2. Journal of Astrology Newsletter January 2010 (35552)
5. Journal of Astrology Newsletter May 2011 (30853)
6. Journal of Astrology Newsletter July 2009 (29965)
7. Journal of Astrology Newsletter May 2010 (29141)
8. Journal of Astrology Newsletter June 2009 (29124)
9. Journal of Astrology Newsletter August 2010 (28780)
10. Journal of Astrology Newsletter August 2009 (28580)
- a waste of time or once in a lifetime opportunity?
The stars strike all. Some feel them intensely and
others fleeting by. That several of us would seek the answers to the mysterious
maneuvering of planets and cosmic points is perhaps a divine arrangement.
Astrologers delve deep and ponder the planets. Many of them have contributed a
great deal to the demystification of cosmic phenomena. Rishis who created the astrological classics,
the rajajyotishis in the durbars of Indian Kings, crystal gazers of the
medieval times in Europe or the astrologers of China, all have charmed and
drawn the masses to them.
History has that astrologers, firm in their conviction,
faced bravely the attacks by the self-styled `rationalists' and `scientists' in
every age. Many peaceful astrologers engaged in developing astrology scientifically
have been persecuted in the name of witchcraft.
The interest in natural and holistic sciences and
astrology was sustained in Russia in spite of a ban thanks to the repressive
policies adopted by the officially atheistic Russian governments since 1917. It
is said that an astrology enthusiast was even sent for treatment, during the
period of his military service, when it was noticed that he was reading a
photocopy of an astrological book. According to a story that circulates among
Russian astrologers, in 1929, Stalin’s government decided to rid the Soviet
Union, once and for all, of all the remaining astrologers, who still operated
behind the scenes. The secret police managed to organize an astrological
conference, and with most of Soviet astrologers assembled in one place, they
simply wiped them out. Participants were invited to a state- sponsored banquet,
and once they boarded the bus, they were sent away to quite a different
destination- a concentration camp. Hardly anybody survived. It is noteworthy
that even at the height of communist repression in 1939; some people were
experimenting with Kirlian photography of aura of man. We are familiar in our
scriptures of the extra ordinary auras of avatars.
Mr.K.N.Rao says your study of astrology does not go
waste as you could have brought an earlier lifetime of work built into you in
the form of your samskaras (psycho-mental tendencies). Perhaps all the
astrologers who were treated brutally in Russia in their previous birth are
re-born with an opportunity to develop an advanced astrological sense. May be
the astrologers of today are those who had dabbled in astrology in their
earlier lives.
The spread of astrology is welcome as it affirms its
popularity and gives hope of its revival. However, its wild misuse is a cause
for concern. Astrology to me is a perfect science. It is a super science. How
the planetary position in the sky unravels, up to the day, when an event is to
take place, is as amazing as many of the myriad mysteries of our universe- how
the human body works at the physical, mental and spiritual levels
simultaneously through sensory perceptions; the nature that surrounds us with
beauty and magically regenerates itself. That too fills us with awe and
admiration for the Creator.
With interest in astrology developed since childhood
and having learnt it and practiced it in an organized way under the guidance of
Mr.K.N.Rao for the past 20 years, I can advocate with conviction that astrology
is a science that works very well.
For every astrologer the paths may be numerous but the
goal remains one-a correct prediction. I can say with confidence that many
systems being practiced all across the globe can deliver the same correct
prediction when perfected. Vedic astrology has a definite edge over other systems
due to the numerous dashas developed by great rishis, perhaps through their
yogic practice.
do predictions go wrong?
have to, when self-styled astrologers with superficial ideas shoot predictions
from the hip or when those with incomplete knowledge and the intention to
extort money, predict with nefarious and commercial motives. Astrology is
growing in popularity; the media reflects, magnifies this trend. Big money is
to be had from telecast of hyped up programs of predictions. People are waylaid
and made to believe what, in a true sense, is not astrology. Wrong predictions
are being unleashed on the gullible. All you need to look like an astrologer is
a kurta and a tilak.
Predictions also go wrong when even the serious
astrologer, at best, reaches a sketchy picture of things in store. We can
perhaps with sincere study, arrive at a range of eighty percent knowledge of
the subject. The balance twenty percent needs to be achieved by an astrologers'
intuition and insights acquired through spiritual practices. The dasha of the
astrologers at the time he is predicting is also important. Wrong predictions
could also result from incorrect birth data provided by the client. And even a
well-meaning astrologer could go wrong through an inadvertent manipulation of
facts or principles.
In view of this, before announcing predictions, it is
the moral duty of the astrologer to make his client aware of these limitations.
This advice may appear unviable for the commercially inclined astrologers, but
it makes for sustainable and credible astrology, and is an essential statutory
warning for our trade for, like nuclear buttons and surgical instruments, some
astrological predictions too leave deep scars. Astrology should therefore be
allowed to be practiced by only those who are conscientious and have the stamp
of qualification from a recognized training school. The fact that so many seek
astrological guidance should make the policy makers introduce astrology in the
universities and devise ways to help institutions like Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan,
which imparts the best training in astrology.
of existence of Astrology
evidence of it can be inferred from the great epic Ramayana where astrology is
a continuing theme. Lord Rama some claim lived 900,000 years ago. We have historical evidence of mundane
astrology learning dabbled in during the times of Varahamihira, sixteen hundred
years ago and in the court of Mughal Emperors Akbar and Jehangir 450 years ago. The great treatise Brihat Samhita and Akbarnama
exist as historical evidence that cannot be challenged and are available for
anyone to examine.
Fortune is ensured by good Karmas
Gyan (Knowledge)- truth can be had from religious literature spread all over
the world and accessible on the net too. Additionally astrology with its
capacity to predict correctly brings conviction that it is the karmas alone
that make or mar a destiny. A person with both spiritual advancement and
astrological insight can decipher the design of destiny better than a person
with one of them.
of Paths
course of destiny does not alter much. One can at best minimize or maximize the
preordained by exercising free will. The agami (current) good karmas can
minimize suffering and the bad ones maximize even the predestined. The jolts of
sufferings of worldly life prompt many to switch paths. Some choose spiritual
life when unable to cope with torments of the worldly life.
can make you responsible
demonstrating correct horoscope readings astrology can make people realize that
there is a destiny at work. When convinced
that every act gets registered with the power that make the destiny, corrective steps can easily come and make people more responsible towards the society Wisdom is born from objectively assessed
mistakes. History too makes a person wise.
Astrology not only helps one to reflect on the past, present and future
but also explains the cause of bliss and suffering.
- a grossly unutilized Brahma-Astra
can reform society. It alone has the potential to change the mindsets of people
and make them more responsible. It can
also help the government to deal with many of its problems.
our newsletter series we shall take up issues that are confronting our society
and offer astrological solutions. The first in the series is focused on that
abiding social institution- marriage. This is being taken up in this letter.
The weakening of the Institution of marriage is a huge
social problem being faced by most societies across the globe.
A hard-to-deny trend is the creation of heaven like
comforts- secure and speedy travel , places of entertainment and leisure in
developing countries at the cost of happiness in fragile homes.
Social researchers find this change responsible for the
tug-of-war in homes that has been found breaking family ties on slight
provocation and for frivolous reasons. The remarriages and re-remarriages that
leave psychologically challenged children can be attached to changing social
patterns and lifestyles.
On 2nd December, 2012 we had a workshop on 'Finer Points of Marriage' at Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan. It began with fundamental issue of understanding man, woman and
marriage. It was highlighted that unless one can read the character of an
individual correctly, these finer points cannot be drawn. Men from Mars try to
learn more and more about women from Venus and women from Venus more about men.
They together then try to understand marriage. At the fag end of life they are
more confused. This is evident from the difference in views of even scholars
and psychologists. Shakespeare said in Hamlet ' Woman thy name is frailty'
Astrology offers a scientific character analysis from
the horoscope. A reflection on the ascendants of seven varga charts of a
horoscope reveals it all. Psychologists cannot do that. Is Marriage Destiny or Chance?
From the perspective of astrology, it is the planets and their movements
that decide whether a relationship will snap or last, whether there would be
happiness from it or gloom, whether there would be gains in terms of children,
property and the like, or losses. Astrology helps us to plan a marriage and
even strategies for its survival.
Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita that
all that is happening is predestined and we are mere puppets
Marriage is still central to the way we arrange
relationships in modern society. Marriage is a dominant theme in movies, books,
TV serials or life itself.
Astrologically, this dominating influence can be traced
to six out of the twelve houses of a horoscope, clearly slotting fifty percent
of life space. It dominates the 7th house of the horoscope that confronts the
Ascendant eye to eye. This perhaps causes the lifelong clash with the partner
who evokes passions of love and hate.
There is much talk of the threat to the institution of
marriage as the norms which were holding it together are being mercilessly
demolished. The divorce rate is going up in most societies. Separation even
through a trivial mismatch of moods is the order of the day. It causes tension
and looms heavy over the bond of marriage.
In the Indian context, marriage is sacred, as it is
seen to be a connection of at least seven lives- in the past, present and
Dubai may be building a Taj Mahal four times the size
of the Taj Mahal built by Shahjahan in Agra but we Indians build Taj Mahals on
a daily basis. We take them with our soul for even the next birth and claim to
have brought the Taj Mahals conceived in our earlier births with our soul.
Therefore, divorce, separation, re-marriage, multiple-marriages, that are
increasingly common in Western societies are never a comfortable proposition
palatable for Indians.
Many Sevens
are 7 pheras (rounds). There is the belief that connection with the spouse is
of 7 lives. It all has to do with the 7th house. The 7th is the most distant
house and represents the society. There is always a conflict between the self
and society and the spouse is a part of the society. The other houses are
allotted wealth-loss, brothers -elder and younger, mother and work, children
and father; and enemy and longevity.
The 7th is the most challenging house in today’s
context. Here’s why.
Our basic instincts and sensuality attract us to many
opposites, including, most importantly, the opposite sex. This natural stirring
of love and passion, brings joy, often changes lives in fundamental ways.
The 7th house not only attracts us to the opposite sex
but to many more opposites
The most revered classical text, Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra mentions wife, travel, trade, loss of
sight, sex, death and the like as areas governed by the 7th house.
another great classic recommends that all about desire, passion, sexual desire,
a way, people, husband, road and wife should be read from the 7th house.
War- Death – The 7th represents all Three
his presentation ` Glimmer of Hope in a strife torn World’ during the Global
conference on Mundane Astrology at Vishakhapatnam from 1-4 October, 2010, Mr.
K.N. Rao convincingly demonstrated through the horoscopes of many heads of
states, prime ministers and presidents that they were engaged in war in the
dasha of the lord of the 7th house, the planets in the 7th house or
planets aspecting the 7th house. Clearly the 7th represents, the
spouse, the society, war and also death. The classical and the researched are
on the same line.
astrology suggests that we see - war, foreign countries,
disputes, international affairs from the 7th house.
It can be called the house of Dreams, Desire and Death.
When swayed by desires, the discretion is lost.
In ashtanga yoga
the 7th is the house of dhyana (concentration), Concentration amidst diversion.
Vows are kicked in Kaliyuga?
marriages in India last more than marriages all over the world? The reason is a
ritualistic approach that reminds one of the commitments made in the presence
of the sacred fire with almost everyone you know present. The 7 vows of
marriage prevent easy break of marriage.
The sacredness of a ritual called `phere'
(going around fire (Agni)) 7 times is emphasized to prevent a break for
frivolous reasons. These seven vows serve as anchor to keep the couple together
amidst odds.
With each phera the couple makes a vow in presence of
the holy fire and witnesses in form of the wedding guests.
does each pledge signify?
relationships that begin with lust or love to have vows but if the bond is not
protected from the fear of adverse repercussions from fire and planets, it
breaks on slight provocation. The society too plays an important role in the
survival of marriage. If remains a silent spectators to wrong doings, the
divorce rate and separations will go up. In India the Judicial system has
become conscientious. They do not allow the couple to separate easily. Rituals
help cement the bond. In absence of a sacramental bonding, the relationship is
likely to break easily. A sacramental marriage in any society is a vow in
itself. It is absent live-in relationships.
is Lust
or infatuation or attraction is ` just an intense desire'. It involves
excitement and urgency, primarily related to sex. In present times it is found
that this feeling invariably disappears on promises made in lust rage not
fulfilled or the partner getting attracted to someone else or a mismatch of
moods bringing change of attitude resulting in disputes.
is Love
this starts with the feeling of attraction, it goes beyond that and is a more
longstanding. It develops as a sense of warmth in the heart for the partner. A
marriage with love combined with vows should be a lasting one. However, this
does not happen always as when a person is in love his/her reasoning ability is
impaired for this reason you call love blind. A dis-balance is caused which
takes time to normalize. After normalization it is the dashas that start to
anchor his/her moods.
Partnering could mean sleeping with the Enemy
A marriage partner or a business partner could be an
adversary we opt to live and work with. We invite them to our fold as they
appear to be desirable companions. One for fulfilling our needs in our
Grihastha ashram and other to amplify our energy for rapid growth to realize
our dreams for acquisitions and success as 1 and 1 make 11 not 2.We hate and
love them!
Often, inspite of disputes and knowing well that they
have turned out to be our adversaries, we do not part, for we need them. One
may part with the business partner swiftly, whenever the bond cracks severely
but with the spouse one cannot part so easily even after a dispute, since the
legal, societal, moral and karmic bindings are strong. Once a partner is
chosen, it is a karmic binding for life. Our shastras have therefore rules
defined for the commitments with the opposite sex what we now know as marriage.
With common law marriage, live-in –relationships, gay marriages gaining
acceptance and recognition from law, it’s time we review the institution of the
traditional marriage with cultural, social, moral and karmic bindings.
marriages made in a heaven or do we have a choice
karma theory cites rinanubandhan
((debt of past lives) as a probable reason for choice of people who surround
us. Does the divine power that plots our destiny decide our partner before our
birth? This question can be best answered by astrologically inclined and the
spiritually evolved.
Researches A Challenge
is a challenge to produce new researches. The classics written in a male
dominated society on could visualize death that could separate one in a
marriage. We are in a different world today. We have to see classics only as
love laid bare, can greed be far behind?
in today’s world a quick buck can be made from those runaway passions, the
profiteers can profit from love. Why should not they leave a known human
weakness unexploited -Viagra had to come for men and now for women. The market
also includes those whose sex life is or has been rich.
we have a fairy tale love? A reality check. How do we characterize modern
marriage Are two people satisfied in their relationship?
Can we term earlier marriages in a male dominated society successful, since
they lasted, in most cases till death did them part. Do we ignore the fact that
there was no scope for a woman to assert her rights freely and dispute unjustified
actions as she was economically dependent? Can we term those marriages also
successful where a man married another woman inspite of a devoted wife because
both marriages lasted lifelong? Can you have the concept of happy marriage of a
literate to a semi-educated woman, who may have devoted herself to rearing
children and attending household chores, blissfully unaware of her potential
and devoid of aspirations? But, for understanding what is happiness and
unhappiness is we have go back to our shastras. When you have expectations, you
have unhappiness.
Horoscope Matching of today too requires innovative Methods
of horoscopes by merely seeing the points
out of 36 is woefully inadequate. These
days the instant computer results leave many hearts broken for
no reason as the self-styled astrologers and computer software’s quickly churn
out matching results that have no basis. We have a colleague in Bharatiya Vidya
Bhavan whose marriage has crossed 50 years; it is a beautiful and blissful
marriage still with only 13 points in matching.
The dosha samya matching by
some astrologers does not answer the purpose of matching when we have highly
educated women outpacing men in many fields. Shudh jatak matching, a part of
bhava milaan is also to be viewed in modern context. An evaluation in totality
with desh kaaland paatra is required. My half written book `Choosing a Partner’
is gathering dust. I intend making it a comprehensive book for Horoscope
Matching. I am also updating the Chapter Selection of Spouse of my book Indian
Marriage in Modern Urban Educated Society with the 2ndedition.
The Seminar and Convocation of 14th October, 2012 began
with the presentation of some case studies of people who faced challenges in
their middle age by the research scholars of Junior Research group under the
guidance of Mr.K.N.Rao. It was explained by Mr.Rao that the middle age is a
transformation from teenage or early adulthood when one is dependent on
parents.. In middle age he is on his own, has his own family, his profession,
and his children whose problems of study, career and children worries him. What
do the dashas and yogas indicate in middle age is a fascinating study.
The second half of the program had a well-attended
Convocation. Hon'ble Justice Mr. Vipin Sanghi, Judge Delhi High Court who was
the Chief Guest in his address said “I am not an Astrologer but I belong to
family which believes in honoring Hindu traditions. We have been consulting
astrologers. I came closer to astrology through Yogi Bhaskaranandji, whose
disciple is Mr.K.N.Rao, the founder of this Institute. Sometime around 1984
Mr.K.N.Rao was invited to my house by my father Shri G.L.Sanghi. He was
requested to call Mr.Rao to our house by Yogi Bhaskaranandji . I was student
pursuing law at that time. The entire family became friendly with Mr. Rao
Hindu Jyotish is an integral part of Hindu traditions. Shodasamskaras muhuratas based on
astrology can be seen practiced all around us though the bulk among them
witnessed are the marriage and death samskaras The traditional values and way
of life practiced by Lord Rama and Lord Krishna as mentioned in our puranas come to us in some form or the
other therefore even today the 16 samskaras and astrology are an inseparable
part of Hindus
Over a period of time priorities have changed. Whatever
causes tension becomes the subject of consultation both for astrologers and the
judiciary. These days it is marriage and property. Both of understand the
changing pulse of society better than people from other professions
Like the western scientists, India's scientist oppose
astrology blindly, without producing a single evidence, and not even bothering
to learn astrology to refute many researches that have been done by
astrologers. This is clearly injustice.
Saroj Memorial Awards for excellence in research were presented to-
01. Ms. Anju
Sachdev in English
02. Mr. Anil
Agarwal in English
03. Mr. Salesh
Kr. Sharma in Hindi
04. Mr.
S.K.Sharma in Hindi
05. Mr. B.N.
Anthwal in Hindi
Vedic Astrology Program, 2012
exhaustive seventeen day, nine nation program from 25th October to 10th
November had many participants. Some stretched for the full seventeen days and
others for shorter durations. The program was followed by visits to Varanasi,
Karoi and Vrindavan. Twelve teachers of the Institute of astrology, Bharatiya
Vidya Bhavan displayed their knowledge and teaching skills to give the
participants a taste of this divine science. Almost all commented that the
standard was high and the arrangements excellent. Many said that they had not
been to a better organized program anywhere in the world. The applause and feedback affirms the success
of the program. Mr.K.N.Rao remarked that the program was a huge success.
Professor N.N. Pillai, Principal Institute of Astrology, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan
announced the launch of quarterly Global Journal of Astrology. The announcement
was hailed by all.
Take-Away from the program
i) There is enthusiasm for Vedic Astrology. We should
not miss the opportunity to harness. The collaborative mails from US Russia and
Japan reached us within hours of announcement from the Hotel rooms in Delhi
ii) Astrology has the potential to reform the world. The
brilliance of thoughts that surfaced from both teachers and participants go to
show that there is talent spread which can be utilized through collaboration.
The participants were knowledgeable and their uptake good.
ii) There is urgent need to collaborate and add value
to the ongoing research.
to Pandit Nathulal in Karoi
readings from Pandit Nathulal last
month were amazing. I would recommend a visit to him to all who are engaged in
astrology. This was my second visit to Karoi. I have had numerous readings and
have been to several Brighu, Nadi and Prashna astrologers. I would rate Pandit
Nathulal the best. He answered the prashnas with his supernatural powers. I could sense divinity. The most astonishing part was that many of
his predictions were the same as what I had got from other readings. We should
undertake a research project on Brighu readings
and combine it with our research.
Marma Science and Therapy program 18-22 November, 2012 Mrityunjay Mission
(Foundation for Vedic Medical Sciences Venue
Joshi as usual provided instant relief with his magical touch to many in the
audience. When given an opportunity to speak, I said that I have been
associated with Dr.Joshi's programs since 2010 and have witnessed many miracles
in Delhi, Hardwar, Tokyo, Osaka and Kobe. We need to cooperate. All those who
have benefited should come together more often. I had called it a simplified
yoga in my earlier writings and in addition to that I would call Marma Therapy
the Magical curative touch for incurable diseases. It can be done by anyone at
no cost and no medicines.
were expecting a major event when Rahu came in conjunction with the Sun in the
western direction of India as Vishakha
nakshatra represents the south west direction in the Koorma Chakra. The death of Bal Thakeray brought Mumbai to a halt
on with 2000000 mourners in the funeral. He was a visionary with an unmatched
political acumen. He could catch son-of-soil sentiments in people and through
this swung them away to his party at a time one no could think of a replacement
of Congress. He leaves a political legacy of pride and fear.
Assumed Birth Time : Date of Birth: 23rd January, 1926 7:00 Bombay
Sun Jupiter in the Ascendant. Lagna in shubha kartari
.Ascendant lord in the 11th with the 11th lord and most planets around the
Lagna show a towering personality.
and Economy
has again warned of downgrade. Both Fitch and Standard & Poor's earlier
this year cut their ratings outlooks to negative. Astrologically also the Chaitra Shukla Pratipada horoscopes for
2012-2013 and 2013-2014 do not promise a stable economy.
- a stormy revival
The super storm sandy brought with it winds of change favoring US and Obama.
This was expected in the dasha of Mars with relatively strong chaitra shukla pratipada chart of the US.