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Long back when I was in Mumbai, I think around 1996, I had sent my thumb prints to "Agastya Nadi" but they could not find my Nadi leaf after revealing my mother's name and date of birth also. Few years back I tried the same in Delhi with same nadi & it repeated. In 2001 I had sent the thumb print of mine with my friend who is very close to owner of "Shiva Nadi". The owner himself opened my nadi and the reading came as "He has other divine people to guide so don't predict anything"


Barack Obama and Mitt RomneyUSA will elect its President on 6th November, 2012. Democrats have put up President Obama seeking re-election whilst the Republicans have put up Mitt Romney to oppose him. According to media- it is ‘a close race’. Let us compare the horoscopes of two contenders and try to pick up the winner.

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Mars and Saturn are in the same navamsha in Simha. The Communists have withdrawn their support to the government and are challenging Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister, to prove that he commands a majority in the parliament. Mulayam Singh brings only 39 members of parliament with him and as in cricket, the UPA needs some “extras”, say “two no balls” and “three wide balls” still.

Has the UPA managed the “extras” ? There are wild rumours and guesses in various idiot boxes.

Jo Shani Simha Karasi Vasa to garh Delhi hosi nasa was the old more than five hundred year saying of Ghag, the rustic poet, meaning that Saturn in Simha was the time for the fall of government in Delhi.

I was wrong in expecting Mars in Mithuna to do it along with Saturn in Simha. Mars has done it after joining Saturn but it is only a “technical” fall of the government, not an actual one yet, because the floor test in the parliament is yet to take place.

When will the President call the session of parliament to get it tested ?

That is politics--the game of high intrigues , a game without scruples.

We astrologers go wrong as we do not have the horoscope of Manmohan Singh, the most pivotal and crucial horoscope in this matter. Astrology is a demonstrable science as can be seen in the prediction of the fall of Federer whose correct horoscope is available.

But this Mars Saturn has to do other types of damage which began with an earthquake in Andamans on 7 July. The riots in Jammu and the fall of the J&K government is another event worth noting.

The terror strike in Afghanistan on the Indian embassy is the most tragic event reported and so is the case of Pakistan.

The communists are hoping that the UPA will fail to muster a majority and the “extras” will not be available.Or some of the extras will make exorbitant demand something resembling extortion, a huge price.

In the absence of the horoscope of Manmohan Singh we are guessing more than predicting unlike as in the case of Roger Federer for which prediction I have received many emails congratulating me. Was it not obvious astrologically ?

The more pleasing part of the entire story is that Nadal has been portrayed as an humble man, not arrogant at all. Contrast it with the upstartish, boorish and crude behaviour of Dujovic, the third seed, betraying his low upbringing like many astrologers in the younger age group multiplying like lice all over the world through the internet. They have been making some alarmist prediction in the television channels except pointing out one danger.

In middle of June when it rained in Delhi, meteorologists and the politicians shouted hoarsely that it would be an excellent monsoon and we could expect a bumper agricultural crop.

Can they see what awaits the nation ?

(9 July 2008)


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