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Only book in Vedic Astrology where Gajakesari Yoga (Jupiter-Moon combination) has been analysed in depth scientifically with over 25 case studies and much more.

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Only an astologer of KN Rao's caliber can write on such topics with conviction, being a pioneer in in doing original researches in Vedic Astrology not to mention his vast experience having analysed thousand upon thousands of horoscopes. This book has been written to draw the attention of astrologers to some enigmas in Jyotisha, which should not be overlooked if an element of subtlety is to enter many of the predictions we give to people who consult us.

Gajakesari Yoga-Glory or Disaster

Gajakesari Yoga done mechanically, astrology is more of a disaster than a boon for a majority of astrologers. In the books of jyotisha written by many writers, including Dr. Raman many decades ago, a lopsided view of Yogas has been taken. The commonest and the most misapplied yoga is the Gajakesari Yoga which is seen in the horoscopes of nearly one-third human beings.

This yoga which is said to increase the span of life of a human being, give him fame and an idealism not to be seen in others, has been always interpreted loosely. It is necessary a fuller view, when this Yoga is only protective, it being a good Yoga but weakly and when strongly. Then the full benefits of this Yoga are available only under certain conditions. 13 Case Studies, one example for each Lagna. An excellent analysis of Gajakesari Yoga.

GajaKesari Yoga: An Unorthodox View

Jupiter, we know is the planet of ideals. Being the Guru of gods. In a Gajakesari Yoga such idealism should blossom out. Does it happen always? The author remembers Anand Sing about whom he wrote in his book Astrological Journey Through History, Mystery and Horoscopes and refers to his sense of humor. He had said once that in Kaliyuga it is Rahu and Saturn which give better results because of the influence of the age and not Jupiter. One may pose many questions:

· What is the type of idealism which Jupiter can give in the materialistic and permissive societies of the west?

· What is the significance of, if at all, of Jupiter for the materialistic and permissive societies of the west ?

· Remembering Anand Sing and his sense of Humor, should one forget Jupiter’s classical role as an idealist in the materialistic and permissive societies of twentieth century?

· Where is idealism left in Indian life where rampant corruption and materialism have now come to dominate the social life in the last two decades?

A look at 11 horoscopes gives us a new and modern meaning to Jupiter’s role.

Great Gajakesari Yoga of Famous Men Mahatma Gandhi, VP Singh (Former Prime Minister of India), Devi Gowda (Former Prime Minister of India)

Jupiter-Venus or Venus-Jupiter periods Jupiter-Venus or Venus-Jupiter periods are rather enigmatic. I had read a good article on this some years ago by a writer who I thought should have written more elaborately. I have been watching this period in many horoscopes with some trepidation because while one expects these periods of two benefics to be generally good to excellent, it has been seen invariably that a family tragedy does take place. Brilliant analysis of these periods from all 12 Lagnas using horoscopes of famous men and women.

Saturn-Rahu & Rahu-Saturn periods The se are periods of absolute disaster in some cases or even in a majority of them. Som exceptions are there to find out which one has to go deeper in one’s analysis.

Over 25 cases analysed. Once again an excellent article.

Mission of one’s life Mission of one’s life, a question frequently asked by those in the New Age Movement is whether one is born with a mission and what it is. The plain and obvious answer is that those who are born with a mission will be guided by God to fulfill it without anyone having to tell them. A very vast majority of us are not born with a mission but should take to spiritual life seriously to free oneself from the shackles of Maya. Horoscopes of Swami Vivekananda, Prabupada Bhakti Vedanta Swami, Swami Yogananda, Swami Parmananda Saraswati, Mahatma Gandhi analysed.

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