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Concern over a global tragedy from third world war, an earthquake or a disaster of huge magnitude in 2020 was doing rounds in Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan from beginning of the year 2019. The fear of a world paralysis with a transformative impact in 2020 was based on repeated warnings by Mr. K.N Rao on several occasions during the last four years. In the Mundane astrology class of International Vedic Astrology Program on October, 19, 2019 he discussed at length the disturbed phase of decline and destruction of 2020. He used the New Moon Chart (Diwali of 2019), the eclipse chart of 26th December, 2019, foundation chart of India and Chaitra Shukla Pratipada chart of 2020 to explain the cataclysmic changes of 2020. This goes hugely to the credit of astrology as these predictions were based on Mundane parameters.  read more...
Vladmir PutinI got the horoscope of President Putin from respected Shri K. N. Rao Sir. He told me an interesting story when way back he had gone to Russia in the years 1998 and 1999. In 1999 when he reached Russia and on the airport, wanted a trolley for his luggage, he gave dollars but the person refused to accept that; he had to go and exchange the same for roubles first. This was not the case in the previous year 1998 and dollars were accepted everywhere. Russians are generally well versed in national and international affairs, more than Indians. In the class that day, when Sir was about to teach something else, they asked a question about their pitiful economy and how long the condition would last in Russia. Sir told them not to worry, they would overcome this situation very soon and in three years would not even remember this. read more...
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Another top quality research on Divisional Charts.

Shri VP Goel  has released "Predict Comprehensively through Divisional Charts". Shri KN Rao is the Guide and Editor of this outstanding book.

Shri VP Goel is the author of " Predicting Effectively through Yogini Dasha", " Unravelling the Puzzle of Longevity"

Buy the book here



Keywords: Journal of Astrology, KN Rao, Vedic Astrology, VP Goel, Jyotish, Indian Astrology, Divisional Charts

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