Yet, interestingly, there is a mention of VSP in Bhadrabahu Samhita. But before that this phenomenon should be understood. Mercury and Venus which are inside the orbit of the earth alone can pass between the earth and Sun. Some features about it are to be seen first.
1. It happens once in about 125 years.
2. Venus is in inferior conjunction in such cases meaning it is between the earth and Sun.
3. It takes place only in Vrisha and Vrischika rashis.
4. It comes in pairs but not always. For instance what is happening on 8 June 2004 will repeat after eight years and then after 105 or 122 years.
5. The last such transit was in 1876.
6. In six thousand years such transits have been forty four in Vrisha in the month of June and thirty seven in Vrischika in the month of December.
A shloka in Bhadrabahu Samhita refers to this phenomenon which is very remarkable because that was the pre-telescope era though it has been said transits of Venus across the disk of the Sun are among the rarest of planetary alignments. “Indeed, only six such events have occurred since the invention of the telescope (1631, 1639, 1761, 1769, 1874 and 1882). The next two transits of Venus will occur on 2004 June 08 and 2012 June 06."
BhadraBahu Samhita describes this phenomenon: Pravishan Bhargavah Surye
Is an unambiguous description of such a transit in the pre-telescope era.
What are the general results: Mandal and Veethi?
What are the results of the transit of Venus generally every year is explained in Bhadra Bahu Samhita according to the Mandal and Veethi it is in.
Free translation
Venus indicates past, future, rain and drought, fear, fire accidents, victory and defeat, money and property.
If conjoined with Sun, Venus is seen in the middle of the sky it creates fear for mankind particularly the lower class people.
Starting with Bharani, four Nakshatras each form one mandala, totaling six which should be known. They are Rakta, Parush, Deeptimaan, Urdhva, Chanda and Teekshna. Their results should be understood according to their names.
---Bharani, Krittika, Rohini and Mrigshira form the first mandala.
---Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya and Ashlesha form the second mandala.
---Five nakshatras from Magha, which are Magha, Purvaphalguni, Uttarphalguni, Hasta and Chitra, form the third mandala.
---Swati, Vishakha and Anuradha form the fourth mandala.
---Jyestha, Mula, Poorvashadha, and Uttarshadha form the fifth mandala.
---Dhanista, Shatabhisha, Poorvabhadra, Uttarabhadra and Revati form the sixth mandala.
---Six nakshatras from Dhanista, which include Dhanista, Shatabhisha, Poorvabhadrapad, Uttarabhadrapada and Revati are known as teekshna meaning ferocious.
Results of Mandala Venus is placed in
--If Venus is in the first or second mandala the results are ordinary.
--If in the third and fifth, they are said to be undesirable. The fourth and the sixth mandala are excellent while the third and fifth are condemned.
NOTE: The June phenomenon of Venus should be, according to always ordinary while in the December phenomenon, it will have to be seen if it is in Jyestha or not. In Jyestha, it is bad as it falls in the fifth Mandala.
--If Venus is retrograde, it does not rain. If Venus is in other than the fourth and sixth Mandalas, it creates troubles, revolts etc.
--If Venus rises or sets in the first mandala, there is ordinary rain and the agricultural crop is also ordinary. There are troubles, in Bhoj, Kalinga, Kashmir, Yavana, Malava, Soursena, cows, Brahmins and Shabars suffer.
---If Venus stays long in the second mandala it destroys country’s wealth, water and agricultural crop.
--If Venus stays long in the third mandala there are diseases and deaths in the direction which it indicates.
--If Venus stays long in the fourth mandala in Shayana avastha, good vehicles are destroyed and agricultural grains.
--If Venus stays long in the fifth mandala there is famine and it causes destruction in the area or region indicated by that.
--If Venus stays long in the sixth mandala it causes destruction in the region which it indicates.
Slow moving Venus destroys the populace, while the fast moving one, the king.
Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika form Naagveethi.
Rohini, Mrigshira and Ardra form Gajveethi.
Punarvasu, Pushya, and Ashlesha form Airavat
Poorvabhadrapad, Uttabhadrapad and Revati form Goveethi.
Hasta, Vishakha and Chitra form Ajveethi
Jyestha, Mula and Anuradha form Mrigveethi.
Poorvashadha, Uttarashadha, Swati and Abhijit form
Predictions from all this should be based on the shape and size of Venus. When Venus gets eclipsed, there are diseases; terrible fear, outbreak of fires etc. take place. But it must have been observed by ancient as the following shloka states PRAVISHAN BHARGAVAH SURYE - Meaning when Venus enters Sun.
Having got some hints from here, we can evolve a methodology of interpreting it by a combined reading of this and Brihat Jataka of Varahimihira by finding out:
In which Veethi it is passing through as given in Bhadrabahu Samhita.
The results attributed are according to ancient classification which will be observed in 2004 and tested in 2012.
The possible results to be watched in the next few months are:
1. One result which will interest many in India is what will happen in state assembly elections in Maharashtra and Bihar due this year. Will there be some upset?
2. Since it is Venus will it lead to any eye disease or other type of troubles to the eye?
3. Is there any fear a terrible computer virus doing more damage than ever before?
4. Is there any fear of damage to various modes of transport?
Now what has happened in the past when this phenomenon occurred can be of interest for some understanding of this. All that can be done is to go through historical records available and note the event recorded.
Keep in the mind the following also:
1. Venus is in the first Mandala being in Mrigshira nakshatra and the results are said to be ordinary.
2. Venus is passing through Gaja Veethi which in modern parlance can mean modes of transport apart from elephants.
3. Rains or the south west monsoon of 2004 can be ordinary.
4. The areas to be affected can be eastern and western India where elections are due this year in 2004.
Keep a detailed record of it so that in the year 2012 when it repeats in the “double transit of Venus” across Sun and see if it helps us understand this phenomenon as we have no such written record anywhere.
Therefore see what happened when in the past this occurred.
Note – Generally when big historic changes take place it is the roles of Jupiter and Saturn that is examined. Adding to such changes some violence is to be seen by looking at the association of Mars and Rahu with these.
What role can Venus and Mercury can have in some historic changes is a question worth examining since lot of attention has been drawn to this phenomenon in the year 2004 when Venus was between earth and Sun on 8 June.
The mention of it in books on mundane astrology like Brihat Samhita and Bhadra Bahu Samhita is there but mainly for weather because in an agricultural country like India, these have been excellent astro-meteorological principles.
Some indications of those disturbances in different regions and kingdoms which are of minor historical significance, is also made. There is no mention of any serious calamity. For the age in which we live, it should be seen what affect VSP has on industrial products also. That should be an area of vast research.
Chinese associate war with it
It is therefore necessary to examine if the eclipse like phenomenon of Venus happening between 105 and 122 years has any historical significance at all or is it merely the Chinese astrological principle of Venus causing wars etc. have been overplayed by some astrologers mainly of the west.
Mayan Calendar
During this period it has also been said that the Mayan calendar gives lot of significance to Venus and also that this calendar stops at 2012 when the Venus phenomenon will be witnessed again. Is it signifying the end of the world or is going to be the harbinger of a big change in the world is a debate going among some astrologers.
(From the Journal of Astrology June-September 2004 - The horoscopes given in that article have been omitted.)
Addition for 2012
In 2009, I told my friends in the television channels that I would not appear in their programs anymore. I did not participate in the television discussion about this phenomenon on 6 June 2012 though one astrologer did in one channel and he talked about the Venus mahadasha of Indian Independence horoscope which has nothing to do with this phenomenon directly.
A scientist said that this phenomenon was not known to mullahs and pandits otherwise like eclipses they would have created many superstitions about it.
There was no one in the show to tell him about Bhadra Bahu Samhita as a solid and great proof of Indians knowing about it in the pre-telescope era. I had quoted that in my 2004 television appearance.
Some observations
1)Five astrologers studied the effects of VSP of past nine VPS (1518,1526,1531,1639,1769,1769,1874,1882 and 2004) and found that the effect of this phenomenon seems to start some months earlier and lasts for eighteen in all cases studied by us so far.
2)The significance of Venus is involved in the effects which mean culture, music, literature, socio-political situations, rulers, agriculture, weather etc. as emphasized in Bhadra Bahu Samhita.
3)It was seen in the past VSP that apart from affecting the rulers and causing droughts and famines, it has brought in foreign literary, musical, artistic influences in a big way. Pakhawaj was broken into two and called tabla---toda to be bola. A woman musicologist has told us that definite historical dates are not available in the music history of Hindustani classical music but the periods of historical changes seem to coincide with VPS phenomena invariably.
Some of the instances noticed were:
1) Amir Khusro brought in Sufi music in a big way apart from contributing mukris to Hindi literature.
2) The beginning of the Mughal rule 1526 and the destruction of Hindu temples particularly the Ram Mandir in 1527 are notable black spots of Indian history.
3) In 1631 Tulsidas started his immortal Ram Charit Manas while the death of Mumtaz Mahal led to the decision of constructing the magnificent Taj Mahal
4)In 1872 and 1884 the cause of women and their rights and education was talked about and they started progressing. English rulers introduced quota for non-Brahmins in south India which later led to the formation of the Justice Party whose offspring’s are DMK and AIDMK. In the educational area, the Hunter Commission brought in big reforms. The British policy of de-Sanskritization of our nation and the full effects of English education were the notable features since then. The period from 1872 to 1884 and a year or two after, were significant in the education in India.
5)Sir Syed Ahmad Khan created the Aligarh Muslim University which was the hotbed of the activities of the Muslim League in pre-partition India. During this period western music and musical instruments were brought into Indian music which has come to stay particularly in the orchestras and background instrumental music of Indian cinema.
6)In 2004 when it occurred Tamil was recognized as a classical language of India: the case of astrology got a favourable verdict in the Supreme Court of India. In Dec 2004, we had the worst tsunami.
A very long article in Hindi on this phenomenon has already appeared in the latest issue of the Journal of Astrology.
An attempt has been made to analyse the ef fects of this phenomenon from Makara lagna from where Vrisha is the fifth house (education, religious influences etc.) and Venus representing women, music, culture, agriculture, royalty, meaning rulers.
The choice of Makara lagna was our preference for the traditional lagna used by astrologers for centuries for India.
Venus is the tenth lord also from Makar lagna which explains why the rulers came invariably under this influence. The change of government in Delhi, the attack of Timur, later Babur and then Queen Victoria becoming the empress of India all happened during the time when VPS occured.
In the other rashi where it happens is Vrischika, the eleventh house from Makara.
It however was noticed that when Venus was joined by malefics and came under their influence, the suffering and destruction was immense In all the past VSP cases it was seen that the royalty was invariably affected. In modern times, it will mean changes, controversies involving the high and mighty of the land.
This phenomenon can be studied for a universal effect historically. The gloomy view taken by the Chinese and the adherents of Maya civilization is to be tested against available historical facts.
What has been seen is that it affects education, culture and rulers apart from weather and agriculture invariably. In modern industrial era we can extend to see how the elctronics industry particularly the IT sector in India is affected by it, perhaps, adversely.
It will have to be seen if the result of the VPS of 2012 also leads to opening India to multi-brand retail to MNCs or allowing foreign airlines to invest in domestic carriers, foreign universities and a variety of such decisions as are being debated in India.
The dif ficulties in air flights in India and increase of freight charges by the railways falls within this period of VSP of 2012.
In the end, what was most gratifying to notice is that long before the birth of Christ, this phenomenon was referred to by Bhadra Bahu, a Jain muni, in the pre-telescope era. That is the eternal India we belong to.
What has been written here has only an academic value now as when the next VSP takes place in 2117, none of us will be alive. As usual, some television channels invited some astronomers to explain and comment on the phenomenon. Some of these scientists totally astrology illiterate did not miss a chance to attack astrology and these scientists are always willing to appear even in astrology programs where they show their ignorance and are vehement in their opinions.
One of them by the name Gohar Raza said that the VSP phenomenon was not known to mullahs and pandits who would have created superstition about this as they do in the case of eclipses, lunar and solar. This was an unsolicited remark as he should have known that the great Jain saint, Bhadra Bahu, who was a great astrologer and belonged to the pre telescopic era, to some century in BC has written about it in Bhadra Bahu Samhita; Gohar hurt the feelings of astrologers and worst of all Jains who proudly show Bhadra Bahu Samhita to prove that this phenomenon was known many centuries before the telescope was invented.
(6 June 2012 at 8 pm noon)
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (300120)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (193321)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (192071)