Nadi". The owner himself opened my nadi and the reading came as "He has other divine people to guide so don't predict anything"
Then I consulted a reader in Bangalore itself, who was a Muslim from Tiruvannamalai. He was a practicing lawyer also. He used to visit Bangalore after every 15 days. He had "Kakai (Crow)- Bhujanga Magarshi Nadi" (I never heard of any sage having the name Kakai! ) In Tamil they use "Ga" for "Ha" So Maharshi is Magarshi in Tamil. 5-6 people were in queue.
During 2000-2002 my appointments were booked for 2-3 months because of my TV programs & I felt the pain of waiting at that nadi reader’s office for the 1st time! Then he called me inside & predicted few things correctly. I was getting late for my evening pooja and I asked him how much he earned per day. He told he charged as per nadi & he was charging Rs/- 80 for 30-40 minutes. I booked his whole day on a fine date by paying 2.5 times more than what he used to earn per day. On that day he shared many secrets related to nadi. He told me that they have a "Jeeva" nadi where lines keep on changing and that Jeeva Nadi guides the readers when which bundles should be carried to which city. We discussed many things. He showed me how to trace out the proper Nadi leaf by using the dots appearing on thumb prints. Then as per my request he started reading Prashna Khanda. My question was related to mantra siddhi and predicting the horse races!!!! The nadi instructed me to visit a place having the name Suvarna Katte near a town having a name of a queen. We could not understand which place it was . He was a chain smoker, tobacco chewer and drunkard also. Suddenly he told that it should be a place named as "Arasikere" which is present in our state. Again he sat for reading after praying and reciting mantraas.
This time nadi was clearer. It gave the name of a temple, name of a family as well. It told that in that family three brothers were present and amongst them the middle person was a practitioner of astrology and mantra Vidya which he learnt from Kerala.
They have three amazing books kept in a red colour silk cloth at their home. The name of that person started with alphabet "V". The family was facing problems and by paying some money I was instructed to purchase those amazing books/manuscripts. Nadi instructed me to worship those manuscripts and after 1 week I could see the number of winning horses, whenever I required just by keeping my palm on manuscripts!!!
My friend Mr.Aital was also with me while getting all these readings. Next day I sent Mr.Aital to Arsikere town from where he called me telling that such a temple was present (an old Lakshmi Narasimha temple) in a village called as "Kanakatte". I asked him to go there.
(Kanaka=Suvarna=Gold) He went to that village & temple. The family was taking care of that temple. (Till today also) when Mr.Aital asked about the members of the family he came to know that the 2nd or the middle brother's name was Vijaya Kumar who learnt astrology from Kerala as told by Nadi !!. But on that day Vijaykumar was not present in the village.
So on a fine day I hired a taxi and went to that place with my friend.
We visited the temple first. Mr.Vijaykumar was present and he himself explained the history of the temple. His sister in law recognized me and they invited us to their home. In fact that was the needed. They gave us badam milk. After talking about my TV shows Vijay ji himself told that he learnt astrology from Sh.Podwal from Kerala. I asked him to predict about me as he told that he could predict just My Experience with Nadis by using the time of consultation. He asked me to tell a number. I said 9. He told that my Lagna was Aries and rashi was Yoga karaka one and revealed correctly as Pusya star Cancer Rashi! Again he asked to tell me a number and I said 18. He told that our family was tensed about the delay of my sister’s marriage. Yes! It was correct. Then my friend Mr.Aital asked him to reveal his birth star. He also told a number. Vijay ji correctly predicted his star as last one the Revati. He predicted many things about me and few of them were known to me only. Aital ji asked him when he would get married. Vijay ji warned him not to test him and correctly predicted that he was already married and had a daughter.
I realized that he had "Karna Pishachi Siddhi". I asked Vijay ji. He refused and told that it is all because of his worship related to Goddess Lakshmi ji! I was bit annoyed by his answer as there were not even four good chairs to sit also!!. The person having the siddhi of Lakshmi ji would have become the Kubera!
Then Vijay ji told me that I would have become the world's number one astrologer if somebody had not done black magic on me! (Remember that I was just 30 years old then who could hardly become even the top class astrologer of world without experience of decades) He told that he could prove the black magic done on me at that spot itself and I asked to do the same. He asked his sister in law to bring a brand new match box, which she brought and gave to me. It was new! Then he asked to keep that box on the floor which I did. Then he asked to move the box a bit. I did. Then he asked to open the box and I was surprised to see only three sticks in the new box! Then Vijay ji asked me where I had kept my footwear. I said "outside" he asked me to go & see there. There were many sticks fallen on my footwear!! Aital ji asked him to predict something about his current situation at that time.. Vijay ji asked him to bring some water in a bowl which he did. Then Vijay ji asked Aital ji to cover the bowl with a paper and it was followed. After some time he asked to remove the paper and bowl was empty! Vijay ji told Aital ji that it was his situation at that period!!
Then I thought it was time to come to the purpose of the visit & asked Vijay ji about three manuscripts covered by a red silk cloth. It was time for Vijay ji to be amazed and he asked me how I came to know about them? I revealed about the Nadi's prediction!
He opened them and I saw three manuscripts written in old Tamil. One was related to Yantras, another one was related to medicines and the last one was related to Prashna or horary system. I asked him to give them to me for money.
He interacted with his brothers and demanded Rs.2.5 lakhs! I quickly calculated the prashna chart and my intuition was saying no no no! Somehow I convinced him that I would pay 10 times more than what he demanded if the purpose of buying the books for horse race was fulfilled. He agreed. I gave him Rs. 10,000/- as token amount.
I was feeling as if I had conquered the entire world!
From there Aital ji came back to Bangalore & I went to my native place. I told all these to my Guru ji of native place. He laughed at me and brought out many such manuscripts from the temple to show me and advised me to not to believe such things.
After a couple of days I returned to Bangalore and started worshiping manuscripts through poojas. After a week I kept my palm on them to know the winning horses of that day but nothing appeared as revealed by Nadi ...Still I continued... nothing...
Meanwhile Vijay ji called me from a nearby place from Bangalore and asked about the money. I told nothing was working with those manuscripts as told by Nadi. On the phone itself he revealed that I just met a big owner of horses whose name started with "D" then he revealed the full name Dayanand!
He told that he was going to dig out some hidden treasure and would be back after a week. If nothing worked with me he had asked to return the manuscripts. He also predicted the winning number of horses for next racing day! All of them went wrong!!
(Not in 1-2-3-4 places also) All his future predictions given to me failed. I consulted the Nadi reader again by booking his 1/2 day. Nadi laughed at me & told me "You are a fool. Instead of buying the books you must have learnt his mantra siddhi" They were kshudra mantras. Karna Pishachi & Kutti Chattan! How could I seek such siddhis for which offering non veg and liquors are must?
I returned the manuscripts through Aital ji and lost Rs. 10K & stopped visiting all Nadis and such mantriks.....
Then came the year 2009!
My family was doing Kashi Yatra. I was in Banaras. TV9 asked me to come to participate in a big show related to Indian General Elections with Daivajna Somayaaji and Pundit Bhanuprakash Sharma ji of Sreeranga Pattanam near Mysore. I cancelled train tickets & booked flights to Delhi 1st and from Delhi to Bangalore. I sat with KNR ji and discussed many things to predict for elections.
From Airport directly I went to studio. (Read Indian Election Scene-2009 a joint article written by me and KNR ji). TV9 and we waited for Somayaji ji but he didn't come. The shooting shifted for next day. I came to my house. Meanwhile I reported about the development to KNR ji.
Next day shooting started & for my surprise Vijaykumar ji from Kanakatte had come to attend shooting!! I could not recognize him but he made me remember all past incidents!
Eighty percent of predictions given by Vijay ji, Bhanupraksh ji went wrong reverse proved correct in my case as I had clearly predicted victory for UPA, Victory for many MP candidates even Mr. Manmohan Singh ji becoming PM for the second time.!!!.........So it is always better to study astrology in a systematic way rather than running behind Nadis is my humble opinion.
After my predictions proved up to 80% correct, Vijay ji congratulated me and revealed about his siddhies which he had misused. Bhanupraksh ji has been earning around INR 25lakh per month now a days though he can't check D-9 also. What to say?
My Experience with Nadis-Part 2.
From March 2012 to June 2012, few relatives of mine visited a reader of Agastya Nadi around my native places & gave me the feedback on phone that his readings were impressive. The major thing was that he could tell names of parents, spouse & number of siblings. So I thought of inviting him to my place and he agreed! I felt as if I had conquered the world!! Last week he came here with around 20-22 bundles of manuscripts of Agastya Nadi.
I had planned for a best research related to Nadi as they use thumb impression to trace out Nadi leaf of any person where there remains the basic chart of the person including his written fate, names of parents spouse,( if married). I wrote a mail to Sh.K.N.Rao ji to guide me for a best research as it was a rare opportunity to file thumb prints of different Ascendants along with planetary positions etc. in a systematic way by using modern technology. Rao ji simply wrote me back to give my opinion after a month.
Mr.M.Swamy, the reader kept the bundles in a small pooja room present in the ground floor of my premises which I have been using as my office premises. Out of three rooms two rooms were given to him. I gave one room to them for keeping the bundles and another for his reading purpose. He instructed me that none should enter the pooja room once he keeps the Nadi Manuscripts in that room and I agreed.
I started with my own case after both of us finished poojas. With utmost faith I gave several thousands of rupees to him apart from following few traditions of consulting an astrologer. He took my thumb impression and briefly explained me that there remains few rekhas (lines forming some symbols) like Shankha rekha, Manimukuta rekha, Meru rekha and they are 108 in numbers. Apart from these rekhas few dots guide them to trace the proper bundle andrelated palm leaves were his claim. He brought 1 bundle & opened that after prayers.
He started asking questions to me which can be listed thus.
Q1 Whether your father’s name is related to lord Shiva?
Answer. No.
Q2.Are you self-employed?
Q3) whether your father’s name is related to lord Vishnu?
Ans3 No.
Q3 Are you living with your wife and parents now?
Ans Yes.
After asking every 1 or 2 questions he kept on turning leaves of the bundle.
Q.Whether your mother’s name is related to god-dess Parvati?
Q.Parvati itself on any resembling name?
A.Exactly Parvati.
Then he told that the bundle has no my nadi leaf & brought another bundle.
Q.Is your wife working?
Q. Is she working for government?
A No.
Q Is your rashi (Moon sign) a dual sign?
Q.Are you born in the month of December or January?
Q.Is your sign (Moon sign) a chara (movable) sign?
Q.Chara means Mesh, Karka, Tula, Makar, Is it Mesha?
I REALISED IT THAT IT JUST “COLD READING” WELL KNOWN TO SCIENTISTS. I JUST STOPPED HIM & REVEALED THE NAMES OF MY FATHER, MOTHER, WIFE and SON. Even I gave him my full birth details & asked him to call me once he gets the nadi leaf of mine. I still believed that there remains a nadi leaf which contains basic chart with few written destiny/predictions. My intention was to get predictions from that.
After around 30 minutes he called me as he got the nadi leaf related to me. I sat in front of the reader but there was no chart. When I asked about the same the reader told that they were in written format and not in diagrams like a chart. He revealed my basic chart along with the name of my parents, spouse and son. Funnily my exalted retrograde Mars was in Aquarius as per nadi. Then after offering prayers to sage Agastya and lord Shiva he gave me predictions which I can reveal here in brief.
“I am destined to live a high class life which will be continued till my end. Now my age is 42 and next 3 years which are 43.44.45 will prove very good in my life. My son will have a marriage as per his wish and will have all comforts. My span of life was above 85 years but because of some bad deeds of last life and problems of planets I may suffer again and again from ill health for which, remedies are required. This was my last life and I would get moksha “.
Here I know 1 prediction was certainly wrong as my span of life is not up to 85 years. I have used many methods like Amshayu, Pindayu etc apart from many regular Parashari & Jaimini methods to calculate my span of life & my calculations were almost correct when my guru ji’s supernormal powers, which he uses once in a while revealed the same with just few months difference. Then Moksha??? God knows.
My next experiment was Mr.Ajay ji. Same cold reading repeated in his case also but after getting the nadi leaf he predicted that one of his daughters was sick. When Ajay ji showed more interest in that case he even told that she would die within 1.5 to 2 years if remedies are not done. (These are the method of exploitation to get more money for remedies) Other predictions were almost 90% same which he gave to me except the prediction of Moksha.
Next person was my close friend who is also a partner in our software company. The same cold readings repeated and same predictions like given to me except moksha.
Then I asked my friend to put a question to reader. He asked a question related to change of job and which company he would join amongst 2 where he got selection. When the reader had gone to bring Prashna Khanda bundle, I asked my friend to behave strictly. He opened the leaf & told that my friend would join a company for which he gave interview 23 days back. (We had revealed that 1 interview was attended by him 23 days back and another 7 days back.)
On the spot itself I realized that his prediction related to future went wrong. As my friend had refused to join that company as i had advised him to not to join! My prediction was he would get better opportunity soon which proved correct.
Here my quest was related to casting the chart or revealing the planetary positions in the basic chart. After knowing the date of birth & Moon Sign along with birth star any good astrologer can mentally calculate the position of Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Rahu, and Saturn. But revealing the position of Venus, Mercury and Mars very quickly is not so easy. So thought somehow the reader gets a leaf where planetary combinations are present.
Next day two women, friends of my wife came to consult & I gave them few strict instructions. He could not trace the leaves of them as the names of their parents were rare. For example one name was “Gaviyappa”. In Kannada Gavi=cave and Appa=Father! No god’s name matches with this name. So after using 11-12 bundles also he could not trace the leaves. Another case was my wife’s own elder sister. There was confusion about her month of birth. June or July 1st or 2nd 1969. After doing cold reading from about nine bundles he could not trace out the name of my mother in law’s name as her name is Kusuma. Again this doesn’t match with any goddess’s name. Then we revealed the name, ourselves and in the next bundle he got the leaf & revealed the lagna as Capricorn. The time of birth was not known to us. He revealed that he could trace it by using sookshma nadi which costs more for reading & we agreed. After few minutes he came out from that closed room and gave the time as 19-35 (7-35PM) which was giving Dhanu Lagna!! Moreover he revealed her birth star as Shravana. (For 2nd of July 1969). But the jyotish software was showing Dhanishta which had begun many hours earlier!
Next day I broke the promise and entered his room by pushing them while he was supposed to bring another bundle after cold readings for a person and I found that he was using an almanac! He was caught red handed. The secret behind telling the planetary positions were traced by me!
In between I asked for the reader’s birth details & he gave that to me. DOB-9-4-1973, 00:25 IST, Mayanur, Tamil Nadu. Lagna/Ascendant-Dhanu/Sagi: 19 degree 35 minutes.
Within 2-3 minutes I gave him many predictions. As usual I started from dreshkona (D-3) & asked him whether his mother conceived for 5 times and 3 are alive. He said yes. I asked him whether he is the 1st son. He said yes. Before his birth his mother lost 2 major pregnancies and he is the 1st son of 3 sons.
Then I used D-1 & D-12 as my usual style to give further predictions.
I asked him whether his father was working for printing press or for any factory where chemicals were manufacturing. He said his father worked for a paint factory. I asked whether he could not complete graduation. He said he dropped education at the final year of graduation. I predicted that his marriage took place at the age of 31 Years; He said it was in his 32nd year of age. Then I predicted that he had no children or after many difficulties only 1 female child must have born. Again it proved correct! He got a female child after 3-4 abortions to his wife. Finally I asked him that he had a concubine. He asked me (With lot of hesitation) why? Any dosham is there? I just laughed and stopped there. He was asking me how I could predict all those or the computer predicts all such things?
That is all my experience about this so called Agastya Nadi.
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (299763)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (192884)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (191735)