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The Meteorology division had earlier said that the monsoon would be arriving in June, then they had said it would arrive on the 8th of July, but there is no sign of the monsoon still. Meteorology division it at best a weather reporter not a weather forecaster. It should be remembered that the Indian Meteorological Department can not give any forecast long enough to be of use to the agriculturists of the country. And India being an agri-economy largely, weather forecasts are all the more important. The Hindu astrological method of predicting rainfall is a scientific method spread over a period of at least 6 months observation, stage by stage. read more...

Esteemed Guruji Shri K. N. Rao, who is now 90 years old, says he doesn’t remember a single time when Afghanistan got such wide publicity in Indian media as it is getting now. The reason is obvious, the TV channels are running 24/7 now and Afghanistan is actually running through a real crisis. Being on the Frontier of India, next to Kashmir, India is much concerned about the developments there.

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Netanyahu says that he returns on the eve of Purim, "when the Jews were not masters of their fate and were unable to defend themselves... we're in another era now when we're strong and sovereign." The Jerusalem Post- Wed, Mar 7, 2012 13 Adar, 5772

Purim is celebrated annually according to the Hebrew calendar on the 14th day of the Hebrew month of Adar II in leap years), the day following the victory of the Jews over their enemies. Purim begins at sundown.
Much was expected or not expected by Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel, from Barack Obama, US president, for a quick approval of his plan for an immediate attack on Iran to stop it from making nuclear bombs as western powers and USA too suspect it of doing. Such suspicion would not have existed if Iran had been pliable and a stooge like some Arab countries before the Arab Spring and even after.

USA never prevented Pakistan, its favorite stooge, in the days of President Nixon who was very friendly with Zia of Pakistan, who had captured power after removing Zulfiquar Bhutto and getting him hanged, in what is the blackest chapter of Pakistan’s history, from making nuclear bombs.

Israel’s argument is clear: if Mexico were making nuclear bombs what would have been the reaction of USA? Safe, far off and the world power as it is, USA, may not understand and appreciate the concern of Israel. Even if it did, would Obama risk it in the year in which he is seeking reelection?

Why should Israel wait for and seek the approval of USA? Has it not acted against the advice of USA on three previous occasions? Back from USA after his disappointing trip, Netanyahu said as reported.

The Jerusalem Post
Wed, Mar 7, 2012   13 Adar, 5772
PM: Israel has acted against US advice before
WASHINGTON – Citing historical precedents in which the US and Israel did not see eye-to-eye and Israel acted according to its own perception of its interests, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told congressional leaders Tuesday that Israel viewed things differently than the US did at times, because it was not a global power and was more vulnerable. Israeli sources said Netanyahu, meeting congressional leaders before flying back to Israel Tuesday evening, noted that David Ben-Gurion declared independence against the advice of the US; Levi Eshkol launched a preemptive attack in 1967, against Washington’s counsel;  and Menachem Begin decided to bomb the Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981 despite US opposition.

It is also being argued that if such an attack was to be made by Israel, Sunni Arab will support or even help Israel actuated by the well-known hatred of Sunnis for Shias. Wikileaks report is also being cited that the Saudi Arabia wanted USA  to “cut off the head of the snake”. It is being said that some Sunni Arab nation, most likely, Saudi Arabia will not hesitate to offer facilities and intelligence and even air base for such an attack.

Inside Israel, those who opposed such action are now silent which is a tacit approval. A former chief of Mosad who had spoken against such an action seems to have now changed his opinion.

Astrological indications
Against such talk the astrological indications deserve attention.

With Iran too provoking and banking on the support of Russia and China, we seem to be reaching a point of inevitability as far as an Israeli attack on Iran is concerned. Mars, after directing will enter Kanya and conjoin Saturn in Kanya , the lagna of Israel. It will happen in May and June 2012.

Saturn will be in Kanya in May around 17th and Mars will enter Kanya in the second fortnight of June around 22, both aspecting the seventh house.

I generally take four factors for a war to break out of which Saturn, Mars and Rahu have their major roles and Jupiter and Venus first conjoining in Mesha and later, in Vrisha, is a combination for bloodshed known to few astrologers.

It will not be a mere attack on the nuclear installations of Iran though that may be the initial point of attack. Counter attacks and then some clashes can lead to more bloodshed than what happened when Israel attacked the Iraq’s nuclear facilities in 1981 with no bloodshed. This time it will not be so.

It will be the Moon-Mercury period in the horoscope of Israel and Moon is conjoined with Saturn which as the sixth lord shows every chance of an attack. In the dashamansha, Moon as the sixth lord and Saturn aspecting the sixth house shows the resolve of Israel to attack Iran.

India-Iran ties already under attack in US press, will lead to lot of strain in Indo-US relations in spite of their recent closeness. India is not expanding its business with Iran but such allegations have already been made.

India has three excellent reasons why it cannot join these sanctions fully: first, India reaches Afghanistan through the corridor provided by Iran: secondly, India has civilizational relationship with Iran going back into many centuries and thirdly, “an automatic replacement of all Iranian oil imports, is not a simple matter of selection, or a realistic option.”

And the enigma of India’s foreign policy is that it has trade relations with Israel and is as friendly with Israel as with Iran.

It is going to be hard testing time for India’s foreign policy. Mars retrograde in Simha, the twelfth house of the Hindu New Year 22 March, 2012 with retrograde Saturn aspecting Jupiter and Venus in Mesha, is very hard testing time of Indian foreign policy with its rare record of friendly relations with Israel, Iran and USA.

And in the Independence horoscope of India it will be Sun-Venus-Jupiter. And Jupiter aspecting the twelfth house from the sixth house is not a comfortable period for foreign policy matters.

If Israel takes a unilateral decision, USA will want it to succeed but the damage to be limited. If Israel faces disaster, USA is bound to rush to its aid because of the strong Jewish lobby in that country.

At any rate USA sees the Iran issue as a threat to US and global security also. Then as in the case of Pakistan, the fear of a nuclear bomb falling into the hands of terrorist or whole of West Asia becoming a nuclear zone are real fears and nightmarish.

What appears certain now is that Israel, with an assured US support even belatedly, has decided to attack Iran, the war mood is so fierce now.
(8 March 2012)

Keywords: KN Rao, Israel, Iran, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Journal of Astrology, Jyotish, Nuclear Weapons, USA, Hindu Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Indian Astrology, Kundli, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Horoscopes

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