2. Journal of Astrology Newsletter January 2010 (35552)
5. Journal of Astrology Newsletter May 2011 (30852)
6. Journal of Astrology Newsletter July 2009 (29964)
7. Journal of Astrology Newsletter May 2010 (29140)
8. Journal of Astrology Newsletter June 2009 (29124)
9. Journal of Astrology Newsletter August 2010 (28780)
10. Journal of Astrology Newsletter August 2009 (28579)
Knowing Knowledge
Knowledge that refines and makes us wise is spread wide across the Universe. Astrologically, it is held by Jupiter. Though elusive in kaliyuga, it can be acquired with an extra effort. Knowledge churns ideas that enrich life. It enhances the degree of intelligence. It makes life meaningful. It spiritually enlightens. It leads to the truth. Moksha (salvation) requires the ultimate truth. Awareness simply comes by looking around, from TV or from the net. Astrologically, it is different from knowledge. Gyan (knowledge) is obtained from beyond awareness. Your level of knowledge grades you. It dictates your karmas. Knowledge once given cannot be taken back. One can’t lose knowledge. Knowledge creates a purpose for life itself for when you have knowledge; others light their candles in it. Sharing helps us grow. Blessed are those who get to know where it lies; for, believe it or not, you carry your knowledge and your karmas with you after your death also. They manifest in you, in a subtle form in the next life.
Knowledge secures humanity: Knowledge empowers. Ignorance may be bliss, but certainly is not progress, except in the minds of those who prefer darkness to light or for those who are animalistic and wallow in only eating, drinking and feasting their base instincts. It is rightly said that information is like a bulldozer that can both build and destroy, but knowledge only secures. We need to differentiate between knowledge and awareness. Awareness is mostly incomplete but knowledge can make you complete.
Is Gyan of Jupiter, different from Information Processing of Mercury? It is often seen in horoscopes that when Mercury is active, one quickly acquires education, information, awareness and logic. It forges you ahead rapidly, at least superficially. But, when Jupiter gets active, knowledge that matters is gained and higher spiritual goals are reached. Jupiter is also the significator of wisdom. A Jupiter-Mercury combination helps you achieve what matters most in life.
Of the Gifts from ancients only Gyan survives: When all is lost, the unconquerable knowledge remains. Even the winds of disasters cannot wipe the knowledge that you gain for you take it away with your death also. For us to witness, only Gyan (knowledge) has survived from ancient time, in form of sutras. It takes brilliant minds, perhaps with a Jupiter-Mercury, strategically placed in a horoscope to unravel the layers of meaning from our deeply profound legends. They operate allegorically at different levels. They have meanings embedded in layers. A story like that of Ramayana or Mahabharata from our Puranas was devised for common folk. Beneath the surface, however, there are messages of incredible complexity for the spiritually evolved.
Patanjali Yoga Sutra is the Ultimate: Mr.K.N.Rao calls it a super scientific treatise. He says it is a great tribute to our ancestors who could think at such levels and reach such a state of super consciousness by the conquest of ‘chitta’, the physical, emotional and mental state. It is to be done through abhyaas (practice) vairagya (detachment) and the grace of God. There cannot be a more scientific book on sadhana. It is in four parts - samadhi, sadhana, vibhuti (Super normal powers) and kaivalaya (salvation).
Powered by Jupiter, Interpretations get deeper: Since the text of the shastras remains unaltered, the spiritual level of a Gyani, Pandit, Rishi or Muni (all mean scholars) is judged from how he interprets it. Interpretations of the classical text are Gyan (Jupiter) and mere translation is skill (Mercury). The Mercury in comparison with Jupiter operates at the superficial level; though it represents the intellect (faculty of the mind that reasons logically) Jupiter has depth. There are many who regard the story of the Gita as an allegory: Swami Nikhilananda, takes Arjuna as a symbol of atma, Krishna as an allegory of Brahman, Arjuna's chariot as the body. Our scriptures too differentiate between gyan (knowledge) and awareness. They mention six darshan shastras called the six schools of philosophy. They are:
i) Poorv mimamsa by sage Jaimini ii) Nyaya by sage Gautam
iii) Vaisheshik by sage Kanad iv) Sankhya by Bhagwan Kapil v) Yog by sage Patanjali
vi) Uttar Mimamsa (Brahma sutra).
Darshan is a Sanskrit term meaning “sight’ (in the sense of an instance of seeing or beholding; from a root).
Origin of Gita could be even 20 lac years ago: Like many unsettled controversies of dating, the century of creation of Srimad Bhagavad-Gita is said to be in dwapar Yuga. The dwapar yuga ended 8.6 lac years ago. Srimad Bhagavad Gita shares with us the transcendental knowledge of the most profound spiritual nature. It is presented as a divine discourse by Lord Krishna. It is the most popular and well known of all the sacred scriptures from ancient India. Eternally revered as a true source of spiritual knowledge, it reveals the purpose and goal of human existence. It is meant to transcend earthly experience. Gita is classified as a smriti text. However, those branches of Hinduism that give it the status of an Upanishad also consider it a shruti or “revealed” text. The belief that it is revealed by the most powerful universal force whom we identify as God is a stong possibility.
Shiv puja gives gyan (knowledge) and varaigya (detachment): It takes away the pashu (animalistic tendencies) in you and prepares you for bhakti. Results from bhakti can only be enjoyed, when the gyan and varaigya in you sets in and the pashu in you gets removed. Mr. K.N.Rao explains that Hanumanji (Shiva's avatar) went to Lanka to give the Lankans gyan and varaigya by burning their town so that they could have a proper darshan of Bhagwan Ram.
Modern Day Dictionary Meaning of ‘Knowledge’: “Knowledge is a familiarity with someone or something, which can include information, descriptions, or skills acquired through experience or education. It can refer to the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. In philosophy, the study of knowledge is called epistemology, and the philosopher Plato famously defined knowledge as “justified true belief”. The trouble is that except the enlightened no one knows what a belief is, no one knows what a fact is, and no one knows what sort of agreement between them would make a belief true. “Knowledge acquisition involves complex cognitive processes: perception, communication, association and reasoning; while knowledge is also said to be related to the capacity of acknowledgment of truth in human beings.
Knowledge from Blue: The Soul and the human Goal. Your mind has the potential to take you to great heights to experience the unknown. The same mind could be made pedestrian by exclusively eating, drinking and watching TV. Give the mind freedom to ponder over the unknown, beyond the mundane. Encourage it to think over and above the routine. Do not block the wanderings of the mind. It can take you to places, to new ideas and ultimately to the human final goal.
Truth has eluded even the genius: Even the scientists and philosophers have struggled all their lives to reach the truth. They have admitted that they could reach only near it:
* “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted, counts”. (Sign hanging in Einstein’s office at Princeton).
* “A human being is a part of a whole, called by us universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us.” - Albert Einstein
* “God is a synergetic experience. Science can never reveal it; philosophy can never come to it – only a poetic approach, a very passive, very loving approach, can.”- Osho
Knowledge without Astrology is incomplete: For the quest of authentic knowledge a route map is a must. For an understanding of the map, reading of Vedas is essential. Astrology is referred to as chaksu (eyes) of Vedas. The other disciplines are: shiksha (phonetics) kalpa (rituals), vyakarana (grammar) nirukta (etymology) chhanda (metres). These six are also called the vedangs (limbs of Vedas). For reaching the truth, astrology can help us solve many puzzles that obstruct the route to moksha (salvation). At the mundane level astrology can help us to plan for future as it is a science that reveals the future. It can guide us to maximize output as we get to know through astrology in which area our efforts would be gainful. It can caution us against diseases and mishaps. Knowledge of it surely enriches life.
Only astrological projections can stand the test: Knowledge acquired scientifically and spiritually is recognized. But it too becomes irrelevant with the passage of time and needs periodical updating. Modern day projections do not hold good for long, but astrological projections do. Our rishis could predict the present state of affairs thousands of years ago. They have described the present day degradation of kaliyuga, in detail, thousands of years ago in sutras.
When we talk about long- term projections of twenty years or forty years, many economists and scientists reject the analysis because it makes too many strong assumptions. Collective opinions, lifestyles and priorities change very fast. It is wrong to base projections on human behavior which does not remain consistent over the long-term. The projections of Goldman Sachs up to the year 2050 are scoffed at by most economists. Many unpredictable events can happen, over the decades that could totally wipe out an assumption. Therefore projections based on the assumption of most factors remaining constant often go wrong. Besides, in most projections, no man-made or natural disaster is considered. However, in astrology we find no such constraint as the planetary character and position remains as projected.
Mr. Prannoy Roy, psephologist, brought a revolution in electoral projections, He is one of the founders of election surveys and forecasting election results. He later worked with a team to create a macro econometric model for forecasting the Indian economy. It worked well for short term forecasting only.
Our rishi had acquired knowledge that science even today cannot comprehend: We have evidence of rope rising with music - the famous Indian rope trick find mention in writings of many westerners who witnessed it. A yogi claimed that he could walk on water. He perhaps practiced it several times. But when he invited the foreign media to witness his walk on water in a swimming pool, he could not. It is to be remembered that all knowledge can become useless it is willed by God. Perhaps the yogi forgot this essential mantra. God does not like you to display your knowledge arrogantly.
Whether it will be Rahul or Priyanka or none?
Will Obama come back to power? Which would be world's leading nation in 2020? Will India be a developed country then? Except astrologers, none can relieve you from these uncertainties. But the astrologer has to be a competent one. Astrology is perfect, not astrologers. Ninety percent of them may mislead you. Only ten percent are worthy of your time.
Technology has made reaching knowledge easier: Books on electronic slates, information from Google and Facebook are just a few clicks away. It is boon from rapidly developing information technology. We should make the best use of these developments in technology. This bank of knowledge, Jupiter is keen to give you unconditionally.
The most benefic Jupiter is the undisputed significator of Gyan (knowledge): Perhaps, when there are no takers, it is Jupiter which has to keep absorbing the unutilized knowledge. For this reason perhaps Jupiter is bulging. Jupiter as the knowledge store surely has data from beyond our solar system and from other galaxies. Recently it was in news that scientists have discovered a new type of alien planet that is larger than Earth. It is called GJ 1214b, which astronomers first discovered in December 2009. To date, astronomers have discovered more than 700 planets beyond our solar system, with about 2,300 more awaiting confirmation by follow-up observations. These alien planets are a diverse bunch, but GJ 1214b, which is located 40 light-years from Earth in the constellation Ophiuchus (The Serpent Bearer), is something new altogether, researchers say.
Jupiter, the planet of Fortune: It is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet within the solar system. It is a gas giant with mass one-thousandth that of the Sun but is two and a half times the mass of all the other planets in our solar system put together. On an average it remains in one rashi (zodiac sign) for a little less than one year. It completes a round of the zodiac in 11.86 years (sidereal period). Its synodic period is of 398.884 days. It retrogrades to change fortunes. At times it remains in a rashi for longer than one year and mostly less than one year.
Jupiter rules over fifty percent of a horoscope: It is the significator of 4 out of 12 houses of a horoscope. In addition to this, it lords two houses and one house where it is positioned also comes under its hold. Besides, it has aspect on three houses. When retrograde many consider its aspect on additional three houses from the previous house where it is positioned. The houses of which it is the significator are the 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th. All related to wealth. The 5th and the 9th house are related to Gyan (Knowledge). Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra mentions in chapter 11 Shloka 6 “learning, knowledge and sacred spells under the jurisdiction of the 5th house and fortune, religion and visit to shrines under the 9th house”. Brihat Jataka mentions pratibha (talent) intelligence and the ninth shubha Guru thapas.
Phaldeepika chapter 1, shloka 11-12 states that the 5th house governs “the soul, intelligence, knowledge of the future life, Vedic knowledge and other religious scriptures”. Shloka 14 of the same chapter states “the ninth house deals with preceptor (guru) deity (devta), father, auspiciousness, poorvabhagya (previous luck), worship, penance, virtuous act or virtue, noble family”.
Why Jupiter is most benefic ?
Our rishis have coined shlokas to convey that Jupiter when found in the eastern horizon, within the periphery of the first house can ward off 125,000 doshas. Perhaps it gains strength in managing you and putting you on the right track. A track that can take you from kaliyuga experience to experiencing the satya yuga.
Janmana jayete Shudrah sanchaarad dwija uchchayate
This shloka from manusmriti states that “everyone is born a shudra at birth. His rebirth and elevation in life is in accordance with his samskaras (tendencies from the past life). Jupiter and Mercury gain strength in the first house for knowledge (Jupiter) and the skills to acquire it (Mercury) help in our upliftment. With strength in the first house they can best utilize and lift the inherent samskaras. The Venus and Moon gain strength in the 4th house, perhaps for they represent happiness and worldly attachments. They are the planets of desires. The Sun and Mars gain strength in the 10th house for they help you in courageously and dutifully fulfilling worldly commitments and performing the karmas which are in public domain. Saturn alone in the 7th, is strong in this house of desires and death, for perhaps it is the only planet that is able to balance when it gains strength in the 7th house. It exalts in the rashi of balance Tula (Libra).
Logically, a benefic Jupiter would also mean that you have been granted an opportunity to rectify your deeds, of earlier births and of this one as well. The dasha of Jupiter is considered the most appropriate for remedial measures. It takes you closest to the purpose of life with least deviations since it a planet that represents goodness, righteousness, virtue, religion and spirituality; and lords the 9th house of fortune and religion and the 12th house of moksha (salvation) of the natural zodiac.
Think! Why only Jupiter is identified with Guru- chandal yoga when the chandal corrupter Rahu is conjunct with it? Why do we not call Venus-Rahu, Mercury-Rahu or Moon-Rahu such names. Clearly, for Jupiter is the most benefic for besides Gyan, it signifies virtues of sorts.
Jupiter can truly be called the fountainhead that is eternally spouting goodness and blessings. Perhaps, it seeks the deprived and has loads and loads of happiness, wealth, knowledge and bonanzas stored for all. Being the most benefic planet, it showers blessings always. The flow is unending but needs to be harnessed and harvested. Jupiter as the giver sits in the skies but as takers we have to be deserving to maintain its flow or else the bulge of Jupiter will simply expand with goodwill and we will remain dry of its munificence.
Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra (BPHS) describes it as the one with a big body, tawny hair and tawny eyes, phlegmatic, intelligent and learned in all sastras. BPHS also reveals that the force of Lord Vishnu that reincarnated as Vamana Avtaar was indeed Jupiter- the dwarf form of the Lord that brought about the evolutionary change from the animistic to the human during initial centuries of creation. Jupiter ,Mercury and Ketu are described as jeeva - the living things. Jupiter has hold over the past, present and future lives also.
Astrology all over regards Jupiter as by far the best among the planets. BPHS declares that its abode is the treasure house, the taste is sweet and it is the superior most in planetary caste as well - the brahmin. Not swayed by royalty and power like the Sun and the Moon, Jupiter is the minister and advisor in the planetary cabinet. Some more inputs from BPHS suggest the pivotal role assigned to Jupiter in sustaining life.
It governs water - the essential element to sustain life ; has lordship over hemant ritu –the pleasant weather and over the fruitful trees. Jupiter lords the 9th house (that governs fortune, dharma, morality, righteousness and spirituality) and the 12th moksha of the natural zodiac (kaal purusha).
Jupiter is the significator of the 2nd house (family, wealth and speech), 5th (children, knowledge and education) 9th and the 11th (income and gains). Jupiter is the bestower of knowledge, the Guru. The Gyani. It is the significator of history. The preserver of heritage and culture.
Jupiter and education: Being the undisputed significator of Gyan (knowledge) and of the 5th house. The house seen for education and mental inclinations, Jupiterean influence has been always found improving the education. It governs education in history, sanskrit and classical literature in the non- technical area. Management, commerce, finance, banking, psychology and philosophy in the semi-technical field. In the technical area , it contributes towards learning of Jeev Vigyan (Biology), Zoology in association with Ketu. Biotechnology, Management and law. Advocates have more influence of Mars and Saturn along with Jupiter. However, the horoscopes of Judges have been found with prominent and benefic Jupiter. Auyurveda doctors too have Jupiter pivoting their horoscopes with the influence of Sun, Moon and Mercury.
Gurau kendre kone buddimaane (Pancham V ivek Jatak Tatvam)
If Jupiter is placed in the kendra or trikona, the person will be intelligent.
Jupiter and Professional indulgences : Jupiter has been found taking people towards Vedantic, classical, knowledge and literature when seen liberally. Philosophy and psychology on the semi-technical side and Management on the technical side. Jupiter gives legal professions. It gives careers in classical and religious preaching’s, learning and worship, teaching. Banking careers with Mercury and Management with Sun and Mars.
Mythology : Mythology describes Jupiter as the guru of the devtas. His father, Maharishi Angira and his wife longed for a son. The advice as to how to go about worship for the best possible offspring came from Sanat Kumars, the sons of lord Bramha. The procedure was followed religiously and with total devotion. The result a son called Brihaspati, who was the best. The lord of wisdom, Jupiter, owns a chariot called Nitighosh, that has 8 horses of yellowish hue. The chariot travels through the zodiac in about 12 years. Lord Indra was presented “Brihaspati Samhita” composed by Jupiter
This Samhita (encyclopedic arranged collections with methodology) explains various daans and the dharma. Jupiter is the father of sage Bhardwaj. The wars between asuras and devtas was an ongoing feature and how to score over the other in war capabilities was the lifelong obsession of leaders. The guru of asuras was Shukracharya (Venus) who learnt the vidya of making the dead come alive. The asuras were feeling invincible and guarded their prized possession -the sanjeevini vidya. Kach, one of the sons of Jupiter, tried to get to the knowledge but was not fully successful. A determined devguru Jupiter then organized tapas and yagnas to reduce the effect of sanjeevini vidya. This resulted in a conflict between Shukra and Brihaspati. Such stories were perhaps devised for channeling the findings of our rishis, for use in astrology. The findings came through divya drishti (the supernatural power of our Rishis attained through their yogickriyas and tapas) thousands of years ago. For instance, how one should interpret a horoscope when Jupiter is conjunct with Venus or is aspected by it or the result of when Venus is placed in the house of Jupiter or Jupiter in the house of Venus and other planetary relations can be interpreted and understood on reflecting on the numerous stories in the vedas.
Jupiter and Mundane: In mundane, Jupiter represents expansion, plenty, prosperity. It signifies banks, treasury, finance and revenues. Loans, lotteries and wealth also comes under its jurisdiction. Capitalism and business in general, lawyers, advocates and judiciary, mosques, churches, religious establishments, sports person, speculation, shipping and foreign affairs, treaties, foreign trade, teaching, preaching, arbitration, charitable institutions, birth rate, children, education, religious institutions. Ministry of foreign affairs, deputation to foreign countries, foreign trade, diplomats, long travel. In minerals it represents gold. In commodities turmeric, vegetables that grow in creepers, cow. Jupiter and Sun set the trend of weather. The entry of Jupiter in Capricorn causes major disturbances in the atmosphere.
Brihat-Samhita of Varahamihira (575 A.D.) fixes the ascendant for India (Bharat Varsha of that time stretching to present Afghanistan towards the West and Burma to the East ) as Capricorn. In the book on mundane astrology by M.S. Mehta and Radhika, the ascendant is Capricorn and Scorpio for Delhi. B.V.Raman fixed Virgo as the ascendant.
Which is the relevant ascendant in the pre-independence era or during Ram Rajya needs yet to be ascertained. Mr. K.N. Rao, presently the best in mundane astrology, finds convincing results from Capricorn ascendant for India and from Leo as the ascendant of the U.S. Today, with complex problems in front and spirituality on the back burner, Taurus as ascendant for India’s Independence horoscope has been consistently giving convincing results. With the swing and a shift of ascendants for different nations, perhaps due to ayanamsha or other reasons, it is possible that the ascendant for India at some time becomes Sagittarius as it is adjacent to Capricorn. This presumption gets support in view of India’s spiritual wealth and a rich cultural heritage that still stands undisputed. The Jupitarean influence can be felt even now with spirituality still persisting in the atmosphere, perhaps, as a result of the collective tapasya of so many rishis done on its soil !
India was known as the land where rivers of honey and milk flowed and coined , the golden bird (sone ki chidiya). In the north of India we have mountains from where rivers perennially flow. This blessing of Jupiter is still to be properly harnessed, when done perhaps it would give relief from scarcity of power and water. Middle (madhya Bharat )and South have mountains loaded with minerals and metals. And to add to the riches, we have coastline of line of 6100 kms that garlands the nation.
Jupiter and Medical Astrology: Jupiter signifies the water humor (kapha) in our body. Catabolism is governed by this humor. Catabolism is the set of metabolic pathways that break down molecules into smaller units and release energy. In catabolism, large molecules such as polysaccharides, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins are broken down into smaller units such as monosaccharide’s, fatty acids, nucleotides, and amino acids, respectively. As molecules such as polysaccharides, proteins, and nucleic acids are made from long chains of these small monomer units, the large molecules are called polymers. Cells use the monomers released from breaking down polymers to either construct new polymer molecules, or degrade the monomers further to simple waste products, releasing energy.
The typical male/female water percentages by mass are sixty two percent for men and fifty one for men. This difference can lead to some interesting f findings in psychology and astrology. Perhaps the humor makes Jupiter a male planet. Going by the fact that fifty percent of our load constitutes water, the importance of Jupiter in health matters is the most important among planets. Kapha is among the tridoshas, the other two being vaata and pitta. The crucial Immune system of the body, as also liver, spleen, obesity, swelling filiarisis, swoon, fainting ear diseases, diabetes, hernia forgetfulness (amnesia), fats in the body are represented by Jupiter. The outer planets Jupiter, Mars and Saturn represent kapha, pitta and vaata respectively. For this reason perhaps they are known as superior planets.
Retrogression of the superior three Jupiter, Saturn and Mars Kaph, Vaata, Piita. Not only these planets are harbingers of change in destinies, they bring about changes in our physical constitution as well. In their dashas, in transit over sensitive points and when getting direct from retrogression or when retrograding from a direct motion.
Jupiter seen from other dimensions, Not all good is to be blindly inferred from Jupiter: Jupiter, like all planets changes with its lordship and avastha. It has also to perform the role assigned to it by the creator – of bringing about major changes in life along with Saturn (Kaal) and for delivering the karmaphala. One of the guiding mantras for successful predictions given by our guru Mr. K.N. Rao is “nothing of importance has ever happened or will ever happen without the joint blessings of Saturn and Jupiter”.
What is common between India & Pak Judiciary? Why an aggressive stance was seen in the judiciary of both the countries at the same time? Clearly the reason is in the chaitra shukla pratipada horoscopes, relevant for the period. New Delhi and Islamabad have a common ascendant, in the chaitra shukla pratipada horoscope for 2011-2012. The lagna lord, Venus, vargottama is in the 5th house of thinking. The 5th house being also the 9th from the 9th house, is also a house that represents judiciary. The planet that represents judges and judiciary is Jupiter. It is in the 6th house as the 3rd and 6th lord along with the 9th lord, Mercury, the 10th lord Moon, the 11th lord Sun and the 2nd and the 7th lord Mars.
Prime Minister, Gilani has been punished for contempt of court by the Supreme Court of Pakistan. Except in some case of corruption of his son, Gilani is said to be not corrupt. President of Pakistan Zardari has suffered eleven years of imprisonment without a conviction. Supreme Court of Pakistan wants his Swiss accounts exposed. In India, during the same period the Supreme Court of India wanted to know what action the Government of India had taken against the former Chief Justice of India, K.G. Balakrishnan in corruption cases.
The order of Supreme Court of India to revoke 122 telecoms licenses deeply embarrassed the ruling government during this period. The Supreme Court accused the government of “virtually gifting away an important national asset at throwaway prices”.
In Pakistan the argument of Aitazaz, the lawyer of Prime Minister Gilani that the president enjoyed immunity and therefore writing a letter to Swiss authorities would be an infructuous exercise, has been illogically and illegally rejected by the CJP without giving any reason. Chief Justice Iftiquar Chaudhary was restored to his position after he had been dismissed by 17 judges of the Supreme Court.
What has made India the world's largest gold consumer? Why India was known as the golden bird (sone ki chidiya)? Jupiter perhaps has these answers.
Recent data released by the World Gold Council, showed that only this year India dropped to the second position in gold consumption rankings. WGC report which has been recently released states that Indian households hold 18,000 tonnes of gold worth over $950 billion. It represents 11% of the global stock, around 50% of India nominal GDP says global research firm Macquarie.
Gold consumption is part of India's culture and tradition. It is surprising that so much has been retained inpite of invasions for centuries with the sole purpose to plunder India.
Managing wealth the non-Jupitarean way: The Guru chandal yoga and Chandra-mangal yogas of yesteryears that branded a person immoral, earlier, are the yogas that show business acumen today. One can succeed only when one is unscrupulous, pushing and a go-getter. Today, the horoscope of an achiever in the material sense is found loaded with yoga’s that make one immoral. We have to stretch astrologically for an understanding of wealth creation, achievements and success. It is totally a different ball game today.
Business and Economy: Will largely depend on the developments in Iran which are not likely to be positive after 22nd March, 2012. The recent economic survey, however, forecasts a brighter future for the Indian economy with a higher GDP growth and lower fiscal deficit. The Survey observes that, as per the IMF, at a growth rate of 7 per cent, India is projected to be the second fastest growing major economy after China.
The dasha of Sun is relentlessly exposing corruption: Following 2G scam where the figure was 1.7 lakh crores, CAG as per Times of India is about to expose coal scam where government has allegedly extended undue benefits totaling 10.7 lakh crores to commercial entities by giving them 155 coal acreages without auction between 2004 and 2009. Perhaps the expose was delayed due to the black color of coal.
God has ordained a role for everybody: As Mr.K.N.Rao, stated in presentation in the Global conference on Mundane Astrology, “the only glimmer of hope is a spiritual revolution starting from India”. The world needs the spiritual dose today more than any time earlier to avert a man-made disaster that could shake the earth from its axis.
Maha Shivratri 20th February, 2012: This is a festival celebrated every year in reverence of Lord Shiva. Shivaratri literally means the great night of Shiva or the night of Shiva. It is celebrated every year on the 13th night/14th day of the Magha or Phalguna month. Celebrated in the dark fortnight or Krishna Paksha (waning moon) .
Baisakhi 13th April, 2012: The date for Baisakhi celebrations though is standardized for 13th April but in 2011 it was celebrated on the 14th April as Sun entered zero degrees of Aries at 1300 hours IST on 14th April, 2011