Earthquake generally happens when pressure on plate boundaries builds up and cause eruptions. Earthquake by astrologers have been predicted and can be predicted years in advance. It was Garga Maharishi who gave us predictive techniques for forecasting earthquakes. Earthquakes normally follow close on the heels of eclipses. It has been observed that countries that have had an eclipse on their 1/7 or 4/10 axis of the foundation or the annual horoscopes get prone to earthquakes around the eclipse time. It has also been observed that around the time of the earthquake malefic aspects or conjunction of malefic planets are found on this axis.
Before an astrological analysis of the catastrophe in Japan is made, it is relevant to reflect on the history of Japan.
On March 31, 1854, the US forced the opening of Japan to the outside world. Subsequently treaties with Western countries brought economic and political crises. A centralized state unified under the Emperor adopting Western political, judicial and military institutions was established. Meiji Constitution was introduced. The Meiji Restoration transformed the Empire of Japan to an industrialized world power that pursued military conflict to expand its sphere of influence. After victories in the First-Sino-Japanese War (1894–1895) and the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905), Japan gained control of Taiwan, Korea, and the southern half of Sakhalin. Japan's population grew from 35 million in 1873 to 70 million in 1935.
The Horoscope of 11th February, 1889, 10:30 a.m., Tokyo (Meiji Constitution)
Although Campion, painstakingly, has fixed a time of 12p.m.on the 11th but at the hindsight we find the horoscope of 10:30a.m. with Aries Lagna giving better results. The horoscope with 10:30 a.m. has been also used by other astrologers citing the reason that a picture captured of the ceremonies of 11th February, 1889 show 10:30 on the palace clock.
This horoscope with Aries Lagna represents an aggressive and a militarized character which was Japan during that time. The Lagna lord Mars in the 12th with the 7th lord Venus indicates the deep connection with foreign powers. The changed constitution took birth in the dasha of Mars-Venus followed by the dashas of Rahu and Jupiter. Jupiter is also under Rahu-Ketu axis. Rahu shows the foreign elements and a negative influence on the mindset and the morality of rulers as it is with Moon and influences the 9th lord Jupiter. During the devastating, unmanageable earthquake of 1st September,1923 at 11:58 JST, Japan reacted violently.
The quake killed between 100,000 and 140,000 people, making it the deadliest earthquake ever to strike Japan.
The quake had a magnitude of 7.9 on the Richter scale with its focus deep beneath Izu Ōshima Island in Sagami Bay. The aftermath was deadlier with massacre of ethnic minorities. Japanese have learnt the hard way to maintain cool. This happened in the Vimshottari dasha of Jupiter-Rahu-Sun. It was a chiddra dasha, indicating the major change that took place in the dasha of Saturn. Sun in transit on1stSeptember, 1923 was in close degrees with Rahu with Mars and Venus after an eclipse. The Chara dasha was of Leo-Gemini-Sagittarius. Leo was an eclipsed rashi with Mars the Gnatikaraka in transit in it. The AMK and GK, Venus and Mars respectively are in the 8th from Leo. Although the Taurus Lagna horoscope is more in use. From Taurus Lagna the eclipse took place in the 4th house yet I would advocate the Aries Lagna horoscope. Zeroing on a horoscope Lagna involves a lot of time in matching the events with the dashas. The process is on at our end. If we look at the planetary position of 11th February 2009 and put it on this horoscope with Aries, the problems are clearly seen. The present dasha in this stretched horoscope is of Rahu-Rahu-Saturn. Rahu is afflicting the 4th lord Moon and Saturn is in the 4th house. The eclipse occurred on 3/9 this year, the axis of the nodes of the foundation horoscope with the 4th lord Moon engulfed there.
Horoscope of Japan 3rd November, 1946 8:30a.m. Tokyo Japan
This is the horoscope for the official birth of the Japanese Constitution. It has four planets Mars, Ketu, Venus (R) and Mercury in the Ascendant.
The 10th lord is debilitated in the 12th with the 2nd and the 5th lord Jupiter. The Vimshottari dasha was Mars-Rahu in 1946. The first is the most important house that represents the condition of the country. Malefics bring restlessness and tragic events. They upset the conditions in the country. Mars brings strikes, riots, fire, discontent, military activity, warlike situation, accidents, murders, theft and anarchy. Ketu is like Mars. This horoscope does not match with the progress that Japan made in the last 64 years; therefore it is not relevant for the present times and should be discarded.
The Horoscope of May 3, 1947 at 12 noon in Tokyo
This horoscope is of the time when the Emperor presented the Constitution to the Diet. This horoscope is also being used by many astrologers to give predictions. We need work more on this horoscope before we draw conclusions.
Horoscope of Japan 28-4-1952 23:34,Tokyo, Japan This is the horoscope for the time when the agreement with the US was concluded. It is a horoscope that best reflects the rise to power from 1952 onwards. Exalted vargottam Venus is in the 4th house with Mercury the 7th and 10th lordship. The debilitation of Mercury and the 6th and 11th lordship of Venus indicate the proneness to earthquake a salient feature of Japan. Japan remained attached to US in agreement and spirit during the last 60 years. This can be seen from the aspect of Mars the 12th lord in the 11th on the Lagna lord Jupiter. A powerful fifth house with strong and unafflicted Jupiter and Sun both in the D1 and the navamsha show humanitarian peaceful and progressive policies under the influence of US
At the time of Tsunami of 11th March,2011
The Vimshottari dasha from this horoscope was Mercury- Venus-Saturn. All influence the 4th house Under the Chara scheme it was Pisces-Cancer-Taurus . Moreover an eclipse took place on the 1/7 axis of this horoscope in January 2011.
Relevanth Chaitra Shukla Pratipada (HIndu New Year Horoscope) The Lagna lord has gone to the 12th and the fourth house has Ketu. The 12th lord Saturn aspects the fourth house.The eclipse took place on the 4/10 axis. Major loss to agriculture on account of a natural calamity was predicted on the basis of this horoscope in Viswvijay Panchang which was printed in January 2010 ( 14 months before the earthquake).
Koorma Chakra of 11th March 2011 clearly points towards the direction of the earthquake. There are s. even out of nine planets in the nakshatras that represent, the north and the central.
SanghattaNakshatra Chakra.The Sun has Vedha (obtruction) fromMars and Saturn and the ascendant from Rahu
2. SUCCESS AND 11TH HOUSE - 1 (300132)
8. SHE OR HE ? HILLARY OR OBAMA ? (Revised) (193327)
9. DREADFUL YEAR 2007 (192082)