2. Journal of Astrology Newsletter January 2010 (35548)
5. Journal of Astrology Newsletter May 2011 (30840)
6. Journal of Astrology Newsletter July 2009 (29961)
7. Journal of Astrology Newsletter May 2010 (29138)
8. Journal of Astrology Newsletter June 2009 (29121)
9. Journal of Astrology Newsletter August 2010 (28759)
10. Journal of Astrology Newsletter August 2009 (28571)
Does the Kaliyuga 10th house lead to
moral U-turns? Does it churn out robots?
Modern life is making us robotic. Is a weak 10th house
of karmas and free will to be blamed? In the wake of mounting job loss
tensions, we pick for debate the turmoil in karmic ethics and careers.
Consumerism is making us dance to its tune. It is
addicting us to the customized and the trendy. This transition has driven us
off balance from a holistic life. Materialism has taken over. The dharma of
Mahabharata and Ramayana, deep rooted in our national psyche is getting eroded.
Trendy acquisitions, their early discard to match with fresh arrivals, cause
several unmanageable debts, make modern life more robotic.
Clearly, the mushrooming coaching schools found at
every nook are also responsible for diluting holistic thoughts. They groom us
to fit like robots in the field of our choice. Skills to convince, lie and
cheat are developed for marketers. Strategies to make the self-compatible to
the corrupt system, in business schools. Schools for terrorism are a reality.
With focus on money spinning, a human has become portable and programmable.
When the wheel of dasha in its down from an up makes the going tough, a cry of
the soul may take us to the Kejriwals and Anna Hazares. It seems the lessons
from the financial crisis of 2008 were not enough for us to start searching our
souls. Still the most in-demand jobs are for those who can manipulate people.
All those who have a weak 10th house with no connection
of trinal (1,5,9) houses and benefics with it and the dasha of 3, 6, 11, have
been found vulnerable to the surrounding influences. During this time, they are
more susceptible to being manipulated and often go wayward. The deeper the
dependence on the outside, the weaker is the power to resist the loss of
individuality. Borrowing beyond means has not only aborted the growth of many
talented and bright minds but of nations as well. This happens when the
influence of the 3rd 6th, 8th, 11th or the 12 house gets heavy.
Can Horoscopes see vicious circles?
To sell their products marketers need to fund their
victims. A loan, for a creditworthy youth is a phone call away with no
questions asked. It is a way to let his impulse spending get out of control.
But access to loans lasts as long as your credibility. This is a lesson we tend
to learn late, after we have spent beyond our means and swiped the plastic. On
a default, the loan sharks takeover. They are what the village money lender
used to be, grabbing the land and property of their victims.
It is not that loans always land us in a problem. They
have helped many make a fortune. Whether the loan will lift us or sink us in a
debt trap can be clearly seen in a horoscope. A combination of 3, 6, 8,11 and
12 in their dashas have been found opening debt traps while 1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10
and 11 and their dashas have been found to give a boost and opportunities to
build empires from loans.
Has this trend upset a holistic life?
Surely it has. With a doctored mindset, we run like
horses with blinkers in life's race on a
path chosen by others. Astrology holds the key to balance:
Padaprapti (Rise)
and Padachuti (Fall)
Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra coins
the 7th house as the house of padaprapti and the 5th as the house of padachuti.
The 7th is the 10th from 10th and the 5th is the 8th from the 10th.
The kendras quadrants (1,4,7 &10) and trikonas
trines (1,5,9) are good houses. Any association of the dharma trikonas (1,
5, 9) with 2, 4, 7, 10 gives rise to a rajayoga (power and position)
with a balanced life. A connection of the 2nd and 11th houses with trikonas promise
wealth acquisition in a balanced way. The other houses 3, 6, 11, the three
trishadhaya and 6,8, 12 , the dusthanas, give a tendency that
disbalances life. The 6, 8 12 houses give vipreet rajyoga - a rajyoga that imbalances life
and starts a reversal process. The 4, 8, 12 are neutral houses. Depending on
association and aspect, the result can be determined.
The 10th house is the house of public image. It is a
house in the public domain. It is the house of your karmas. It is the
house where your activities are scanned by the society. The 7th house
represents society.As per the principles of Bhavat Bhavam it also
governs all that the 10th house does. Additionally, it is the house of the
spouse who comes from the society and becomes a major influence in your own
house. the 7th house is the house of pada-prapti (attainment of
position). Therefore very important for career and money matters.
The 4th house is sukh (happiness) house. It is
the house that gives unhappiness as well. It would be mistake to see only
happiness from it as it fundamentally falls in 4, 8, 12 neutral trikona.
Any connection of the dharma (1,5,9) houses with these houses or their
lords promise a good balanced life. A connection of the 12th house with any or
all of 1,5,9 would mean happiness abroad. Their connection with 4th would mean
achievement of a position as the 4th is the house of Simhasana. The
connection of good houses with the 8th is more likely to give a change for the
The 3, 6, 11 houses are trishadhaya (malefic)
houses. They have a tendency to imbalance and harm. The 3rd house is the house
of self-effort. Gains from effort and co-borns can be seen from this house.
Being 8th from the 8th it is house from where death is also seen. It is the
house that can give chronic diseases and scandals like the 8th house. It is a
house of action as it is an upachaya bhava that gives rapid rise. It is
a house connected to arms, shoulders and movement. It is seen for co-workers,
brothers and sisters.
Duality of the 4th and 5th houses
The 4th house is the house of simhasana (throne)
and happiness (sukh). But should also be seen to gauge the unhappiness
and depression due to dethroning and setbacks. The sensitivity and
vulnerability should also be seen from this house. The 5th house is a house
seen for loss of position but it is the house of dignity and position (pada)
as well. In our research on 15 Prime Ministers published in June-August 1997 issue of Journal of Astrology, we have elaborated
why they became prime ministers when their 4th and 5th house got activated.
The Fundamentals are changing
Health is preferred to wealth is an old age. Today
wealth buys health and happiness too is brought from wealth. Thoughts in your
mind are of small consequence but what you do matters! Your deeds build your
image and destroy it too. Opinions about you that people carry are formed from
the deeds they know. It is the image alone that matters in kaliyuga. The
stock market zooms and crashes on goodwill and
reputations. Some people, inspite of base acts and unacceptable deeds,
get away without their image getting tarnished, but some get a bad name and are
humiliated even when they deserve much better.
Astrologically, the karmas of earlier births
along with the karmas of the present make or distort the image that
people at large see. The house from where an assessment can be made about the
public image of a person and the periods of ups and downs in it, is from the
10th house of a horoscope. The 10th house of karmas indicates how you
handle the internal promptings of the senses and the challenges that come head
on. It is this house that indicates your capacity to be discreet. It is the
house of your image in the public domain.
Through the scrutiny of the 10th house, one can be
advised on periods needing caution to prevent image destruction. During a bad
phase, on astrological advice, one can review one's activities more often.
Astrology can guide one as to when one can afford to be care free. A word
uttered could become destructive or elevative. A deed can get attached to you
and remain with you even after death. Often, one is reminded of a past life karma
in a subtle way, with no tangible evidence. Words spoken or an action
executed conscientiously could become hard karmas, difficult to wipe
out. God is a perfect account keeper.
Classics on the 10th house
The subjects designated to the 10th house are business or trade, rank or
position, honor, occupation, profession , sky or zenith, conduct, quality,
inclination, gait, command and Meshurana (to give orders)
Brihat Parasher Hora Shastra:
Royalty (authority), place, profession (livelihood), honor, father, living in
foreign lands and debts.
Mundane: King, royalty,
nobility, rulers, prime minister, head of state, party in power, presidents and
governors, top authority in the state, nations, prestige, status, reputation,
parliament, politics and politicians, national celebrities, national aims and
gains, disgrace and death of ruler, foreign trade, exports exploitation,
revaluation and lawlessness.
The 10th house is right above your head
It is in the most exposed area. It is also known as the
zenith. Here the Sun is most visible and powerful. Astrologically, the 10th
house becomes the area of life’s focus so does the 10th from the dasha nath under
the Parashari system and the 10th from the rashi dasha that
periodically changes. When the atmakaraka (AK) is found in the 10th from
rashi dasha that period has the focus on health and depending on other
configurations, health could become a cause for concern. The rashi, the planets
and the karakas (significator) of the 10th house are important.
The 10th house is a house seen for father’s
wealth and your profession
In accordance with the methodology practiced by us in
the Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan for delineating horoscopes,
the father’s wealth is seen from the 2nd house from the 9th house which happens
to be 10th from lagna (the house of profession of the person whose horoscope is
being delineated). Go back to the pastoral times when limited professions were
available. The person inherited the wealth of his father, seen from the 2nd
from 9th. This wasperhaps the times when our classics were written and printed
from memorized sutras. Logically also it had to be the 10th house from
where the generated wealth of the joint family for an individual’s career and
its growth and the individual’s public image acquired from different sources
including the generated wealth of the family should be seen.
The family of grandfather-father and son worked
together in those days. This practice can still be found in traditional
business families. Some astrologers, particularly in north India, consider the
10th house from the Lagna or Moon as the house to be seen for the father, since
it is the 7th from the 4th, the house for mother; but the majority takes the 9th house for father, more so, in south India. In
ancient times the father played a vital role in shaping the dharma represented
by the 9th house and also karma (occupation) represented by the 10th
house, therefore a weak 9th and 10th house meant, logically a weak support from
the father or his early death. In the present times an afflicted 9th house or
the karaka (significator) Sun could mean many things like unorthodoxy,
non-conformity to societal norms, immorality but also death or arishta (suffering)
to father or incompatibility with him.
The Liberal Zone
Why so many karakas for the 10th
Why do some take five karakas (significator)
for the 10th house. Have the type of professions increased? The classics,
written thousands of years ago also lend support to the four karaka theory
for the 10th house: - Saturn, Sun, Mercury and Mars. The 5th Jupiter has also
been suggested by some.
Sun and the King
Sun in astrology signifies royalty. In earlier times
those serving the Kings therefore had a Sun dominated occupation as their
earnings were dependent on the whims and fancies of the royalty. The small
royalty heads (Maharajas and Zamindars) logically also had a Sun
dominated profession since they were the rulers. Every man has his kingdom
which he likes to rule. The smallest kingdom would comprise a weak wife and two
small kids and bigger ones - business empires with no limits. Corporate heads
and CEO's should have a Sun-Mercury combo since Mercury governs commerce.
Does Sun push a career
The Sun represents father also so the business
connected to father would also come under Sun. Sun is the planet that gives an
identity to a person. People are known from their occupation. Sun acquires digbala
(directional strength) in the 10th house. It is therefore a planet which is
to be reckoned in assessment of profession in a horoscope. Sun plays a dominant
role as it is the atmakaraka and the significator of the 1st house. It
rules Leo the powerful Rashi that is the 5th sign of the natural zodiac.
Therefore, Sun's role becomes dominant in influencing a career where it
establishes a PAC (Posited ,Aspect, Conjunct) relationship with the 10th house, 10th lord or any of planets connected with these.
People holding prestigious positions in the government have been found with Leo
Lagna or Leo rashi in their 10th house.
Saturn- Servant- Service
Saturn is an important significator for profession and career in today’s
context as the majority serve. Whether one serves under another servant of the
Government or as Corporate Executives or in small and large business
establishment. With urbanization the service class constitutes ninety nine
percent of the middle and higher middle class. This is class which has interest
in astrology and consult astrologers. In today’s context Saturn is more
important as a karaka (significator) than any other planet when it comes
to a service career.
Mercury: Trade and business
deals with communication also. Mercury is Vidya karaka, therefore
teaching would come under it. One should give more importance to Mercury where
professions are connected to business, finance, and teaching or information
Mars governs armed forces, therefore
a career in police and armed forces would be influenced by Mars.
Jupiter: The role of
Jupiter comes in Judiciary, Vedas and Religion.
Identify and see the 10th from the karaka
for clarity
The 10th from Saturn reveals a lot so
would the 10th from Mercury for business and 10th from Sun for Sun related
professions. This would apply to Jupiter and Mars as well.
should we define
the term Karamjeevi
of Varahmihira
We as human beings are brought to this world so that we
can be given a chance to change our sanchit karma account. We have to be
occupied. The planetary influence prompts us to act in accordance to the
tendencies and samskaras we have come with and acquired during our
impressionable years. What type of challenges are we likely to face and what temptations
we need to resist can be seen from the 10th from lagna, Moon, Sun or Saturn, or
Mercury or Mars or Jupiter. The interpretation of the 10th house is the most
crucial and complex area in today’s context. It is the 10th houses matters that
should be of concern to all and not the 11th house of gains for which most
consult astrologers.
A mistake to see career related gains from
the 10th house
The 10th house is the house of public image and 11th of
gains. It is wrong to predict gains and losses in money terms from the 10th
house. The 10th house can, at best indicate rises and falls in status. For
people in business and the executives in the corporate world with fat pay
packets and steep slides and escalations in terms of money, it is the 11th
house that reveals better a rise or fall in career than the 10th house. Our
collective research on the 11th house which has been published in the
January-February, 2011 issue of IOA’s Journal of Astrology establishes this premise
convincingly. We have to keep updating our findings with the change in trends.
The age of specialization – Generalist vs.
Be it a doctor, engineer, architect, accountant, lawyer
or a General Manager specialization is now found pre fixed to their identities.
A doctor is better known as a cardiologist, a pediatrician, a nephrologist or a
gynecologist. Similar is the case with engineering, architecture and other
professions. So much so, we have specialization in astrology with astrologers
known as prashna shastri, Vaastu Shastri, astrologers
specializing in finance, the priestly karma kandi and the deadly tantrik.
There are specializations under specializations. For
astro- researcher it is a stupendous task. He has to revisit, time and again
all the 12 rashis to trace profession characterized by their tatwas and
other components. He has also to simultaneously review the 9 planets, the 2 or
3 planet yogas that indicate profession, and all the 27 nakshatras for nakshatra
ruled profession from Dhruv Nadi to get pointed indication that fit
into a specialization. The interpretation given in Brihat Jatak of 2 or
3 planet conjunctions are inadequate as the consultant has to choose a
specialization which did not exist during when Brihat Jatak was written
and therefore cannot be in the classical text or books written earlier.
The methodology of Late Shri Hardeo Sharma Trivedi of
picking profession from rashi and navamsha indications, the
determinants explored and presented by Mr. K.N. Rao through research many
times. The Research has to be continuous and we have to probe periodically in
changed scenarios to get to the realistic pointers.
The horoscope has a definite pattern where there is
knowledge and education backed profession. The 5th lord in the 10th or the 5th
in 9th or the 9th in 5th or exchange of these house lords with benefic
influences of Mercury and Jupiter are definite patterns that show deep
knowledge and high education of the individual. These combinations promise a
stable career as well.On the other hand, often one finds 6-8-12 association
with the 10th lord showing ups and downs. The 8 and 10 connection is often
found in the horoscope of politicians of today. The mysterious, unreliable
politician, the death of democracy and reincarnation of another political
system is also represented by the 8th and the 10th connection. A compromised
education is seen in many horoscopes of film stars and cricketers but the 3rd
and 5th house has a talent sparkling and the 11th house of gains, success and
achievements is found strong.
Marketing and Morality
Marketing is an essential component of business and
even of the entire economy, as it brings awareness about the product, central
to informed market exchange. An industry needs to make people aware about its
product otherwise how does one choose and buy? The government too needs to
market their policies and plans so that people can make a proper judgment
before they vote to elect the government. The police has to market their good
work so that people do not see them only as the corrupt who extort bribes. A
soap maker has to market the features of his soap that makes it superior to
other soaps. Theoretically, marketing is an essential economic activity but it
has acquired ill repute as in the process to promote their product and compete,
corporates often resort to immoral, unscrupulous and corrupt practices.
Marketing for this reason is seen as pushing the unwanted. It is seen as an
activity that promotes greed. Marketers are seen as advocates of the devil. The
planets that govern marketing therefore should be Mars and Moon. Depending on
the position of Mars and Moon the morality in marketer will vary. Mars–Moon
together or in mutual aspect form Chandra-Mangal yoga indicating the
unscrupulous and the immoral- the seller of woman as per our shastras.
Moon-Mars combination is a wealth giving combination and in today’s context
indicates success in business and money generation.
Publicity and Advertisement
Selling the product is the most difficult, glamorous,
and paying area of modern business. Corporates employ the best talent in this
area. Huge budgets are planned for promotion. The pay packets are much bigger
of people in this branch and are more than those of the technocrats. Actors and
cricketers are paid phenomenal amounts to make an impact for messages to go
deep into the people. Poetic expressions of today are found in advertisements.
The role of Venus dominates this profession. TV talking heads, anchors, visual
media journalists, actors, camera crew, etc. have been found having the
Venusian influence in their horoscopes.
Some Solutions
Economic Activity and Karmic Activity
With needs multiplying and resources limited karma should
be the one that delights others and satisfies the self. The planet for
economics is Mercury and for righteousness is Jupiter. Sadly with greed taking
over and lifestyles suggested by advertisers dictating needs, the work force is
stretching beyond their capacity to make that extra buck for the non-
essentials. They are inviting themselves, without their knowing, stress and
tension at the cost of morality and peace of mind. One should work for
satisfaction and not for success. The countries and governments should also
devise ways to differentiate between essentials and non-essentials as the earth
has limited resources. Labour laws should be such that restrict a pompous
lifestyle and promote healthier one.
Playout with Karmas
Making money Unmaking habits; Conflict between Desire
and Conscience. Money can be made and kept in store for the rainy day by
unmaking habits also. Giving way to habits that are healthier like walking and
eating less is one among many options. Such habits should be promoted and
followed by the ambitious and sedentary work force in urban areas. Choice of
educational and professional patterns should not be guided by the blinding
attraction for money alone, talent, interests, morality, temperament and
aptitude should be self- assessed before the choice is made. Earning of a
livelihood was always the prime concern but in today’s context it is the
utilization of this livelihood that should draw our attention and soon. How
much of this livelihood is necessary to strike a balance between desires and
conscience should be the question asked for planning healthier and meaningful lifestyles.
Never forget destiny Rolls by itself you
need not roll destiny
Opportunities come to all to make up for the loss of
money, health and reputation. Logically there are phases of ill health,
disappointments and humiliation. Assertions at the wrong time could be
disastrous. Astrologers can read these ups and downs from the dasha cycles
and advise when to be circumspect and when one can afford a risky posture. Even
if you do not trust astrological advice, all you need to do is to flow with
destiny by doing nishkaam karmas (deeds done as a duty with no motives).
Understand your horoscope and act
Live within your means. Focus on your needs, not your
wants. If you have already lived happily with a set amount of money before, why
change now? It is easy remain the same. You will not really miss the extra
income if you do not get used to it.
India Far From Awakened
India seems in a deep painful slumber thanks to the
heavy doses of corruption and a defeatist belief system that has penetrated the
collective psyche. Every sighting of a criminal found freely moving without the
fear of law adds to the helplessness.
The shock of the brutal Delhi rape incident did wake
India up. This barbaric act brought a sense of insecurity among an otherwise
carefree student community and prompted them to revolt. Considering the depth
of India's slumber, perhaps many jolts and sacrifices are needed for India to
awaken India. The Chaitra Shukla Pratpada horoscope of 10thApril, 2013,
15:04 hrs. New Delhi (where 5 planets are in the 8th house, the 6th and the 7th
lord Saturn is in the 3rd house of neighbors with Rahu) show that many wake-up
calls are on the way.
With Rahu in Lagna can we root out
All genuine debates on rooting out corruption in India
have led us to the root cause - our political system. As per the Justice Verma
panel, there is an urgent need to reform the political and police structures.
Is corruption inevitable in a secular developing democratic country? India is a
low 94th with a score of 36, according to Transparency International’s
Corruption Perceptions Index 2012. The Corruption Perceptions Index is
presented on a scale from 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean). The score of
Denmark is 90 at first position.
Politicians are incorrigible - they
will always be untrustworthy.
I have come to the conclusion that politics
is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians. -
Charles de Gaulle, French general & politician
Politicians are the same all over. They
promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. -
Nikita Khrushchev, Russian Soviet politician
Business and Economy
Can India Become a Developed Nation in
India can get at par with developed nations, which are
declining. The growth in emerging market since the late 1990s is very
pronounced. The growth rates of the developed world fell relatively to the
emerging countries since the late 1990s. Besides, not only has population
growth slowed in 'developed nations but also the labor force participation is
Moreover due to the collapse of the financial sector in
2008 many programs to spur growth have been shelved. India is trying to
increase its growth rate and reduce its fiscal deficit.
Developed economies are moving towards less economic
freedom (more taxes, subsidies, restrictions, bureaucracy) while emerging
economies (e.g. China, India, Indonesia, Brazil) are moving towards greater
economic freedom. Capital is flowing into emerging economies, because financial
capital flows to where it is best treated. Considering the chaitra shukla pratipada horoscope, 2013 will be a difficult year
for the Indian subcontinent with Iran, Afghanistan Pakistan and Kashmir region
as the flashpoint. There are many shocks in store. India shall revive after
2014 and should be developed nation by 2020.
Can Aam Admi be the King
India needs spiritual Gurus to awaken the masses. India
and Indians have the potential to lift the world spiritually to peace. Even
Obama has cited Bapu to end the fire of hate.
Can Narendra Modi Become the Prime
Considering the 17th September, 1950, 10:10 a.m.
Vadnagar horoscope he will be surely in the race for the prime minister and is
likely to occupy the coveted hot seat for a few years in his Moon-Jupiter and
Moon-Saturn dashas in between 2014 and 2016.
Kumbhmela is
the world's largest gathering. It is celebrated at different locations
depending on the position of the planett of dharma and the Sun of atma.
When Jupiter and Sun are in Leo, Kumbha held in Trimbakeshwar,
When the Sun is in Aries it is celebrated in Haridwar,
When Jupiter and Sun are in Scorpio, the mela is celebrated in Ujjain, and
when Jupiter is in Taurus and the Sun is in Capricorn, Kumbhmela is
celebrated in Prayag.
The merging of the Ganga and Yamuna rivers with the
mythical subterranean river Saraswati is divine. It is known as Triveni
Sangam in Prayag. Each site's celebration dates are calculated in
advance according to a special combination of zodical position of Sun, Moon and
Here are details of most auspicious days in year 2013 during
Prayag mahakumbh-
Paush Poornima:
27th January, Sunday
Ekadashi Snan:
6th February, 2013 (Wednessday)
Mauni Amavasya Snam:
10th February 2013 (Sunday): It is reported that 3 crore people took holy bath
on this day. It was the largest gathering ever in the planet.
Basant Panchami Snan: 15th February 2013 (Friday)
Can Narendra Modi Become the Prime Minister?
Considering the 17th September, 1950, 10:10 a.m. Vadnagar horoscope he will be surely in the race for the prime minister and is likely to occupy the coveted hot seat for a few years in his Moon-Jupiter and Moon-Saturn dashas in between 2014 and 2016.
Mumbai is waiting to have a taste of Jaimini Astrology
live from its developer Mr K.N. Rao on 29th and the 30th of March. There has
been an overwhelming response. We are going for we wish to serve those who
cannot join Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in
Delhi. Learning from books is not enough is what we also agree. We should have
periodical direct interactions to reinforce the learning.