If you have questions regarding Mangal dosha in your chart or a chart of your family, friend etc., you may order this service. Our astrologers will analyze your chart and will give you theiir answer. We will answer questions related you Mangal Dosha only.
In this reading you can ask a question regarding Mangal Dosha.
This reading will be an email reading. Answer will be sent via email and you can send upto 2 follow up questions, within 30 days of the date of reading, to our astrologers to get further clarification about your reading. Reading will be based upon birth data you provide.
Our astrologers will rely upon your birth data that you will be providing them. Birth time rectifications and longevity calculations will not be done.
No prediction about the sex of child (yet to be born) will be made.
Our astrologers personally read and analyse each horoscope diligently. No computer generated reports or predictions are given.
Please allow at least 10-15 business days for your reading to be emailed to you.